By the will of the peoples of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, who decided on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics during the Tenth All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, being a part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, devolves to the Union the powers which according to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are included within the scope of responsibilities of the government bodies of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. After the dissolution, Russia declared that it assumed the rights and obligations of the dissolved central Soviet government, including UN membership and permanent membership on the Security Council, but originally excluding foreign debt and foreign assets of the USSR (also parts of the former Soviet Red Army and nuclear weapons remained under overall CIS command as CIS United Armed Forces [Wikidata]). Similar parades take place in all major Russian cities and cities with the status Hero City or City of Military Glory. Ni l'ancienne république d'Extrême-Orient ni Sakhaline n'auront droit à un statut d'autonomie au sein de la RSFR comme d'autres RSS voisines. In 1964, Nikita Khrushchev was removed from his position of power and replaced with Leonid Brezhnev. Russian Republic • October Revolution • Civil War(Red Army • White Guard • separatists • others). [34], Russia made a significant turn toward developing a market economy by implanting basic tenets such as market-determined prices. [33] That same night, the Soviet flag was lowered and replaced with the tricolor. [8] By 1918, during the Russian Civil War, several states within the former Russian Empire had seceded, reducing the size of the country even more. The change was originally published on 6 January 1992 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta). Title La constitution (loi fondamentale) de la République socialiste fédérative soviétique russe. Internationally, the RSFSR was recognized as an independent state in 1920 only by bordering neighbors of Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania in the Treaty of Tartu and by the short-lived Irish Republic in Ireland.[18]. The document, consisting of a preamble and fourteen articles, stated that the Soviet Union no longer existed "as a subject of international law and geopolitical reality". Tensions built quickly, and matters came to a head after street riots on 2–3 October. The Government was known officially as the Council of People's Commissars (1917–1946) and Council of Ministers (1946–1991). On the same day, the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR denounced the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR and recalled all Russian deputies from the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The former entailed implementing fiscal and monetary policies that promote economic growth in an environment of stable prices and exchange rates. In 1943, Karachay Autonomous Oblast was dissolved by Joseph Stalin (1878–1953), General Secretary of the Communist Party, later Premier, when the Karachays were exiled to Central Asia for their alleged collaboration with the invading Nazi Germans in the Great Patriotic War (World War II, 1941–1945), and territory was incorporated into the Georgian SSR. En 1989, pour la première fois depuis le début de l'ère soviétique, des élections libres ont lieu, les partis politiques sont autorisés en 1990. Une guerre civile va, ensuite, opposer pendant trois ans les Russes blancs (républicains ou monarchistes, comptant dans leur rang les généraux Krasnov, Dénikine et Kornilov), assistés par les puissances occidentales, aux bolcheviks. On 12 June, Boris Yeltsin was elected President of Russia by popular vote. Even after he died in 1982, the era did not end until Mikhail Gorbachev took power in March 1985 and introduced liberal reforms in Soviet society. The flag was then changed to a design that resembled the original imperial civil ensign of the Tsardom of Russia, with a notable difference of the flag ratio being 1:2 instead of the original 2:3 ratio. Thus, Russia is considered to be an original member of the UN (since 24 October 1945) along with Ukraine (Ukrainian SSR) and Belarus (Byelorussian SSR). The area is rich in mineral resources, including petroleum, natural gas, and iron ore.[20], Novgorod Republic • Vladimir-Suzdal République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie; Guerre soviéto-polonaise; Modèle:Palette Divisions URSS; République socialiste soviétique d'Ukraine; République socialiste soviétique d'Ouzbékistan; République socialiste soviétique de Biélorussie; République socialiste soviétique … The first Constitution was adopted in 1918. With tanks thrown against the small-arms fire of the parliamentary defenders, the outcome was not in doubt. Looking for abbreviations of RSSFT? En compensation de l'évacuation forcée des Japonais (et aussi des Chinois dans les zones frontalières, car la Chine du gouvernement de Beiyang soutient aussi l'armée blanche contre les bolcheviks), le Japon occupe le nord de l'île de Sakhaline (l'île n'était pas encore contrôlée par les bolcheviks, mais était dans l'ancien Empire russe qui ne peut la défendre) jusqu'en 1925 où finalement il est aussi intégré à la RSFR, le sud de Sakhaline restant japonais (préfecture de Karafuto). [11], Roughly 70% of the area in the RSFSR consisted of broad plains, with mountainous tundra regions mainly concentrated in the east of Siberia with Central Asia and East Asia. Xem qua các ví dụ về bản dịch République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie trong câu, nghe cách phát âm và học ngữ pháp. Corporate Author … Variant Title HeinOnline index title: Constitution (basic law) of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, 1925, original text. On April 21, 1992, the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia approved the renaming of the RSFSR into the Russian Federation, by making appropriate amendments to the Constitution, which entered into force En effet, elle représentait les trois quarts du territoire de l'Union, plus de la moitié de sa population, les deux tiers de son industrie et environ la moitié de sa production agricole. La perestroïka (« restructuration ») n'a pas atteint les objectifs escomptés ayant aggravé les pénuries de biens de consommation et les inégalités sociales, tandis qu'une démocratisation du régime, amorcée avec la glasnost (« transparence »), déclenche des conflits inter-ethniques et la montée des nationalismes, mal perçue par les Russes. Chapitre V. 9. On 8 February 1955, Malenkov was officially demoted to deputy Prime Minister. The latter required establishing the commercial, and institutional entities—banks, private property, and commercial legal codes—that permit the economy to operate efficiently. The state it governed, which did not have an official name, would be unrecognized by neighboring countries for another five months. The Soviet Union officially ceased to exist the next day. As Chairmen of the Council of Ministers – Government of the Russian SFSR, Served as acting head of government while, 1918–1936: Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (, 1936–1991: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (, This page was last edited on 28 January 2021, at 06:13. Interesting because it was used until Joseph Stalin's death when a major vexillological reform was undertaken within the Soviet Union. Leur existence justifiait à la « Russie soviétique » son statut d'État fédéral, au sein même d'une plus vaste fédération que constituait l’URSS (Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques). Le 14 octobre 1924, est créé lOblast autonome kara-kirghiz au sein de la République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie. The 1977 Soviet Constitution stated that "[a] Union Republic is a sovereign [...] state that has united [...] in the Union"[14] and "each Union Republic shall retain the right freely to secede from the USSR". Reputation Profiles include free contact info & … lors du traité de Brest-Litovsk. [7] On 3 March 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, giving away much of the land of the former Russian Empire to the German Empire (Germany), in exchange for peace on the Eastern Front of World War I. The agreement declared dissolution of the USSR by its original founding states (i.e., renunciation of the 1922 Treaty on the Creation of the USSR) and established the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as a loose confederation. In 1922, the Russian SFSR signed the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR officially setting up of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. L'État possède un chef de l'État et … On 25 January 1918, at the third meeting of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the unrecognized state was renamed the Russian Soviet Republic. It is République Socialiste Soviétique Fédérative du Transcaucase. L'impopularité de cette dernière mesure est exploitée par le Parti bolchevique qui, le 25 octobre 1917, renverse le gouvernement à Pétrograd (alors capitale de la Russie, aujourd'hui Saint-Pétersbourg) par les armes : c'est la révolution d'Octobre. It appears that the RSFSR took the line that it was not possible to secede from an entity that no longer existed. The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (Russian SFSR or RSFSR; Russian: Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика, tr. La RSFSR est ensuite plongée dans un autre conflit, la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lorsque l'Allemagne nazie envahit l'Union soviétique, le 22 juin 1941. Lors de la révolution de Février (1917), à la suite de l'abdication du tsar Nicolas II le 15 mars 1917, la Russie est dirigée par un gouvernement provisoire, présidé à partir du 6 août 1917 par Kerenski qui instaure une république. A huge military parade, hosted by the President of Russia, is annually organised in Moscow on Red Square. En 1989, la population de la RSFS de Russie était de 147 400 537 habitants[1], ce qui faisait d'elle la RSS la plus peuplée de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques (elle regroupait 51,4 % de la population). On 12 December, the agreement was ratified by the Supreme Soviet (the parliament of Russian SFSR); therefore the Russian SFSR had renounced the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR and de facto declared Russia's independence from the USSR itself and the ties with the other Soviet Socialist Republics. Principale héritière de l'URSS, elle occupe désormais sa place dans les institutions internationales, dont le siège permanent au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, mais assume également le passif financier de l'ancienne URSS. As First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Nikita Khrushchev's authority was significantly enhanced by Malenkov's demotion. Paragraph 3 of Chapter 1 of the 1925 Constitution of the RSFSR stated the following:[22]. At the end of World War II Soviet troops of the Red Army occupied southern Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands off the coast of East Asia, north of Japan, making them part of the RSFSR. 25 October] 1917. The native Soviet Russian national personification is Mother Russia. The former Karakalpak Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic was transferred to the Uzbek SSR (Uzbekistan). La Russie devient la RSFSR le 23 janvier 1918, elle est dotée de la Constitution de la République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie, élaborée par la Commission dirigée par Sverdlov et ratifiée le 10 juillet 1918 par le V e Congrès des Soviets. On 30 December 1922, with the treaty on the creation of the Soviet Union, Russia, alongside the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Son territoire est aujourd'hui celui de la fédération de Russie. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 décembre 2020 à 02:02. On 24 December, Yeltsin informed the Secretary-General of the United Nations that by agreement of the member states of the CIS the Russian Federation would assume the membership of the Soviet Union in all UN organs (including the Soviet Union's permanent seat on the UN Security Council). The Soviet government first came to power on 7 November 1917, immediately after the interim Russian Provisional Government later headed by liberal Alexander Kerensky, which governed the Russian Republic, was overthrown in the October Revolution, the second of the two Russian Revolutions. Titre II. République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources ( décembre 2020 ). The Soviet red stars are also encountered, often on military equipment and war memorials. Confronted with opposition to the presidential power of decree and threatened with impeachment, he "dissolved" the parliament on 21 September, in contravention of the existing constitution, and ordered new elections and a referendum on a new constitution. Opening domestic markets to foreign trade and investment, thus linking the economy with the rest of the world, was an important aid in reaching these goals. Dispositions générales de la Constitution de la République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie. En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ? Edição Agence de Presse Novosti Moscu, 1972, a R$ 155,00. , Soviet Union , Harold Joseph Berman Harvard University Press , 1972 - History - 399 pages A number of lawyers believe that the denunciation of the union treaty was meaningless since it became invalid in 1924 with the adoption of the first constitution of the USSR. On 10 July 1918, the Russian Constitution of 1918 renamed the country the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. On 11 October 1944, the Tuvan People's Republic was joined with the Russian SFSR as the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast, becoming an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1961. 1991 N169 "On activity of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR", Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR, [rɐˈsʲijskəjə sɐˈvʲɛtskəjə fʲɪdʲɪrɐˈtʲivnəjə sətsɨəlʲɪˈsʲtʲitɕɪskəjə rʲɪˈspublʲɪkə], including UN membership and permanent membership on the Security Council, with the treaty on the creation of the Soviet Union, First Congress of the Soviets of the USSR, Transcaucasian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, Karakalpak Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Congress of People's Deputies of the Republic, Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian SFSR, Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, Government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus, Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Bibliography of the Russian Revolution and Civil War, Bibliography of Stalinism and the Soviet Union, Bibliography of the Post Stalinist Soviet Union, "Law of the USSR of March 13, 1990 N 1360-I 'On the establishment of the office of the President of the USSR and the making of changes and additions to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR, log of the meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 19, 1954, The Free Dictionary Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, "Petroleum Geology and Resources of the Volga-Ural Province, U.S.S.R.", "Gorbachev is Ready to Resign as Post-Soviet Plan Advances", "On renaming of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic", Закон Российской Федерации от 21 апреля 1992 года № 2708-I «Об изменениях и дополнениях Конституции (Основного Закона) Российской Советской Федеративной Социалистической Республики», "On the national flag of the Russian SFSR", Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian SFSR", Full Texts and All Laws Amending Constitutions of the Russian SFSR, annexation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences,, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Russian-speaking countries and territories, States and territories established in 1917, States and territories disestablished in 1991, 1991 disestablishments in the Soviet Union, Articles containing Russian-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages move-protected due to vandalism, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2016, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from January 2014, Articles with Russian-language sources (ru), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Toutes les informations de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France sur : Russie (République socialiste fédérative soviétique) (1918 - 1991) The next flag was used from 1937, notably during World War II. The Russian famine of 1921–22, also known as Povolzhye famine, killed an estimated 5 million, primarily affecting the Volga and Ural River regions.[21]. With the adoption of the 1936 Soviet Constitution on 5 December 1936, the size of the RSFSR was significantly reduced. This flag had always been intended to be temporary, as it was changed less than a year after its adoption. The first government was headed by Vladimir Lenin as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR and the last by Boris Yeltsin as both head of government and head of state under the title of President. Elle en était de facto la république dominante tant politiquement qu'économiquement. On 8 December 1991, the heads of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the Belavezha Accords. The Government was known officially as the Council of People's Commissars (1917–1946) and Council of Ministers (1946–1991). Comment ajouter mes sources ? Historical Dictionary of Socialism. Laws, statutes, etc, Russie (République socialiste fédérative soviétique). The Russian bear is an animal symbol and a national personification of Russia. Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924) and Leon Trotsky (1879–1940), the Bolshevik communists established the Soviet state on 7 November [O.S. Declaration of Rights of the laboring and exploited people (, Colloquially referred for short in intra-Soviet politics (along with the adjacent ", The names Russian Federation and Russia are equal since 25 December 1993, Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (approved by, Decree of the President of the Russian SFSR of 23 August 1991 No. Victory Day is the second most popular holiday in Russia as it commemorates the victory over Nazism in the Great Patriotic War. L'organisation de l'URSS fait coexister deux ordres institutionnels différents: celui de l'État et celui du Parti communiste de l'Union soviétique, qui « noyaute » le premier. Page 85. [30][31][32] Although the 12 December vote is sometimes reckoned as the moment that the RSFSR seceded from the collapsing Soviet Union, this is not the case. Under his rule, the Russian SFSR and the rest of the Soviet Union went through an era of stagnation. en poursuivant la guerre. Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous ! [19] This name and Russia were specified as the official state names on 21 April 1992, an amendment to the then existing Constitution of 1978 and were retained as such in the subsequent 1993 Constitution of Russia. Free Public Reputation Profile - For De To. Une union politique et économique, la CEI, est fondée le 8 décembre 1991 par la RSFSR, l'Ukraine et la Biélorussie pour tenter de maintenir des liens privilégiés entre les pays issus de l'ex-URSS. République Socialiste des Soviets d’Ukraine République Socialiste des Soviets de Russie Blanche République Socialiste Soviétique Fédérative du Transcaucase The public holidays for the Russian SFSR included Defender of the Fatherland Day (23 February), which honors Russian men, especially those serving in the army; International Women's Day (8 March), which combines the traditions of Mother's Day and Valentine's Day; Spring and Labor Day (1 May); Victory Day; and like all other Soviet republics, the Great October Socialist Revolution (7 November). The official count was 187 dead, 437 wounded (with several men killed and wounded on the presidential side). After the death of Joseph Stalin, 5 March 1953, Georgy Malenkov became the new leader of the USSR. On 25 January 1918, the third meeting of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets renamed the unrecognised state the Russian Soviet Republic. The treaty was included in the 1924 Soviet Constitution,[clarification needed] adopted on 31 January 1924 by the Second Congress of Soviets of the USSR. After the failure of GKChP, in the presence of Gorbachev, on 23 August 1991, Yeltsin signed a decree suspending all activity by the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR in the territory of Russia. [11] The Russian Republic was composed of sixteen smaller constituent units of autonomous republics, five autonomous oblasts, ten autonomous okrugs, six krais and forty oblasts. République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie, Localisation de la république au sein de l'URSS (pendant la, Росси́йская Сове́тская Федерати́вная Социалисти́ческая Респу́блика, « République socialiste fédérative des conseils russe », La RSFSR lors de la dislocation de l'URSS.
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