java executable jar maven

How can I make … If signing a contract with a contractee outside of the U.S., should you tell the contractee to write it using the standards of the U.S.? What changes I need to have in my pom.xml file to make an executable jar so that I can run it with java -jar? java -jar yourjar.jar my.package.Main. We just need to create a Maven Java project and have at least one class with the main(…) method. However, it cannot be run as an executable without manually specifying the main class and explicitly specifying the dependencies that the project uses in the classpath. Found inside – Page 252Java JAR files are read from end to beginning—yes, you read that ... When creating a so-called “fully executable JAR,” the Spring Boot Maven plug-in ... First aid: alternatives to hydrogen peroxide. To do that, you need to configure the maven-jar-plugin. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Maven build tool, to create a single executable Jar, and how to deal with the project’s dependencies. This is necessary when any of the initial JARs is a multi-release JAR. How can i assembly executable jar, for modular application with maven ? EDIT: For Java 6, you need to configure the maven-compiler-plugin. Will this have a negative impact? Additions to the pom.xml file: In order to avoid a „fat“ jar, i.e. How can a 9mm square antenna pick up GPS? This happens because the project is being built by Maven and the Main Class you specified in the Netbeans properties is not exported by Netbeans to Maven’s pom.xml file; in other words: Netbeans knows what your main class is but Maven doesn’t.