What or who might be influencing the situation? This article is amazingly written and I so enjoyed to reading it. It’s a reflection of your state of mind, attitude surrounding the inquiry, and actions you are taking in the situation. I recommend keeping it to a maximum of six months since two of the spread positions (5+6) deal with events that are near the present moment in time. Good for answering a specific question or giving a general reading in-depth. It's been a while since i last read my deck. Found inside – Page 193THE CELTIC CROSS Perhaps the most well known and widely used of all Tarot spreads , the Celtic Cross is a layout of ten cards that " mimics " the stone ... October 26, 2011. A Celtic cross is a 10-card spread that approaches an issue from multiple angles. Most people learn these things about themselves over a lifetime. It can also be used to represent what the current state of mind is for the querent and a snapshot of who the querent … It doesn't matter; it works whichever way you choose. They are the ones who give you practice, challenge your assumptions and question your interpretations. Very interesting and well written. Found inside – Page xi8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: The Cowboy 135 First Impressions 138 Additional Spread: Celtic Cross 147 Results and Feedback 150 Reader's Tips 153 The Mad Hatter 155 ... Answer: It depends entirely on the question. Elemental Dignities Dictionary by Tarot Elements and Tarot Eon. Question: When there is a side facing card in a spread, the Druid's Cross for example, which direction would be reversed? Found inside – Page 28he stone Celtic Cross is the unique form of the Christian cross erected throughout Ireland, distinguished by having a circle linking the four arms of the ... The Tarot is an incredible tool to help you: Gain insight on your true feelings and motivations by exploring your subconscious mind. Very valuable if you are reading for many people or offering free tarot readings from a website. Found inside – Page 95We can best understand the Celtic Cross Tarot reading by studying the two separate components of this layout, which I call the Bridge and the Crossroads. The Celtic Cross Calendar and Planner: Celtic Cross Cover Lots of room for appointments and tasks, including workout schedules and meetings Room to add important dates like birthdays, trips and extra activities Large, 8 by 10 inches planner ... I love the sound of rain playing in the background, or the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the sand. Then I lay out the spread in front of us so we can both see the cards. Call charged at £1.50/min, plus your phone provider's access charge. If good, then just carry on. Most readers will use a certain pattern or spread. The Celtic Cross can give a wealth of information about a particular situation but it also lends well to general outlooks or closing spreads, which is why I think it’s particularly brilliant. I’ve always had trouble with reading the Moon. Whatever it is will happen soon. If it is particularly relevant to the question, then I might point it out to them at the end of the reading. It’s also the most confusing – especially for Tarot beginners. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. Tarot works very well for distant readings. The Celtic Cross Tarot Reading is one of the most popular tarot readings. This quick sample reading will give you a glimpse into reading a Celtic Cross. The Celtic Cross meaning in tarot refers to a divination spread that is one of the oldest and most popularly known tarot card spreads used for divination. Many seasoned tarot readers site this spread as one of the first ones that they learned, but it is also very polarizing. The little cross in the middle of the spread gives you clues to the present moment – and sets the tone for the reading. A locked door can be a symbol of goals out of reach or of gossip behind your back. Answer: Make a note of them. Answer: I'd call it complicated. The cards in the cross provide you with insights about the present and the events that brought you here, your challenges and … Learn how to deal the Celtic cross Tarot card spread, so that you can use it in your love, general, relationships and more! There is no right or wrong way. The drawback of using a significator is that there will only be 77 cards left in the deck. This is the card of an idea emerging out of the subconscious. You may have to read them a few times in order to assimilate the information. https://www.biddytarot.com/what-is-the-correct-version-of-the-celtic-cross Question: Can I take cards out of the deck? Other readers prefer to place the cards face down and turn them over one by one as they progress through the reading. When I do my readings, I have my client sitting to my left. Found inside – Page 213A Jungian Approach to the Tarot Karen Hamaker-Zondag ... The Celtic Cross is an easily grasped method which provides a great deal of background information ... Now that you’ve learned the card positions it’s time to put it all together. I've checked my tarot books and am unable to find such a spread. If you plan to deal Tarot cards for others, get them to shuffle and hand the deck back to you. Don't look for a catch in the calm and prosperous nature of this month, rather enjoy what is happening. Three Card Tarot Spread. When using one  it’s best to choose it from another deck so you still have all 78 cards left to answer your question. This spread does not require the separation of the Major/Minor Arcana, so combine both sets if separate, and shuffle well. However, it's worth making a note of it and seeing if it is relevant to the question. I am also interested in tarot and I do a Cosmic tarot. It has 6 sound options including Thunder, the sound of the Ocean, a summer night, rain and white noise. Answer: It depends on the position meaning assigned by the reader. Found inside – Page 25The Celtic Cross is very much a traditional Tarot layout, and is one of the oldest known methods for reading Tarot cards. The Celtic Cross works just as ... This card may have a strong influence on the foundation of the matter (card three). It`s also nice having the Himalayan salt Lamp on in the background with my Crystal Tree of Life next to it. Use the jumper as the significator. Just shuffle and if they show up, read ‘em. Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? Question: What does it mean when you're doing a reading with playing cards and, as you pick them, one of your cards is completely turned over on the face of the card with the back facing towards you? It may even reveal the important question s/he is not asking. You will find that it depends on the type of reading you’re going to do, whether it’s a short – one question reading or a complex, 12 month spread or Celtic Cross. Two of swords can also signify a hairdresser. Teachers of Tarot! This is a perfect journal for your students to record readings for a month, then review it together to use it as a teaching tool to improve their readings. Sample pages on on the back cover. To keep things simple – we’ll stick to the traditional version made famous in Arthur Edward Waite’s seminal guide, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Start reading » Related Articles Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces About the Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Trending Today Or maybe you’ve never tried it because it just seemed to darn confusing. Good luck. I'm unable to be more precise because I don't know what your question or situation is. then , using only the court cards may be useful. So, check out the following: The sole cause of the matter. It's up to you. It is important to remember that there is no one 'right way' to perform a tarot reading. Celtic Cross Tarot Spread: Card Interactions. I do lots of distance readings, so I shuffle and draw the cards myself. But, know that any other person, however experienced, has their own way of looking at the world, and consequentially how they read the cards. Classic 32 Card Reading. I have been perusing and watching how other readers read on facebook and i saw a comment one day from whom i think is a pretty good reader that u should always start with oracle cards first, what is your opinion on this, seen as though u have almost been reading for a decade now, Have a great day and i look forward to hearing from u. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on June 27, 2019: First thing is to determine what kind of reader you are. The Positions of the 10 Card Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. If you are reading for another person, have them sit next to … Yes, again. Found insideA "how-to" book with 19 lessons and numerous exercises, beginning with the basics and gradually moving into advanced concepts so that you can learn to read the tarot at your own pace. Thanks for your suggestions . Tarot Card of the Day; Celtic Cross; 3 Card Reading; Soul Mate Reading; Relationship Analysis; Angel Card Readings; Store; Blog; Search for: Home *Get a Live Reading* Psychic Access; AskNow; Psychic Source; Free Tarot Readings. Tarot is, generally speaking, consistent across the majority of decks. Many Tarot readers choose to apply the upright meaning to this card regardless of how it falls. If you are reading for another person, have them sit next to you, rather than opposite. Answer: You can look for a mentor in any reputable tarot organization; in the US, it is the ATA (American Tarot Association) in the UK (or anywhere else), it is TABI (Tarot Association of the British Isles). This position indicates something that is coming soon. Not a problem. Since it crosses card one, it helps to think of the challenge card as your cross to bear or what stands in the way of what you want. Use just three cards for a simple reading. The celtic cross is probably one of the oldest and most widely used tarot spreads to this day. This 10-card Tarot spread consists of two layouts: a cross shape made up of six cards and a staff shape made of four cards. On the left-hand side of this arrangement, Card 6 is placed. I've had my card read by a colleague a while back and was deeply fascinated by it. Answer: Yes, because in every moment there are choices, so all the cards can really do is give you an idea of the direction given current circumstances. Cupid’s Oracle Love Reading. It can also represent a lost opportunity in life, such as a promotion at work. In other words, you can think of card five as the best-case scenario given the circumstances or a possible outcome. It's up to you whether you shuffle and deal them off the top, the bottom, or from within. The Celtic Cross spreads is one of the most commonly used in tarot reading, but it is also one of the hardest Tarot spreads to read correctly! Some tarot readers place each card face up as they lay out the cards. One of my well-thumbed resources is Power Tarot by Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega. As with one of your other articles about finding a deck that suits you an old friend who has read for many years on a visit to see me brought a deck they bought but could never read from properly, it was different to what I'm used to with the cards being a lot different to the rider waite style but very quickly with a bit of practice was able to read from them with ease. Tarot Card of the Day; Celtic Cross Layout; Personal Journey; Found inside – Page 266On page 14 , I mentioned that cards Seven through Nine of the Celtic Cross Tarot spread can be reinterpreted in terms of advice after you have used this ... no point having past, present and future, if the question is about deciding where to go on vacation. Irish knitwear, fine Celtic leather goods, jewelry inspired by nature and Celtic design, home decor, books, and textiles with Celtic knotwork motifs. Present State of the Problem. However, you will not immediately believe that this is possible. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. For the first time, this book shows how the professionals use secret techniques that take Tarot readings to new and exciting levels. It goes beyond the surface levels of the Tarot spread and explores the hidden depths. 01.21 - 02.19. The Lessons Step 1. There are several variations on the order in which the cards are read, and the meanings associated with the positions, but the layout is always the same. Description: Apart from the three card or simple Tarot spreads this is probably the most often used spread in existence and has become a classic. An example might be that your client has asked if her former lover will return. In this lesson, we’re deconstructing the Celtic Cross and using stories to uncover meanings. So what else can we do for our client? The simple act of writing things down is magic...Tarot Card Journal for recording and interpreting your journey - Celtic Cross Spread, perfect for reflection of the conscious. I shuffle the deck and I let them cut the cards with their left hand. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 10, 2020: Maya, I'm sorry, but I would never agree to do such readings. Click here, to take the quiz. (Yes, I like to start out the hard way.) Is there any more information to be gleaned from these ten tarot cards? We’ll break down the Celtic Cross in the same way we do with other standard tarot spreads, by looking at the positions of the cards. Found insideThe Celtic Cross The Celtic Cross is a popular Tarot layout that can provide you a brief insight of your present life. Before you start, you should set your ... Discover how this "gap" may be influencing your relationship. So try a reading for someone you barely know to check your accuracy. Is Two of Swords tarot card a Yes or No in a Tarot Reading? Feel free to return and ask me anything. Journey into the exciting world of tarot with this comprehensive 78-day course. One of the best ways to know you're ready to go pro is to become a trained and certified Tarot reader with a highly reputable Tarot organization. Found inside – Page 333The Celtic Cross 5 10 ΚΕΡΕΝΤΑΚΟΣ SOOMS 9 Significator KO 4 6 2 TEMPERANCES UMOL 1 3 KINC ... It signifies the person or matter with which you are dealing . Featured decks include the Rider Waite Tarot, the Goddess Tarot, and the Lover's Path Tarot. The Celtic Cross meaning in Tarot Divination. Do you even need a mentor? Through the cards you can have knowledge about the internal reality of the consultant, the unknown that lives in people and what is to come in their lives. Question: How to do a tarot reading with playing cards? Choosing your deck. Two of swords in a career reading speaks of cooperation. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on May 02, 2012: Thanks so much, Lisa. Answer: It's your choice completely. If you’ve always wanted to tackle this spread but never thought you could, you are going to dig Breaking Down the Celtic Cross. Aside from the standard Rider Waite you can also find the Universal Waite (same drawings with softer colors), the Albano Waite (same drawings with harsher colors), and a few fancy versions such as the Golden Rider and Rider Tarot Deluxe (with gold-leaf edges). It tells you how to interpret the hidden aspects of each card, giving you real depth and insight into your readings. This no-fluff guide is written in easy to understand plain English and makes learning the tarot, well, simple! Question: When laying out a spread of tarot cards, does the querent draw from the top of the deck, or can they pick any card from anywhere in the deck? Payewacker’s tarot. 6-8 weeks is the standard time frame I like to work with for the Celtic Cross. For example, the very popular Celtic Cross spread does not follow one standardized card layout. Two card readings are extremely useful and you can allocate positions. They deliberately shuffle the cards in order to mix up their orientation. According to Benebell Wen’s Holistic Tarot: An Intergrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth (2015), the sequence I use is called the Waite Celtic Cross spread. If the card is ‘positive’ – it shows that you have what it takes to create the desired outcome – while a ‘negative’ card indicates potential struggles – usually caused by your actions. Why did that happen?/What can I learn from it. Reading the Tarot doesn't have to be hard! The Celtic Cross spread requires no long hours of study, no memorization, no muss or fuss--just lay out your cards, open the book, and begin! I tend to choose the latter method. It is said that the survival of this spread is due to the energy from the amount of people who use this particular spread daily, and the decades of use throughout the world. Found inside – Page 14If this card were to fall in Position 4 of the Celtic Cross Spread ( the " Past " position ) , you would look at how these qualities are moving out of your ... I wouldn't do it that way but it's best to judge by the quality of the reading, not the method used to select the cards. If you are referring to the center two cards in the Celtic Cross spread, it means the same thing. Found inside – Page 54The Celtic Cross The Celtic Cross Spread is a ten card spread, it's the most common spread used. The Celtic Cross works the best when it is used to answer ... Answer: If you want to and are able to, sure. Do you just lay all the cards out or do you put them in groups? This means that I was presented with 10 cards in … With a tarot deck in hand, readers will learn how to identify and access ancestral gifts, messages, powers, protectors, and healers. Waite wrote of the position he referred to as “What is Behind him”: “it gives the influence that is just passed, or is now passing away.” That usually means past events that are still effecting your current situation or mindset. Any that work for you. The Angel Oracle. Question: When reading someone's cards is it ok to read the cards for a couple or group of people rather then reading them individually? Each lesson is straightforward, how can you guide me give suggestions if any fall what! Are dealing client or 'querent ' should discuss the Celtic Cross spread spread in many books websites... Always use the Celtic Cross tarot spread: how to do, represents the heart of Ocean... 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