Using a carrion bird with Screech works very well to hold threat. I wouldn't bother getting a felwood owl at level 48 since you'll have bad pet relationship and you're going to have a LBRS Worg soon either way. It’s horrible and I highly advice against it. Even though they give me no xp it is the best way to level my cat. The Claw ability, coupled with Scorpid Poison, gave for some reasonable damage output on a defensive pet. Just not for me. At 31 I got myself a boar, Rotting Agam’ar. Also, I’m going to include ratings for the things so many people overlook but are very important: animations (Anim.) I just don’t care for the look of Wind Serpents. This Guide should help you to prepare yourself for that legendary Vanilla Experience and allow you to progress through levels efficiently and with a good amount of fun. Unlike in later versions of WoW, pets in vanilla will die to dungeon and raid mechanics quite easily. My advice is to have a plan. Not Really! Wait..... what is it? These things will take up a lot of your screen so be warned. That little angry boar would root down people with its Charge and prove useful. Each type of pet has its advantages and disadvantages. I was honestly pretty impressed with the scorpid as a pet. I’m also not a harcore min/maxer, so my opinion and choices here are not going to suit those of you who are. With the wind serpent it would stop to cast Lightning Breath, the mob would start getting beyond my pet, Growl would go off, and pull the mob back a bit. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Bonus Pets. Their health and damage are a bit above average and their armor low. I had no complaints about its performance. I tried out defensive pets as a BM Hunter and despite all the improved pet damage abilities, the kill speed was horrendously slow. Of course, cats don’t take a hit as well as say a bear or boar, but the best defense is a good offense, right? Now you have a pet with subpar DPS. The same goes for weapons. Carrion Birds. However, your spec as a Hunter will play a role in the type of pet that synergizes well with you. The reason for this, as I know, is that bears lack a special pet family ability. Anyway, my goal in this article isn’t to explain pets to you because odds are you know the basics. So, if you want a great generalist pet that leans into the tanky side of things without giving up much damage, then do consider getting one of these. So, yes, I’ve always enjoyed using cats with my Hunter because they look awesome and they have great damage. With all other pets they will continue to the mob and catch them, Growl, and gain aggro immediately. Now, the problem with the Boar is long-term. Using a gorilla’s Thunderstomp in a cluster of enemies players can be fun. Then you have the rankings for the quality of life elements I added with an overall average with the talent side. Like I said, I liked the boar for the Charge ability in PVP. Bats. As they say, killing two birds with one stone is where it's at so battling against tamers that reward items that can lead to earning battle stones is your #1 best bet for leveling pets. Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning – Save File Location, Football Manager 2021 – How to Add or Remove Leagues, Märchen Forest: Mylne and the Forest Gift – Mushroom Fairy Quiz Guide, MGW: Video Game Cheats, Cheat Codes, Guides. Pets like Crabs, Crocs, Tallstriders, Spiders, etc., are all fine pets to use but I see them as generic. While it’s a nice ability, don’t get me wrong, it shouldn’t be the reason you get a wolf. If you use Growl + Screech, then you’ll likely never pull threat off your pet. Anyone who has played, or plans to play, a Hunter in Classic WoW has inevitably searched for this question. It's a lizard! The Screech ability generates threat on top of doing damage and debuffing. When it’s about halfway to the mob I will start Auto Shot. While the AE attack is nice, it’s on a 60 second timer. Bears. It was a very rare day that as a BM Hunter I pulled aggro off my pet. It’s a balance. Let’s see, a Warrior may Hamstring your pet but likely just ignore it, a Shaman Earthbind, and a Paladin will generally ignore the pet (tons of armor). Still solid pets. Bats and owls are identical except that bats get Bite where owls get Claw. I wanted to see what other pets were good at holding threat. Discover the benefits of WoW Classic Level boosting. So, pick the pet you like the looks of at the end of the day. The damage is low, but not as low as a boar, and the armor is high with medium health. In Beast Mastery you’re going to pick up Frenzy, which gives your pet an attack speed increase whenever it crits. Ramblings, views, and opinions of a casual gamer returning to the game he loved. Get the pet that suits you and you enjoy spending time with. I had been leveling up with my bear Cuddles from 10 until then but realized I needed a change, which I’ll discuss more below. There’s a subtle distinction there, but suffice to say I cater to a more casual audience because that’s the type of player I am. This means a pet that hits less often but for bigger crits, which can make for better aggro control. The mob is still moving and goes past the pet. Wolves do have an only meat diet, which is annoying, but meat isn’t the hardest thing to get either. To that end, a carrion bird does make a very good tank yet. You also can’t go wrong with a pet that literally eats anything in the game. Since I already wrote a bunch on owls, just follow that link to bounce down to them for more info. With Beast Mastery you can take any pet you like and never run into issues. Cats are arguably (and there’s lots of them – arguments) the highest DPS pet you can tame. My point isn’t the spec though, just the realization that your pet in PVP has minimal use. I’m no professional but I’ve got a lot of experience. You would micro manage Lightning Breath and take it off auto-cast to avoid this but that’s not something I feel like doing in every single fight. Replacing the training point system for hunter pets, the pets themselves will now use talent points/trees. The Scorpid remains one of my favorite pets. The general pet will fall in between both of those. The answer is whatever pet you want. Also, as a defensive pet you don’t have optimal DPS in dungeons and raids. Re: Best tank pets in WoW Classic Unread post by Mentakh » Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:35 am I guess I have failed to make my point, but indeed I said that this list was from top to bottom and that is not correct, so I will rework that wording. You never hear about Hunters taking about bears though. With a pet that has a fast attack speed you are getting more chances to crit and in turn trigger Frenzy. A fast attack speed pet can keep Frenzy up pretty consistently during a fight. Best Mastery. Pet Recommendations for Hunters. I want my pets to look cool, sound cool, and have nice fight animations, and the gorilla checks all those boxes for me. It does not cover every pet, as I’ve not tried them all (though I do update this as I do). The aggro is front-loaded, so you start getting crits and you’ll pull threat. It will then continue moving and then taunt. Also, because the boar doesn’t have Claw, it always has focus for Growl, so no issues missing any Growls. If your Survival and/or Marksmanship then, as mentioned above, you’re relying less on your pet for damage. Below is my experience with the pets I’ve tamed and used, be it on my Orc Hunter on the private server, or my Dwarf Hunter in Classic WoW. Is It Too Late to Start Playing Classic World of Warcraft? A few level difference with your pet isn’t a big deal, but anything that’s more than 5 levels will suck up some serious time. A Cat would have offered more DPS, but it’s not as though the bear’s DPS is so bad it’s seriously detrimental. On the positive side, the low sleek profile of the scorpid meant that it went undetected compared to a typical cat or wind serpent in PVP. Each type of pet fills a particular role. Any of those ranked 10 (BM or MM/S) would be my suggested pets for each respective talent build. The best damage pets in general are by far cats, as they often have the fastest attack speed and always have a 10% bonus to their damage stat off the bat. They fall into the generalist category and they are middle of the road for everything. Nobody is really going to remark at how amazing you are now you have Broken Tooth in a raid compared to a gorilla. You’re stuck fighting mobs that are green to you so you can level your pet. This thing could take a hit, fight 2-3 mobs easily, and do reasonable damage. WoW Classic is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Warcraft universe. I had just tamed one of the ones in Winterspring. It has every pet listed, what level it is, and you can find where to get them. Here it is in alphabetical order. Below we rank the Best Twink Races and Classes to use and provide links to the complete builds for each class, which have the best in slot gear to equip and multiple Talent Tree Builds. Required fields are marked *. I got myself a bear and named him Cuddles. Realize that most of PVP is going to be on you and not your pet. They have a higher base damage than any other pets barring raptors, and you can get them with very fast attack speeds, which is great for PVP and caster pushback. How easy or expensive it is to feed your pet is something to consider. The mob is say around the 30 yard mark as this point. In my personal pursuit for the best Hunter pet I tamed a wind serpent. on What’s the Best Hunter Pet for Classic World of Warcraft? Summon Succubus is the best leveling pet for Warlocks, as it deals the highest amount of damage and has a large mana pool that can be abused with Dark Pact. I’ve mentioned some of this above, but I’ll cover it more here. It’s one of those pets that’s just deceiving as it performs better than you’d think on paper. While not crucial information to every Hunter out there, I know some (like myself) do care about that stuff so it’s there should you want it. Even if you don’t PVP, those are two staple abilities in a Hunter’s toolkit. With the high damage that you’re putting out you can’t afford to have your pet miss a Growl. The answer is always a resounding no from me. You could take that bear and up its DPS and really push the maximum health and armor it already has good values for. That site will show you all tamable pets, give you break downs, and let you make some really informed decisions. I decided to keep him around for a bit to try out the Scorpid Poison ability. When you send a wind serpent to attack it will stop 20 yards from the mob and Lightning Breath. Find a pet you like the looks of and let it be your best friend. A wind serpent is a good choice too since Lightning Breath ignores armor and there’s no shortage of Warriors around, plus it’s a ranged attack. My game enjoyment does not derive from pushing DPS meters, so I have no interest in pursuing the most optimal setups in anything with WoW. Overall, wolves are great pets. Training your pet in Classic WoW is much different than it is today, there are several things that factor into a pets training, (feeding) pet happiness, pet loyalty, pet level, and the types of skills that your pet can learn and training the max rank available for those skills. I was not disappointed with the carrion bird. They have my favorite aesthetic of all the pets in the game. The exception to this is pets with Screech. My research on pets for Hunters lead me to deciding to tame an owl. My tip for MM/Survival Hunters and pets is to avoid draining focus to 0. PVP is the only area where I’d say you’re better off with another pet, but that’s why we have 3 stable slots after all . Raids are another matter too, but generally you’re looking at cats, wolves, and wind serpents there. You’re here for a very specific question and that’s what I plan to answer. Try out all the pets you’re interested in, like I did, and make an informed decision for yourself. I have always enjoyed using cats as a Hunter. I think the most used pets for leveling are boars (decent tank, charge helps with initial threat and can root targets, eats almost everything you find), cats (highest DPS along with raptors, but they can also learn useful abilities like Dash and Prowl, also they usually have high AS which is good for world PvP on these high pop servers) and wolves. The damage is better than you’d expect and it holds up well in fights, much better than a cat. Thanks for your thoughts on this! The Rake is Horde's best pet for leveling and can be accompanied to level 60! A common practice is to get a pet with a fast attack speed. I play a night elf hunter, owls and bats are definitely the best leveling pets due to screech and percentages. With your weaker attacks you need your pet to compensate for your lack of damage. Scaling has not been introduced yet so you may only tame a beast that is your level or lower. Now, in Classic WoW at level 31 I tamed the Rotting Agam’ar from Razorfen Downs. With Lesser Invisibility coupled with Seduction, the Succubus can also be a nasty surprise against attackers in World PvP who might think you're alone. Your defensive pet will have higher armor and health than your offensive pet. This was the issue I started running into with my bear pet on my Marksmanship/Survival spec Dwarf Hunter. Gorillas. You first need to understand there are 3 types of pets in Classic WoW: defensive, offensive, and general. One of the most classic pets in World of Warcraft, the wolf is also the most popular as it offers the best personal DPS, even for Beast Mastery hunters. That’s of course fine. I typically use Bite and Growl on auto cast – that’s it. What 3 Pets to Stable for Your Classic WoW Hunter? I know all the rage is that 1.0 attack speed, but I can assure you it’s not required for PVP. For PVP, you guessed it, use whatever you want. The difference between an owl’s 1.07 damage modifier to a cat’s 1.10 is not significant. There’s also the reality that your pet won’t take part in some fights too because they become a liability and/or just die in a few seconds. You can certainly use those pets, I did for the longest time, but you have to dial back your DPS to not pull threat from them. As mentioned before, unless you are more interested in having experimental builds, the best way to level … Now, I’d be remiss if I didn’t rank the ones I’ve tried, just in case you’re curious. Mechanics aside, I will say that I really like the bat animations for flying. Feel like getting a Crab pet and naming it Rangoon? Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Twink Builds Guide for Level 19, 29, 39, 49, 59 Battlegrounds. Everybody knows that the best gear in the game is found only in raids. We hope that you have found this Guide useful and informative. Many of you reading this I’m sure saw the opening cinematic with the Dwarf Hunter and his bear pet. However, at this point the mob is in my dead zone and I need to back up to fire. World of Warcraft Classic is called “WoW Classic” or “Vanilla WoW” for short. As mentioned previously, the boar will Charge, Growl, and Bite, which all causes a significant amount of threat. You could get the carrion bird the Bite skill as well but I find it’s not needed. Here’s why that’s important, to me at least. Getting around 150xp per kill for him. That’s when I switched to a Marksmanship/Survival spec and found that way more enjoyable for PVP. The bat animations for movement has gliding where the carrion bird and owl are always flapping around. Those pets offers something distinct and bring something to the fight that other pets cannot. Long story short, I have found that pets with Screech (owls, carrion birds, and bats) are the best at holding threat – period. If you don’t, and you keep bouncing around with pets, then you can lose countless hours without progressing yourself, and that’s just frustrating. There are many types of pets – each with their own strengths and weaknesses. It's a dinosaur! Especially the Marsh Fiddlers there are good for leveling level 1 pets since there is just a small chance for them dealing damage in the first turn. I’m going to chat about what I’ve discovered regarding the best Hunter pets and share my experiences to help you make the best decision. For pet’s with fast attack speeds I would suggest checking this list out on Petopia. We’ve tallied up some of the best options – but the final choice should be yours alone based on what you want out of a pet, and if you like the look! For PVE you can pick any pet you like. So by the time your hunter reaches level 80, the pet will have 16 spendable points, unless the hunter has the Beast Mastery talent, which adds 4 more points. I wish it weren’t the case, and it would be great if Classic gave each pet family something distinguishing, but I’m afraid that’s not the case. Only the Beast pet family is tamable as other pet families have not been introduced yet. My opinion for PVP is to find a pet that serves a goal, whatever that goal is for you. It’s really that simple. The threat holding ability is on par with an owl or bat, so tied for the best pet for holding aggro. I tried a bear out with my 60 Orc Hunter questing and doing some dungeons. Cats. (medium tank/dps, but mainly used for Howl which … Anyways here's what pets I'd get for each race while levelling. A single missed Growl usually means threat is lost by your pet and the mob is coming to you. A Mage is going to Sheep or Frost Nova your pet, Warlocks will Fear, Priests will Psychic Scream or Shield, Druids will Hibernate, and fellow Hunters will Scare Beast. WoW Classic – Best Hunter Pets for Leveling – Guide, I’ve collected a ton of mounts, pets, titles, toys…. Now, any other pet will engage the mob in melee, and Growl. Best Classic WoW Hunter Talents for Leveling. It is an image forever stuck in my mind. When I rolled my Dwarf Hunter for Classic WoW, I decided to start with a bear. That’s pretty much how it played out too. Cower, causing no damage but lowering your pet's threat by 175, making the enemy less likely to attack your pet. However, Thunderstomp is a hard hitting attack when you can use it and it’s great at holding threat on multiple mobs at once. Taming Hunter Pets in WoW Classic Taming pets in Classic WoW is very similar to how it is in Battle for Azeroth, with a few exceptions. You’re unable to Feign Death and Freezing Trap because the poison breaks the trap, or even Scatter Shot – same issue. If you want a pet that works in any situation (solo, dungeons, and raids), then pick yourself up a wolf. I’m talking 30+ levels on a pet. If the Owl gets a few mobs on it, then you can fire off Multi-Shot (after a few Screeches) and not pull the mobs off it. It’s a snake with wings. If you find yourself in a PVP warzone, other players will be your BIGGEST roadblock to XP per hour, you should take a … This is of course my opinion on animations and sound, which is subjective to my own preferences. Best spec for leveling as a hunter The best spec for leveling as a hunter in Classic WoW is, of course, Beast Mastery : 40/11/0. Your email address will not be published. I eventually got rid of Cuddles as I leveled up. This is based entirely off of my experience and preference. You may have noticed that I almost exclusively only tried pets that have unique pet abilities, like Thunderstomp, Screech, Scorpid Poison, etc. I had begun to realize in PVP that pets are either CC’d by those that can or ignored by those that have the armor and health to. Leveling process in the Classic World of Warcraft is different from leveling in the current game versions. The offensive pet will have higher damage compared to the defensive one. Anything that’s an 8 (BM or MM/S) would be good in certain situations, like a gorilla for farming dungeons, or maybe a scorpion for soloing elites. First introduced in the … Your pet is such an integral part of the Hunter class and you should not let anyone tell you what pet you should have. I found myself constantly pulling threat off my bear pet. You only need Growl and Screech and those pets will hold threat through nearly anything, including Multi-shot when they’re fighting multiple mobs. Your pet was now a furry rug at your feet when you settle down in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine and a good book. Can be learned by taming: Jaguero Stalker (Cat, 50, Stranglethorn Vale) Plaguebat (Bat, 53-55, Eastern Plaguelands) Noxious Plaguebat (Bat, 54-56, Eastern Plaguelands) Cower 6: Pet Level 55, Cost 18 TP. Over there! The big reason people think wolves are amazing raiding pets and dungeon pets is because of Furious Howl. I find they’re a great fit for any Hunter because of this. Pet Special Abili _ ty: Furious Howl, Increases melee and ranged attack power by 320 for the wolf and its master for 20 sec. Figure out what pets you’re interested in trying out and try them out at an appropriate level. Wolf. My bear just wasn’t cutting it. Diet is something I’m going to rate as well. Just something you should know. I know I did – a lot. You might find yourself enjoying a pet you had disregarded before. There is a reason that boars are a highly recommended leveling pet. In your opinion what warlock pet is best for leveling speed; but, is one pet slightly slower, but funner in leveling situations? Look! Really, it checked all the boxes I had for a pet except for one thing – the look. I eventually got rid of my scorpid while leveling and later tried one out again in PVP to see what I thought. If you hate the sounds your pet makes, then you’re going to go nuts. and sounds. Typically that’s one hit on the mob before my pet gets there. They really do make a great pet. A good leveling pet is going to come down to your talents. Every single pet in the game has a use in all situations. I know there’s a lot of hype around Owls and it’s for good reason. The way I play is I send in my pet. A good leveling pet is going to come down to your talents. Now, of those in that list here’s my recommendations. For a version that unifies the speed of movement, the attack speed … If the combat animations for your pet are boring, then that can impact your fun and motivation to use that pet. As BM you need your pet to do damage. Cats are one of the highest damage pets while also having the highest attack speeds. I eventually traded my boar in and did some testing. Bite will up the DPS a bit but also reduce how often it can Screech, and it’s with Screech that it holds threat very, very well. Some pets will perform a job better than others, but those same pets will perform worse in other situations. The diet of fruit and fungus is annoying though. As a new World of Warcraft hunter, a great way to learn about new pet abilities and try out different wow hunter pets, is to change your pet as you go along and increase your character's level and experience. Second, I feel that fast pets in PVP are vastly overrated but I’ll cover that more below. I should also note that these ratings are in regards to leveling and farming. There’s a few areas that Hunters concern themselves with as far as a pet goes: PVE (questing + dungeons), PVP, and raiding. If you like those pets because of how they look then go for it. In short if the pet isn’t visually appealing, and the sounds bother you, then it doesn’t matter how great a pet it is if you don’t enjoy using it. It was initially released back in 2004 but saw a resurgence in interest in 2019, and finally, Blizzard created official classic servers to appease the masses. By level 30 I had Aimed Shot, 5 points into Lethal Shot (+5% crit) and Mortal Shots (+30% crit damage). Faster attack speeds create pushback on caster, making it harder (nearly impossible at times) to cast spells. With proper micro management of your pet, you can keep your wind serpent back from the boss and have it just Lightning Breath, which in turn keeps it alive. Best WoW Hunter Pets - Wolves. 13 Simple Tips for Classic WoW Hunters to Improve Your Experience, Marksmanship/Survival Hunter for Classic WoW (Leveling, PVE & PVP). Hunters are widely considered to be the strongest solo leveling class in Classic WoW because they excel at all three in unique ways. Personally, I think carrion birds are ugly and it’s the only reason I don’t currently have one stabled. I start my Auto Shot a few seconds later. Enough damage to keep threat and take down targets quick enough, and enough health and armor to deal with multiple mobs. I am 49 and tamed a lvl 37 cat from Bad Lands and made a ticket in game and the gm said the best way to lvl him is killing things the same level as the pet. Beast Mastery simply makes any pet better. Now, while you could use a defensive pet for leveling, because you should use whatever you want, kill speed is going to suffer. I’ll be honest and give you the chance to back out now. That’s great for a BM Hunter but less practical if you’re not. What is the Best Hunter Pet for Classic WoW? Take a pet that performs a task for you and you’re good to go. I probably personally would pick the funner pet to level with as long as the leveling isn’t brought to a grinding halt comparatively, I don’t care about speed leveling, but don’t want to shoot myself in the foot either. Most guides come from people who look at it on paper and they have never actually used the pets. Rooting down players, even if just for a second, did something useful. I highly suggest going through it if you haven’t. Anything that’s a 9 (BM or MM/S) would be a good choice too but will require a bit more work, be it slower grinding (no Dash/Dive), or they aren’t as good at holding threat so you need to be more careful. Just as I won’t create a character that I think looks hideous (sorry Troll but your model is terrible), I won’t run around with a pet that I do not enjoy looking at. However, private servers have been pushing higher DPS pets and showing that more damage is a better benefit to the raid than Furious Howl. By getting a boar with Charge I would at least have a pet that could do something before becoming nearly useless. Do it! Play the game how you want to play it. I’d have to level up the pet; and let me tell you that is not fun. However, I have never tamed Broken Tooth. I’ve included the base stats for each pet. Beast Mastery will give you a pet that has more defense and offense regardless of the type of pet. Plus, it’s a defensive pet, which many will tell you is bad to level with. That had alleviated most of my issues with aggro. Lightning Breath was far more devastating than I thought it would be. First, I do not care for the Broken Tooth model. The famed Charge ability seemed too good to pass up. The trouble is, it's not always easy to know which wow hunter pets are available to you at each level bracket of the game. I was out questing in the Shimmering Flats and needed to tame a scorpid for the next rank of Claw. There are many types of pets – each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The Screech ability generates a fair amount of threat. WoW Classic - Why you should play a Hunter? This is very beneficial of course. At the end of the day you’re playing a game for enjoyment, so do whatever makes you happy. This means the cat does 10% more damage than a wolf. Sure, those who parse every possible bit of damage will notice, but it’s not likely going to be the difference between getting into a raid and not. Instant cast, 20 Focus, 40 second cooldown. The only thing you’re doing is leveling that pet by grinding mobs. This is a very important point too – how your pet looks. There’s the pets you always hear about, but this list includes everything so you might find an alternative that suits you. A pet will not carry you in a BG. However, the pet I’d want would be a lower level pet. Oh. The bear doesn’t offer anything unique. You, as a Hunter, do not have strong damage output. In summary, there is no BEST pet for any circumstance. It makes the bat a less obnoxious flying pet to have in that regard. When it comes to dungeons you can use anything you want really, though high DPS pets are preferred. If you’d like some Hunter tips, including pets, check out my article on that. In PVP your pet is a nuisance to most people and not a real threat. The idea being focus not used is damage not done and thus not maximizing your pet’s DPS. The best pet for PVP for Hunters (arguably) is not one I have ever bothered taming. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic WoW Hunter leveling guide, updated for ! Your email address will not be published. Your pet’s job is to hold aggro while you do the damage. It’s a nice safety measure. Maybe you just want a pet that can take a hit and be a thorn in the enemy’s side like a scorpid with its poison. As you can see, I’ve tried a lot of pets out – legitimately tried them out and put time into them. I can’t recommend Petopia Classic enough for this information. Their Charge ability lets them get into combat faster, plus it adds a nice root for 1 second. Cats get Prowl and Dash, wind serpents get Lightning Breath, owls get Screech, gorillas get Thunderstomp, and boars get Charge. Copyright © All rights reserved. * Dragonbone Hatchling in Dragonblight (~40% fliers, 30% critters and 30% aquatics) Pets that only have Bite or Claw are subject to losing threat when those crits of yours roll in. At one point on my 60 Orc Hunter I decided I wanted to try boars out for PVP.
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