Part of frackin universe in later versions [OFFICIAL FU BYOS Modded Race Patch (FR Supported Races)] - A patch to make it so modded races that have Frackin Races support can use the Frackin Universe build your own ship. Play or skip the tutorial. You're hard to deal with because you have no eyes or mouth...something most species can't see past (or at least have issues adapting to). Always hungry, Florans are a dangerous lot. What they lack in raw power they make up for with alternate fighting styles. Light reduces it. Made Frackin Collections and FU compatible with CustomCollectionsUI (Now Frackin Collections requires CustomCollectionsUI) removed legacy files; Changed shortdesc from cadavers and wrapped corpses. On Ocean biomes you gain +20% Physical Resistance and Energy. Note that this race is intended for Survival or Hardcore mode. Frackin' Races - Adds new Racial abilities to the game. On hot worlds (deserts, volcanic, etc) you suffer 30% energy loss. Tied to nature, they are generally not found outside of forested regions. Этот мод меняет это. Officially, no one (not even the Skelekins themselves) know how or why they exist. Winged, moth-like race from far across the stars, split into two breeds: Saturnians, the Diurnal 'arcane' tech lovers, and Thaumoths, their Nocturnal warrior counterparts. They are utterly unmatched in energy generation and exceptionally skilled with staves and wands. In forest-like biomes you gain additional Health and Energy. On Lush, Rainforest, Jungle, Bog, Forest, and Primeval/Volcanic Forests (+Dark version), Gain +25% Protection and Health. Their nocturnal nature makes them a bit touchy in the sunlight, but they make up for it by being exceptionally nimble. An unusual culture steeped in philopsophy and exploration, as they try to come to grips with who they are. Outside of wooden regions they are typically quite unhappy, morose and unapproachable. When in their favored environment they also have little need to eat, as krill are plentiful in most waters and they can eat as they move! When damaged, you spread flowers where you stand. Prefers a balanced diet to maintain specific nutritional requirements. On cold biomes you lose 20% Health and Protection, On hot biomes you gain 15% Health and %10 Protection. X'i weapons: +1.5% Crit Chance and +15% Protection, Natural Charisma. A race of dog-like humanoids with impressive advancements in technology and an optimistic, borderline childish outlook on life. When wielding bows you have a 10% chance to randomly spawn an extra Mystic Arrow when firing. They are instinctively afraid of the dark. While they aren't the quickest thinkers, or the most nimble, they make for it in sheer tenacity. Advantages: Humans have powerful thighs, and enjoy a very minor and nearly useless .07s Jump boost! Florans are a curious plant-people who live their lives around the needs of their stomaches. Advantages: +20% Jump, +8% Speed, 50% Fall Damage, On Forest, Primeval, Dark Primeval, Desert and Rainforest biomes you gain Health and Energy. Start with 500 extra pixels in your shiplocker. In Savannah, Rainforest, Jungle and Primeval biomes you gain increased vitality, jump height and run speed. Much like your roommate, Gyrusens are lazy and slow for the most part unless properly motivated. A: Starbound is generating a universe and looking for a starting system that fits exact specifications. On the other side of the spectrum, though, cold biomes drop health and energy by 30%, power by 40%, and fire resistance by 50%. Strange spider-people clones from a totally different and maddened universe. Diet: Carnivore. Oil movement debuff is mitigated. Renamed charged lunari crystal to small, large and huge variants. Greg is life. 2. Also, Crew members are now FU-itized. Fenerox cannot survive without ingesting raw meat for nutrients. Avoid plant matter other than fruits. It's 5 years in the making now, and quite huge. Your insectoid feet help you cling to the ground, providing increased ground friction. On Aether, Crystalline, Chromatic and Red Desert biomes you gain Health and Crit Damage. When your energy is above 50% you gain health regeneration, All firearms gain +5% damage, and all critical strikes scored with firearms do +5 damage, Immune to Fire Status, Sandstorms, and Biome Heat. Advantages: Exceptional air agility, reduced fall damage. On oceans you gain +25% health and +6 protection. All firearms gain +5% damage and +1 crit chance. Hi. In humid biomes, you drop your speed penalty and gain +10% attack power and energy capacity. They do not enjoy, nor digest, vegetable matter. They are invisible to Erchius ghosts, and quite capable with wands and staves. Gain access to the Avali Glide tech. Will become ill from foods not composed of meat. On all radioactive and proto planets, your energy regeneration speed increases by 20%, but you lose 10% health. NOTICE: This is a race meant for survival mode with Frackin' Universe installed for full scale of their effects and abilities. They are, however, extremely resilient against many environments lethal to other species. They are usually expert machinists, but on occasion, they may become a knight or a mage instead. You require very little food thanks to a super slow metabolism. 0.3. Unfortunately, they are quite unintelligent when alone. Starbound Frackin Universe Crew Weird Races. Skilled in biotic weaponry, the Xenonians are immune to toxicity, but are stressed in clean and sanitary conditions. Photosynthesis powers them, and during the daylight hours and direct light they are able to regenerate. Advantages: Can form a sticky ball, or cling to walls (use Slime Race Tech Enabler), +25% Health and +15% speed on Gelatinous, Bog and Swamp biomes. With pistol or rifle, no one beats a Novakid. NOTICE: This is a race meant for survival mode with Frackin' Universe installed for full scale of their effects and abilities. No effect in space. Created as cheap war robots, the Droden have since made a name for themselves in the cosmos. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gain access to the Avian Slowfall tech. Webbers are spider-human beings who were cloned by mistake, improperly. Hello world! General . During the evening, you lose your Energy and Protection bonuses. 6 comments. Gain increased Protection in Jungle and Rainforest biomes. And for the peeps who have no idea/don't remember which species is their favorite, I give to everyone of you a link to the available races on the Frackin' Races mod . Diet: Carnivore/Omnivore, they will pretty much eat ANYTHING organic, and are cannibalistic. However, they can glide and are quite agile in the air. Perfect Blocks increase Protection (stacks) (cancelled when hit or failing to block). Rapidly regenerate food from direct sunlight. Crew and stuff. Frackin' Universe adds to just about every aspect of the original game and introduces many of its own mechanics. On Radioactive biomes you gain +15% Energy and Health. Mysticism rules Avian culture. Their creation marked the end of Aurora, and most of it's people. Press DOWN for defense stance, press UP for Shielding stance and press JUMP for Power stance. The Add-ons for Frackin' Universe are totally optional, they are not needed for the mod to work, instead they add new features you wouldn't have in a normal Frackin' Universe gameplay. Terrakin are a curious lot. Frackin Universe. On dark biomes you gain +2% Crit chance and +15% Energy. In water, they have zero need to breathe and can walk on mud without being hindered. It is closer to a Total Conversion and extends gameplay in Starbound by approximately 50-200 hours. They don't take well to cold environments due to being cold-blooded, but are quite at home in warm climates (especially jungles and rainforests). Immunities: Poison, Breathing, Hunger, Radiation. What's your favorite race on Starbound ? They are quite skilled with boomerangs, and have honed their poofy, adorable paws into defensive implements when using fist weapons. Racial Tech: Pharitu Psionic Blast. While they prefer shellfish, Hylotl are more than capable of eating most other things. On Cold biomes you lose Max Health and Protection. Thanks to an evolutionary quirk, their scaly hide can repel many minor blows, and metabolically they are able to sustain themselves for a while without needing to feed. Not much is known of these creatures. This update adds: dozens and dozens of minor adjustments. On moons you gain +15% Health, Speed and Jump, +10% Protection. Tonight, we’ll be taking a look at one of the Frackin Universe Races that is based on a non-playable race from the Starbound base game: the Fenerox! This means every strike from a Felin is a dangerous one with the right gear. They are exceptional miners, squeezing the most from Matter Manipulators and Mining Lasers. They show this through their mastery with knives and fist weapons. Close. Unlike your roommate, Gyrusens do not require a tazer to the testicles to get in gear. The series is hosted by Strato with a cast of seven being Strato, Jackk, Narwhal, Kleppy, TheRedRock, Crossbow, and … You also gain 15% Speed and Jump Height. When wielding a wand in your primary hand and a dagger in your offhand you have a 40% chance to fire. They are swift to move, and have the instincts of a predator. Diet: Carnivore. Increased air agility, but poor agility in water. The Trink were built by a species native to a frozen planet, and their systems run more efficiently in cold climates. Gains the Hunter's Claw racial tech (craft the Race Effect Enable in your [C] crafting menu). Craft via the [C] menu with the Race Tech Enabler item. Elemental Correstialism + Frackin' Universe better compatibility addon, Elithian Alliance: Frackin Universe Patch, Perennial Crops FU Compatibility Patch Edition, Custom Collections Frackin' Universe Patch, Sunlight and irradiated planets reduce Energy, Health, and Rad Resistance. A mysterious carnivorous race bearing a resemblance to ancient Earth demons. On oceanic biomes you gain +20% Health and +20% Energy. At high noon, never pick a fight with a Gardevan! Absolutely nothing survives cold environments better than the Peglaci. Diet: Does not eat (But can 'digest' anything), Immunities: Poison, Radiation, Cold, Electrified, On Atropus worlds your regeneration increases by 50% and you gain +10% Damage. This page is accurate as of FU 4.19.19 and some info is likely to be outdated, (FU 4.20 changed the dungeon and the Science Outpost missions have been revamped) feel free to correct or report anything that seems to have changed. Advantages: Dark Vision, +15% Speed, +10% Jump. Anthropomorphic Fennixes were created through artificial genetic mutation and have become more widespread in recent years. Fleet of foot and tough to push around, Vulpes are well suited to intergalactic travel. They are fantastic warriors, and unsurpassed in tanking. Their society is based on the digital, and their individuality is precious to them. When armed with these weapons they are engines of destruction. FrackinUniverse is not a small mod by any means. This makes them exceptionally dangerous in large groups, able to move en-masse instantaneously. Advantages: -15% Hunger Rate, -25% Fall Damage, Lush / Forest / Jungle: +20 Health, Energy, and Attack On Primeval Forest (inc Dark), Lush, Forest, Biomes you gain +20% Health and +25% Energy. Advantages: Constant slow regeneration, +7% Speed and Jump, Gain increased protection and health on Lush, Desert, Forest and Bog biomes. All throughout their "race", defects run wild. Aura Berserk (the more damage you take, the more dangerous you become, up to +15% damage and -10% protection). They are adept in both body and mind, and have earned the respect of the galactic community. Diet: Carnivore. Requires racial items (use racial tech). Advantages: Seldom eats, 20% Knockback Resistance, +2% Shield Bash. On forest and jungle biomes, +5% energy and +10% knockback resist. Somehow, these curious tiny creatures are able to directly affect reality via their imaginations. Seriously though, they're the baseline race. Consecutive Perfect Blocks increase damage by +2% and protection by 2 per block. Slug-like aliens from Xen-789. On Lush, Rainforest, Jungle, Bog, Forest, and Primeval Forests (+Dark version), Gain +15% Protection and Health. They are unmatched with the sword, and nimble in water. Adorable, fluffy, cosmic-attuned lagomorphic critters from a distant world of fantasy that have a pom-pom, bat wings and a thing for saying "Kupo!". Advantages: Glows in the dark, -25% Knockback, +5% Speed. Only recently did they attain sapience, and are a newcomer to the galactic stage. They are full of vitality, if a little fragile. +5% Mobility in Lush, Forest, Jungle As with the other player races, Floran characters are given a set of uniquely-styled Armor, their own Ship type (with included Pet), and two unique Mech bodies. On cold biomes, gain an additional 5% speed and 15% health. A race of clever colonial foxes, the Phox are a comparatively weak race. A very adaptive and borderline childish species, these vulpines once transformed using stones. Resting in oil, erchius and liquid protocite pools will regenerate your health and increase Energy. All throughout their "race", defects run wild. They value their shamanistic and druidic culture highly, and they are talented hunters, but aren't quite as proficient with modern weaponry. Being sturdy has its advantages, too: They are immune to nasty biooze and lack enough imagination for Insanity to be even a mild annoyance. In your opinion what is the best frackin universe race for exploration and why? Accessed via the Racial Tech Enabler (craft in your [C] menu). Unfortunately, this agile nature comes with a limited capability in withstanding physical trauma as well as low tolerance for toxic elements. Suffer a -25% trade penalty at space stations. A history as a prey-animal has led these now highly evolved rodents to become protectors of the weak and downtrodden. omnislash: thanks, but the problem is not in getting files from git repo. Your metabolism functions at a higher rate than most species. Advantages: Sticky Feet, +10% Speed, -30% Fall Damage. Because FU adds so many biomes it increases the time it takes to find the setup. A particularly elusive species, the Lombaxes are reknowned for their knack for inventions and gadgetry. Their upper-body strength makes them extremely capable with their favored weapon, the Broadsword. On Warm biomes, +5% Health and Energy, +30% regen rate. On electrically charged biomes (crystalline, aether sea, sulphuric, fungal, proto and chromatic), gain 10% Speed. This is simple, as other species cannot even hear their language. On hot planets you gain health regeneration. (Not needed) Frackin Universe Hardcore Cinematic Fix for Skittles Races (Not needed) Frackin Universe Hardcore Cinematic Fix for Skittles Races. Disclaimer: Installing FU is a one-way trip. These bee-like people are swift and sticky, and a slow metabolism helps them go longer without food. Diet: Humans will quite literally put anything in their mouths, and can therefore eat pretty much anything they put their mind to. he Tauren are a towering, strong and noble race of bovine humanoids from a distant world, with soft, short fur, hooves, tails and imposing horns. Diplomatic, peaceful and technologically advanced, the Aegi have established themselves as the founders of an interstellar, inter-species alliance called the Elithian Alliance. Contains fixes for the following races: Lamia are a being straight out of legend, lithe and eerie yet quite personable and likeable. Advantages: 40% Knockback Resistance, +14% Speed. These can be used to heal, craft, and fight. Diet: Glitch prefer a very specific diet, generally of mechanical plants and goods. The Elduukhar are exceptional craftsmen who dedicate their lives to improved skill. It has been under development since modding became possible and is still being worked on today. However, it is unclear whether the remaining Pokemon or their trainers escaped the destruction. The Akkimari are a broken race, their society still recovering from the loss of the AI that ruled them. Discussion. In fact, most types of tiles won't bother them at all. When leaping about they go a bit faster than other races, and are slightly sticky on surfaces they contact. Increased hunger, requiring regular eating in order to be at their best. When on icey worlds, an Avikan suffers energy regen reduction (-50%). Chromatic, Desert and Red Desert biomes will reduce your protection and energy regeneration. In your opinion what is the best frackin universe race for exploration and why? I think mine might be the slime. Novakid are capable of breaking almost anything down and have no known allergies. The descendants of Humans who fled Earth in the face of a natural disaster. Advantages: Flight, +8% Speed, Increased Air Speed. Perfect Blocks increase your damage (Stacks). After 10 seconds, gain, During daylight hours you lose max Health, Energy, Damage and Physical Resistance (, Perfect Blocks increase Damage (stacks) (cancelled when hit or failing to block), When immersed in water, waste water, blood, organic soup, healing water, swamp water or other non-harmful fluids you gain. These newcomers to the galactic scene violate all known laws of life in ways never before seen. That race is the pyg. Feya crystal seed. Their aquatic origins make them especially dangerous when encountered in water and make them a force to be reckoned with. Diet: Can eat almost anything via a special form of osmosis. In riverine biomes, you drop your speed penalty and gain +15% attack power and energy capacity. Happy in cold climates, Avali are from a rather hostile environment. Your Protection increases over time spent in an area to a maximum of +25. In garden, forest, and savanna planets, you gain +5% health and +10% energy regen. Adapted to the deep underground, they can jump high and take less fall damage. But anime. Webbers are spider-human beings who were cloned by mistake, improperly. In moderate wind conditions, you fall even slower and gain increased agility and health. Advantages: Glow, -5% Knockback +10% Speed, +12% Jump. They are voracious, and their abilities stem from how much food they have recently consumed. Ну, у Старбаунда нет расовых способностей. Demons... What more is there to say, they like fire, and have horns and tails. Glitch. None. It has merged, and is NOT COMPATIBLE. Gain +1500 oxygen when submerged in liquid. You'll find a myriad of interesting crew to fight with you. Super computer-savvy space rodents. Last updated 25 February 2020 7:11AM. Should they ever opt to form a large invasion force, they would prove to be a deadly foe few could best. When on desert-like worlds, an Avikan gains +5% Defense and +15% Health. Immunities: Sandstorms, burning, and hot biomes. Stoic, wise, and elusive. You need to eat more often as a result. They're swift and extremely mobile, navigating almost any terrain, but a tad on the fragile side. By Sayter. These near-flightless bird people are extremely swift and light and capable of channeling raw chaos through crystals in wands and staves. They are able to leap high, and suffer only half the normal effect of a long fall. Diet: Carnivore. On Lush, Forest, Rainforest, Primeval Forests (+dark versions), Gain +25% Energy (Saturnians) or Health (Thaumoths). Generally violent, physically resilient and tolerant of hot temperatures. Exceptional defenses in melee. Gain access to the Shadow Burst tech. Deer-like, these herbivorous pacifists are among the fastest of the known races. Added 15 new racial BYOS bunkbeds and wall bunks, coloured after the vanilla races and the Protectorate and unlocked by the decorative BYOS node.-- Misc --Flare Gun swapped to Ammo-type weapon for more ease of use-- Bugs --added missing Gnome Warrior spawnType. FU will affect your game universe and ALL characters. They lost this ability over time, however, but they've since been able to remedy this by making special armor in the image of what they could become. +10% Ice Immunity / -10% Fire Immunity in cold biomes. On Cold biomes, -10% Health and Energy, -20% regen rate. When blocking with shields: Gain +10% protection, Perfect Blocks increase Shield Bash chance and push distance, Scythe: +15% Damage, +50% Knockback Resist, Longsword/Shortspear and Shield: +0.5% Crit Chance, +50% Knockback Resist, Cannot heal through standard means. These plant-people are able to spread their kind easily across the universe. This gives them long-term combat endurance, great for hit and run tactics. Lack of Charisma. In mod: Produces silk when a silk extraction device is equipped. Do not ingest vegetable matter. Their bonuses are 50% reduced on Casual. Their metal hull grants an immunity to radiation and poison, but makes them extremely vulnerable to electric attacks. You can use your Racial Tech Enabler (C crafting menu) to activate your Veluuish Claws, which act as a hunting weapon when unarmed. A republic populated by dangerously well-trained melee combatants. that's the problem update: it also "mentions" some additional mod wich is required for FU to work. No more spriteswap races (other than any custom equipment), and custom races being able to add support to add their own stats and tweaking some physics, like my mod adding Ivalice Moogles having them glide with … Advantages: +1100 Oxygen, swim speed boost. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Diet: Carnivore. On Savannah or Lush biomes you gain +15% Power. Also, beetles. Advantages: +50% Max Food, 1500 breath, swim boost 2. They are also quite charismatic. Bipedal deer-like people from the Valos Nebula. A unisex race of shy radioactive beings. I recommend visiting the Science Outpost when this happens, which can be triggered from your shiplocker items. Advantages: Glow, +20% Speed and Jump, -20% Hungry. -10% Charisma. Hunger rate reduced. A mystery to the cosmos, the elusive Shadow people prefer to speak only to each other. Taking damage or failing a block cancels the stack. This makes survival in other environments a challenge. You also need Frackin Universe. On hot biomes, gain an additional 15% speed and 15% health. They have adapted to enjoy more than just meat. Thelusian Warrior Tech: Crafted in the [C] menu. Это добавляет им способностей. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Half are war-thirsty madmen, while the other are pacifist free-thinkers. Their snake-like form allows them to coil their tail and leap to massive heights. While they have slight frames that make the a bit more frail than others, the Felin are cats through-and-through. They are instinctively afraid of the dark. February 18, 2018. Subterranean creatures with a very rich and cultured history, they are very sensitive to light but dangerous in the dark. On Hot Biomes you deal +10% Damage and move +15% Faster. Much can be said about them, but we'll keep it simple. On hot biomes, you suffer a -50% reduction in energy regen speed. On lush, forest and tundra and snow biomes you gain a +10% bonus to Health and +20% to Energy.
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