The survivors who had found the rear of the fuselage came up with an idea to use insulation from the rear of the fuselage, copper wire, and waterproof fabric that covered the air conditioning of the plane to fashion a sleeping bag.[18][17]. [19], The survivors had extremely little food: eight chocolate bars, a tin of mussels, three small jars of jam, a tin of almonds, a few dates, candies, dried plums, and several bottles of wine. [15][16], At least four died from the impact of the fuselage hitting the snow bank, which ripped the remaining seats from their anchors and hurled them to the front of the plane: team physician Dr. Francisco Nicola and his wife Esther Nicola; Eugenia Parrado and Fernando Vazquez (medical student). Four planes searched that afternoon until dark. [18] All had lived near the sea; most of the team members had never seen snow before, and none had experience at high altitude. He had prearranged with the priest who had buried his son to mark the bag containing his son's remains. He set the example by swallowing the first matchstick-sized strip of frozen flesh. Parrado and Canessa hiked for several more days. [17][23], They relayed news of the survivors to the Army command in San Fernando, Chile, who contacted the Army in Santiago. Le vol Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya 571, également appelé drame de la cordillère des Andes, était un vol assurant la liaison entre Montevideo en Uruguay et Santiago au Chili. They called on the Andes Rescue Group of Chile (CSA). He gained the summit of the 4,650 metres (15,260 ft) high peak before Vizintín. He refused to give up hope. Le Vol 571, ou survivre grâce au cannibalisme. The survivors found a small transistor radio jammed between seats on the aircraft, and Roy Harley improvised a very long antenna using electrical cable from the plane. Vizintín and Parrado rejoined Canessa where they had slept the night before. L’accident a inspiré le film mexicain Supervivientes de los Andes (Survive! Le vol Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya 571, également appelé drame de la cordillère des Andes, était un vol assurant la liaison entre Montevideo en Uruguay et Santiago au Chili. Instead of climbing the saddle to the west that is 1,670 metres (5,480 ft) lower than the peak, they climbed straight up the steep mountain. Nach 72 Tagen im Eis konnten 16 von 45 Insassen gerettet werden. They also realized that unless they found a way to survive the freezing temperature of the nights, a trek was impossible. [23], On the third morning of the trek, Canessa stayed at their camp. [4], The pilot applied maximum power in an attempt to gain altitude. Cet avion qui décollait de Montevideo en Uruguay, et faisait route vers Santiago au Chili, transportant l'équipe de rugby des Old Christians, allait s'écraser dans les montagnes à plus de 12 000 pieds. A valley at the base of the mountain they stood on wound its way towards the peaks. Only the charred air frame remained. Due to the altitude and weight limits, the two helicopters were able to take only half of the survivors. Le Vol Fuerza Aéra Uruguaya 571 est l'un des crashs les plus tristement célèbre. Although there is a direct route from Mendoza to Santiago 200 kilometres (120 mi) to the west, the high mountains require an altitude of 25,000 to 26,000 feet (7,600 to 7,900 m), very close to the FH-227D's maximum operational ceiling of 28,000 feet (8,500 m). For three days the survivors were trapped in the extremely cramped space within the buried fuselage with about 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) headroom, together with the corpses of those who had died in the avalanche. They hoped that the valley they were in would make a U-turn and allow them to start walking west. [23] Alfredo Delgado spoke for the survivors. [32], Upon being rescued, the survivors initially explained that they had eaten some cheese and other food they had carried with them, and then local plants and herbs. Le 13 octobre 1972, le vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya s'est crashé dans les Andes. Given that the FH-227 aircraft was fully loaded, this route would have required the pilot to very carefully calculate fuel consumption and to avoid the mountains. The remaining portion of the fuselage slid down the mountain about 725 metres (2,379 ft) before striking ice and snow on a glacier. Nando Parrado described in his book, Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home, how they came up with the idea of making a sleeping bag: The second challenge would be to protect ourselves from exposure, especially after sundown. A few seconds later, Daniel Shaw and Carlos Valeta fell out of the rear fuselage. Les Survivants (Alive) est un drame de survie américain réalisé par Frank Marshall, sorti en 1993. Canessa agreed. Après le cadavre du pilote, ils mangent la chair de leurs amis morts. [1] During the next 72 days, 13 more passengers died. They hoped to find the bodies in the summer (December in Southern Hemisphere) when the snow melted. Les autres sont récupérés le lendemain matin et hospitalisés à Santiago afin d'être soignés pour gelures, malnutrition, déshydratation, scorbut et mal aigu des montagnes. [2] Club president Daniel Juan chartered a Uruguayan Air Force twin turboprop Fairchild FH-227D to fly the team over the Andes to Santiago. "That was probably the moment when the pilots saw the black ridge rising dead ahead. Les secours retournent finalement sur place avec un prêtre pour inhumer les corps à 80 m de l'avion dont les restes sont incendiés. Roberto Cannessa, un étudiant en médecine, montre à ses compagnons d'infortune comment découper méthodiquement le corps, avec des éclats de hublot ou des lames de rasoir[3]. I have a wounded friend up there. Several others did the same later on. Nando Parrado annonce que pour survivre, il va manger le corps du pilote qui a été préservé par le froid. Ils seraient tous morts sans le courage inoui du rugbyman Fernando Parrado. They removed the seat covers which were partially made of wool and used them to keep warm. Andes flight disaster: The Fairchild Hiller FH-227D, carrying 45 people, crashed in the Andes on 1972-10-13. During part of the climb, they sank up to their hips in the snow, which had been softened by the summer sun. Soy uruguayo. Vizintín and Parrado reached the base of a near-vertical wall more than one hundred meters (300 feet) tall encased in snow and ice. They got sicker from eating these. Dès les premiers jours, certains ont proposé de partir à la recherche des secours et des expéditions limitées ont été organisées autour de l'appareil, mais l'altitude, le froid, la malnutrition et la cécité des neiges empêchent toute entreprise de grande ampleur. Vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya - les survivants. The aircraft began descending too early to reach Pudahuel Airport, and struck a mountain, initially sheari… [2], The aircraft departed Carrasco International Airport on 12 October 1972, but a storm front over the Andes forced them to stop overnight in Mendoza, Argentina. We knew the answer, but it was too terrible to contemplate. As the hopelessness of their predicament enveloped them, they wept. This decision was not taken lightly, as most of the dead were classmates, close friends, or relatives. [29][23], When the news broke out that people had survived the crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, the story of the passengers' survival after 72 days drew international attention. [citation needed], On 15 November, Arturo Nogueira died, and three days later, Rafael Echavarren died, both from gangrene due to their infected wounds. The pilot waited and took off at 2:18 p.m. on Friday 13 October from Mendoza. Die Reise begann am 12. Compléments Rescapé du vol Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya 571 modifier Fernando Parrado , dit « Nando », né le 9 décembre 1949 à Montevideo en Uruguay , est l'un des 16 rescapés du vol Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya 571 qui s'est écrasé dans les Andes le 13 octobre 1972 . Harley lay down to die, but Parrado would not let him stop and took him back to the fuselage. I went out in the snow and prayed to God for guidance. Nach 72 Tagen im Eis konnten 16 von 45 Insassen gerettet werden. The survivors lacked medical supplies, cold-weather clothing and equipment or food, and only had three pairs of sunglasses among them to help prevent snow blindness. Le vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, également appelé drame de la cordillère des Andes, était un vol assurant la liaison entre Montevideo en Uruguay et Santiago au Chili. They decided instead that it would be more effective to return to the fuselage and disconnect the radio system from the aircraft's frame, take it back to the tail, and connect it to the batteries. En 2006, Fernando Parrado publie Miracle dans les Andes, donnant le premier témoignage écrit d'un survivant[7]. Family members were not allowed to attend. [17], The Chilean Air Search and Rescue Service (SARS) was notified within the hour that the flight was missing. Die Maschine vom Typ Fairchild-Hiller FH-227 zerschellte am 13. [43], The trip to the location takes three days. While some reports state the pilot incorrectly estimated his position using dead reckoning, the pilot was relying on radio navigation. Thinking he would see the green valleys of Chile to the west, he was stunned to see a vast array of mountain peaks in every direction. With considerable difficulty, on the morning of 31 October they dug a tunnel from the cockpit to the surface, only to encounter a furious blizzard that left them no choice but to stay inside the fuselage. They improvised in other ways. When the supply of flesh was diminished, they also ate hearts, lungs and even brains. Canessa agreed to go west. The aircraft began descending too early to reach Pudahuel Airport, and struck a mountain, initially shearing off both wings and the tail section. The solar collector melted snow which dripped into empty wine bottles. On December 23, 1972, 72 days after the crash, 16 survivors were rescued. il y eu 16 rescapés au … The Chilean military photographed the bodies and mapped the area. They carried the remaining survivors to hospitals in Santiago for evaluation. But could we do it? On the second day, eleven aircraft from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay searched for the downed flight. Truly, we were pushing the limits of our fear. [19], The authorities and the victims' families decided to bury the remains near the site of the crash in a common grave. On the second night of the expedition, which was their first night sleeping outside, they nearly froze to death. [2] A Catholic priest heard the survivors' confessions and told them that they were not condemned for anthropophagy (eating human flesh), given the in extremis nature of their survival situation. Pilot Ferradas had flown across the Andes 29 times previously. "[17] Parrado saw two smaller peaks on the western horizon that were not covered in snow. First, they were able to reach the narrow valley that Parrado had seen on the top of the mountain, where they found the source of Río San José, leading to Río Portillo which meets Río Azufre at Maitenes. [42], In 2007, Chilean arriero Sergio Catalán was interviewed on Chilean television during which he revealed that he had leg (hip) arthrosis. Tenemos que salir rápido de aquí y no sabemos cómo. The flight was carrying 45 passengers and crew, including 19 members of the Old Christians Club rugby union team, along with their families, supporters, and friends. Instead, it was customary for this type of aircraft to fly a longer 600-kilometre (370 mi), 90-minute U-shaped route[2] from Mendoza south to Malargüe using the A7 airway (known today as UW44). Ayant une réserve de nourriture limitée, ils se rationnent dès les premiers jours. Given the pilot's dying statement that they were near Curicó, they believed that they were near the western edge of the Andes. [4] He heard the news that the search was cancelled on their 11th day on the mountain. He flew south from Mendoza towards Malargüe radiobeacon at flight level 180 (FL180, 18,000 feet (5,500 m)). Then we realized that by folding the quilt in half and stitching the seams together, we could create an insulated sleeping bag large enough for all three expeditionaries to sleep in. Le 13 octobre 1972, l'appareil, un Fairchild FH-227 de la Force aérienne uruguayenne, s'écrase dans la cordillère des Andes dans le département argentin de Malargüe. We needed a way to survive the long nights without freezing, and the quilted batts of insulation we'd taken from the tail section gave us our solution ... as we brainstormed about the trip, we realized we could sew the patches together to create a large warm quilt. Oktober 1972 an einem Berghang in den Anden in 4000 Metern Höhe. A federal judge and the local mayor intervened to obtain his release, and Echavarren later obtained legal permission to bury his son.[2]. Il sagit de ladaptation du best-seller homonyme de Piers Paul Read, dans lequel il raconte le crash du vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya dans la cordillère des Andes en s'appuyant sur les témoignages des survivants de cette catastrophe aérienne qui a causé la mort de vingt-neuf personnes et n'a connu que seize survivants. [21], After the sleeping bag was completed and Numa Turcatti died, Canessa was still hesitant. [15], They continued east the next morning. Sur les 45 passagers et membres d'équipage, 17 meurent lors du crash ou dans les 24 heures après l'écrasementet 12 autres dans les deux mois suivants dont 8 dans u… Piers Paul Read's book Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors described the moments after this discovery: The others who had clustered around Roy, upon hearing the news, began to sob and pray, all except [Nando] Parrado, who looked calmly up at the mountains which rose to the west. The rugby players joked about the turbulence at first, until some passengers saw that the aircraft was very close to the mountain. Ayant trouvé un appareil photo dans la queue de l'avion située à 2 km de l'épave, Parrado prend des clichés de la vie quotidienne des survivants autour de l'épave[4]. No tenemos comida. 'Why the hell is that good news?' [30] A flood of international reporters began walking several kilometers along the route from Puente Negro to Termas del Flaco. Sur les 45 passagers de l'avion, seuls 16 ont survécu. At Planchón Pass, the aircraft still had to travel 60–70 km (37–43 mi) to reach Curicó. [33] On 23 December news reports of cannibalism were published worldwide, except in Uruguay. The steep terrain only permitted the pilot to touch down with a single skid. Le 13 octobre 1972, le vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya s'est crashé dans les Andes. The snow that had buried the fuselage gradually melted as summer arrived. Victimes - vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya. He had brought the pilot's flight chart and guided the helicopters up the mountain to the location of the remaining survivors. The unnamed glacier (later named Glaciar de las Lágrimas or Glacier of Tears) is between Cerro Sosneado and 4,280 metres (14,040 ft) high at Volcán Tinguiririca, straddling the remote mountainous border between Chile and Argentina. The courage of this one boy prevented a flood of total despair. Both of Arturo Nogueira's legs were broken in several places. The survivors trapped inside soon realized they were running out of air. [13], The official investigation concluded that the crash was caused by controlled flight into terrain due to pilot error. Parrado was determined to hike out or die trying. They dried the meat in the sun, which made it more palatable. "You and I are friends, Nando. The next day more survivors ate the meat offered them, but a few refused or could not keep it down.[2]. Catalán talked with the other two men, and one of them remembered that several weeks before Carlos Paez's father had asked them if they had heard about the Andes plane crash. 72 jours de survie dont 10 jours d'efforts exceptionnels et dangereux pour 2 d'entre eux afin d'être sauver et de sauver les tous les rescapés. The flight time from the pass to Curicó is normally eleven minutes, but only three minutes later the pilot told Santiago that they were passing Curicó and turning north. The climb was very slow; the survivors at the fuselage watched them climb for three days. On this flight he was training co-pilot Lagurara, who was the pilot flying. Les 22 et 23 décembre, plus de deux mois après l'accident, les secours récupèrent finalement les 16 survivants. Fuerza-Aérea-Uruguaya-Flug 571 war ein Flug der Luftwaffe Uruguays von Montevideo nach Santiago de Chile. Le 13 octobre 1972, l'appareil, un Fairchild FH-227 de la Force aérienne uruguayenne , s'écrase dans la cordillère des Andes dans le département argentin de Malargüe . "[11], Roberto Canessa later said he thought the pilot turned north too soon, and began the descent to Santiago while the aircraft was still high in the Andes. Catalán threw bread to the men across the river. [2] Twelve men and a Chilean priest were transported to the crash site on 18 January 1973. 16 des 45 occupants de l'appareil ont survécu, [17], It was still bitterly cold, but the sleeping bag allowed them to live through the nights. They were initially so revolted by the experience that they could eat only skin, muscle and fat. On 26 December two pictures taken by members of Cuerpo de Socorro Andino (Andean Relief Corps) of a half-eaten human leg were printed on the front page of two Chilean newspapers, El Mercurio and La Tercera de la Hora,[2] who reported that all survivors resorted to cannibalism. It filled the fuselage and killed eight people: Enrique Platero, Liliana Methol, Gustavo Nicolich, Daniel Maspons, Juan Menendez, Diego Storm, Carlos Roque, and Marcelo Perez. Crashed at 3:34 p.m. In his memoir, Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home (2006), Nando Parrado wrote about this decision: At high altitude, the body's caloric needs are astronomical ... we were starving in earnest, with no hope of finding food, but our hunger soon grew so voracious that we searched anyway ... again and again, we scoured the fuselage in search of crumbs and morsels. ¿Cuándo nos van a buscar arriba? According to Read, some rationalized the act of necrotic cannibalism as equivalent to the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. [16], Canessa and Gustavo Zerbino, both second-year medical students, acted quickly to assess the severity of people's wounds and treat those they could help most. They dug a grave about 400 to 800 m (1⁄4 to 1⁄2 mi) from the aircraft fuselage at a site they thought was safe from avalanche. One of the propellers sliced through the fuselage as the wing it was attached to was severed. Over 10 days they trekked about 38 miles (61 km)[24][25] seeking help. When the tail cone was detached, it took with it the rear portion of the fuselage, including two rows of seats in the rear section of the passenger cabin, the galley, baggage hold, vertical stabilizer, and horizontal stabilizers, leaving a gaping hole in the rear of the fuselage. Enrique Platero had a piece of metal stuck in his abdomen that when removed brought a few inches of intestine with it, but he immediately began helping others. [39], The story of the crash is described in the Andes Museum 1972, dedicated in 2013 in Ciudad Vieja, Montevideo. Fuerza-Aérea-Uruguaya-Flug 571 war ein Flug der Luftwaffe Uruguays von Montevideo nach Santiago de Chile. Une fois traversé, l'avion doit prendre le cap au nord pour rejoindre Santiago. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash, 1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust accident, Emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station, "A 40 años del Milagro de los Andes (Accidente del FAU-571)", "When dead reckoning became deadly: remembering the Andes air disaster | Flight Safety Australia", "One Airline Career: I'm Alive: by AMS Pictures", "40 años de la tragedia de los andes – » Militares en Taringa +11.200 Taringa", "Nando Parrado on his survival of the 1972 Andes air crash", "After the Plane Crash—and the Cannibalism—a Life of Hope", "ASN Aircraft accident Fairchild FH-227D T-571 El Tiburcio", "Uruguayan Air Force flight 571 | Crash, Rescue, & Facts", "True Survival Stories: Miracle In The Andes – Survival Life", "Plane crash survivor describes the moment he resorted to cannibalism", "An iron cross in the mountains: The lonely site of the 1972 Andes flight disaster", "I Am Alive: The Crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 – Page 2 — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts", "Survivor of 1972 Andes plane crash trusts Dallas firm to tell his tale in film | Cheryl Hall Columns – Business News for Dallas, Texas – The Dallas Morning News", "Survivor of 1972 Andes plane crash who resorted to cannibalism reveals struggle in new book, 'I Had to Survive' – NY Daily News", "Alive: Rugby Team's Fabled Survival In Andes", "Sitio Oficial del accidente de los Andes – Historia", "A Plane Carrying 45 People Crashed In The Andes – 16 Of Them Survived By Eating The Others", "Alive: The Andes Accident 1972 | Official Site |", "Javier Methol: Businessman who survived for 72 days in the Andes after his plane crashed in 1972", "The Ghost of Uruguayan Air Force 571 – Airpressman", "Fundadoras de la Biblioteca Nuestros hijos", "Tragedia de los Andes: sus protagonistas celebran la vida 40 años después", "*** Bruni Aventura *** San Rafael – Mendoza – Argentina", "December 23: On This Day in World History ... briefly",, "Survivor of 1972 Andes Plane Crash Recalls How Victims Were Forced to Eat Friends' Bodies in New Book I Had to Survive", "Story Of The 1972 Andes Plane Crash In 'Out Of The Silence, "The director of 'Stranded' has lived with this story", "STRANDED: The Andes Plane Crash Survivors", "2016 What Next Festival of Music brings opera back to Hamilton – Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra", "The stories behind Ice Nine Kills' Every Trick In The Book album", Alive: Sixteen Men, Seventy-two Days, and Insurmountable Odds – The Classic Adventure of Survival in the Andes, "Back to the Andes Expedition 2006 with one of the survivors", Expedition with live streaming of biometrics and geo-location, Stranded: I've Come from a Plane that Crashed in the Mountains,, Accidents and incidents involving the Fairchild F-27, Airliner accidents and incidents involving controlled flight into terrain, Aviation accidents and incidents involving professional sports teams, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Parrado, Canessa and Vizintin set off to find help, Parrado and Canessa encounter Sergio Catalán, Esther Horta Pérez de Nicola (wife of team physician), Eugenia Dolgay Diedug de Parrado (Fernando Parrado's mother), Lt. Col. Dante Héctor Lagurara (co-pilot), Graziela Augusto Gumila de Mariani (wedding guest), Susana Parrado (Fernando Parrado's sister), Liliana Navarro Petraglia de Methol (wife of Javier Methol), Gustavo "Coco" Nicolich* (veterinary student), Rafael Echavarren (dairy farming student), 34 years after the rescue, Nando Parrado published the book, "The Plot Sickens", by the American metalcore band, The song "Snowcapped Andes Crash" appears on, This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 23:38.
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