Layoffs continued in the energy sector, although they abated somewhat. Launched in March 2010 by the European Commission, the Europe 2020 strategy aims to achieve "smart, sustainable, and inclusive" growth. Fake farms also showed up repeatedly in the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, according to reports from local news outlets. Furniture, hardware, and home goods retailers saw strong business and depleted inventory levels as some experienced delays or shortages from suppliers. However, employment levels continued to decline. In the First District, the home buying "frenzy" continued in November, with contacts attributing strong buyer confidence to historically low mortgage rates and historically high stock market performance. Many contacts predicted that some retail space will be converted to industrial over the next several years. As the first round of the federal government’s relief program for small businesses wound down last summer, “Ritter Wheat Club” and “Deely Nuts,” ostensibly a wheat farm and a tree nut farm, each got $20,833, the maximum amount available for sole proprietorships. For Kabbage, that revenue kept the company alive while it sought a buyer. Prices Manufacturing activity continued to expand at a subdued pace in December, while wholesale trade contacts reported weakening activity. Construction of industrial space remained a bright spot, with a contact saying completed projects in 2020 in the Indianapolis area broke 2019's record. Get a weekly dish of features, commentary and insight from the food movement’s front lines. Retail, Travel, and Tourism Overall demand for nonfinancial services softened slightly since our last report. The percentage of nonmanufacturing firms reporting higher wage and benefit costs per employee remained somewhat higher than the percentage reporting lower costs. Finally, banks reported some pickup in loan demand and little change in delinquency rates. An index of regional manufacturing activity indicated brisk expansion in North Dakota and South Dakota in December compared with the previous month, while activity in Minnesota grew more moderately. Looking ahead, professional & business service firms expressed increased optimism about prospects for the first half of 2021, while those in other industries expected little change. The shoreline communities of Ocean County, New Jersey, are a summertime getaway for throngs of urbanites, lined with vacation homes and ice cream parlors. Most contacts reported stable and low price inflation over the reporting period. Energy prices increased some, as lower crude inventories supported higher prices for petroleum products. Overall Economic Activity The Law Library presents the complete text of the Immediate Disaster Assistance Program (US Small Business Administration Regulation) (SBA) (2018 Edition). Demand remained robust in the home improvement, appliances, and furniture categories leading some items to be out of stock. Summary of Economic Activity We are a custom essay writing service that's open 24/7. While the majority of contacts indicated that the most recent surge of COVID cases negatively affected their firm's business, a quarter of respondents indicated that it had had no effect. Many contacts noted difficulty in hiring workers, especially at the entry level. Contacts from these three sectors anticipated both sales and capital expenditures to rise over the next few months. Fifth District ports saw little change in activity since our last report. Boston Demand for new mortgages and refinancing remained strong. Consumer prices have increased moderately since the previous report. Economic conditions have been generally unchanged since our previous report. Economic activity in the Twelfth District continued to expand at a modest pace during the reporting period of mid-November through December. Finance-sector contacts generally reported widespread declines in business activity since the last report. In response to the issues of West Virginia small businesses accessing EIDL funds, Administrator Carranza also announced that the SBA is re-opening EIDL loan applications. The surge in ecommerce brought on by the pandemic led to an increase in demand for cybersecurity, IT solutions, and transaction authentication services. On average, manufacturing activity was essentially unchanged as trends continued to soften from November into December. The Paycheck Protection Program, which was signed into law as part of the CARES Act on March 27, 2020, with an initial $349 billion in funding, was a lifeline not just to small businesses, but fintechs as well. A contact in Utah noted increased demand for office and hotel space due to population growth in the area. Auto sales weakened somewhat since the previous report, while activity in the energy sector was said to have expanded for the first time since the onset of the pandemic. Inventory remains low, and a contact in Missouri reported expectations of similarly low levels of inventory for the foreseeable future. Get the latest news and analysis in the stock market today, including national and world stock market news, business news, financial news and more Found insideThis book is a history of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), a multilateral development bank established 50 years ago to serve Asia and the Pacific. Kabbage, which was acquired by American Express last fall, did not have an explanation for ProPublica’s specific findings, but it said it adhered to required fraud protocols. “If there’s anything suspicious, you can pass it along to account review, but account review was full of people who stood to make a lot of money from the acquisition.”. Economic activity continued to expand in the First District through December, according to business contacts. Overall loan volume increased, led by real estate lending. In some cases, these problems would’ve been easy to spot with just a little more upfront diligence — which the program’s structure did not encourage. Lenders indicated that delinquency rates for commercial and consumer loans were still low because of forbearance agreements and various fiscal-relief measures, although one banker noted that delinquency rates were up among hoteliers. Nonlabor input costs also rose for many firms. Retail trade was the only bright spot, with strong sales growth during December and sales above year-ago levels. Labor demand was strongest in the manufacturing, construction, and transportation sectors, with some employers noting staffing shortages and difficulty attracting qualified workers, especially for entry-level and on-site positions. The residential rental market has continued to weaken, led by New York City. Consumer Spending Agriculture However, severe inventory shortages persisted, with the inventory of homes for sale remaining substantially below a year earlier in all reporting markets except Boston condos, where inventories rose. But that doesn’t mean they’re not at risk, according to James Lee, chief operating officer at the Identity Theft Resource Center. Meanwhile, if not corrected, the fabricated identities will stay in circulation and become better at fooling other financial institutions. Housing markets in areas around New York City, on the other hand, have leveled off, following an exceptionally strong third quarter. Atlanta “It’s always the same response from K Servicing — we’re updating our forgiveness forms and they’ll be made available soon,” Dienst said. Nonfinancial Services Spot market demand and rates were high, and trucking companies continued to invest in capital expenditures for potential expansion. The Fourth District economy expanded only slightly in recent weeks as it lost some momentum amid rising COVID-19 cases. A lawsuit filed by a South Carolina accounting firm alleges that Kabbage was among several lenders that refused to pay fees to agents who helped put together applications, even though the CARES Act had said they could charge up to 1% of the smaller loans (a provision that was later reversed). Summary of Economic Activity By using The Counter (“us” and “we”) website or any of its Content (as defined in Section 9 below) and features (collectively, “Services”), you agree to the terms and conditions of use below and such other requirements that we inform you of (collectively, “Terms”). Price pressures were generally modest, but shipping costs were up. Borrowers who have had their application submitted to SBA by their lender can create an account in the SBA Capital Access Financial System (CAFS) to monitor their loan status. Restaurants struggled as cold weather deterred outdoor dining and restrictions limited indoor dining, leading to some restaurant closures. So it told all new applicants to apply through another company, SmartBiz, which had operated as a mostly online processor of SBA loans even before the pandemic. Tourism and hospitality contacts reported lower business activity relative to late November, attributing the decline to increased COVID-19 cases and travel restrictions; contacts indicated a pessimistic outlook for the first half of 2021. New home development remained vigorous, though there were continued reports of supply chain issues and skilled labor shortages. However, inventories remained very low. But none of the suspicious loans pulled by ProPublica show undisbursed funds, and they all have remained in the dataset for more than eight months. That helped millions of borrowers who’d been turned down by traditional banks, but it also created more opportunities for cheating. In addition, retailers said that filling positions in fulfillment centers was made difficult by a general shortage of applicants and by competition from larger distribution and logistics firms that continue to add more permanent positions as more commerce takes place online. Kabbage had simply approved the $940,000 loan. Consumer spending declined, with holiday sales down from last year and auto sales weakening. Brick-and-mortar traffic fell overall during the holiday shopping season. Freight Overall, tourism activity has slipped below half of prior-year levels – trending modestly lower as the weather grows colder and COVID-19 spreads. Tourism activity slowed. Expectations for future production levels increased notably, with over half of contacts expecting higher levels of production over the next six months. Software and information technology services firms reported gradual improvement, but new bookings remained below year-earlier levels. Employment grew modestly since the last report, with hiring demand seeing continued growth, but labor supply not responding in kind. Demand for professional and business services continued to increase at a steady, modest pace since our last report. We reserve the right to bar, restrict or suspend any user’s access to the Services, and/or to terminate this license at any time for any reason. Real Estate and Construction Although the pipeline of new construction has thinned, construction should remain active through the first half of 2021. Contacts again reported project delays because of increased lead times for building materials and appliances, labor shortages, and delays in government permits and inspections. Commercial leasing conditions in the First District remained mixed, as in the last report. November single-family permitting rose 8 percent over last year in Minneapolis-St. Paul and also rose in Bozeman, Mont., Bismarck, N.D., and Sioux Falls, S.D. Existing home inventory remained extremely low in many markets, continuing to place upward pressure on home prices. “They’ve been saying that for months.”. Home prices continued to climb, driven by low inventories and rising construction costs. Numerous firms across all sectors noted disruptions to operations as COVID-19 cases emerged at worksites or employees' homes. The SBA data only reflects approved applications received from lenders, some of which are then caught and not funded. One contact noted that the rush to get empty containers back to Asia for future shipments is limiting container availability for exports. Ports and Transportation None of the residents of the phony farms ProPublica contacted were getting notices that they needed to repay the loans they didn’t apply for, because they didn’t get any money. With rates at 49-year lows and demand high for home loans, lenders need to retain workers. “At any point in the loan process, if fraudulent activity was suspected or confirmed, it was reported to FinCEN, the SBA’s Office of the Inspector General and other federal investigators, with Kabbage providing its full cooperation.”, “Pushing this through financial institutions created some pretty bad incentives,” said Naftali Harris, the CEO of Sentilink, which helps lenders detect potential identity theft. Chang’s: Multimillion-dollar Covid-19 relief loans go to firms that stretch the definition of “small”, Fast-food giants gobbled up $1 billion in federal aid for small businesses, Louisiana man found guilty of using fake farms to steal $1.6 million from USDA, Farmers fight for student loan forgiveness as federal program falters, Legislators urge closure of “Shake Shack” loophole for Covid-19 loans, Maine farm with $1 million PPP loan does not seem to exist, Shake Shack returns $10 million in federal loans intended for small businesses, The French Laundry received PPP loans totaling $2.4 million. Retail and Tourism A larger share of our contacts indicated that they wanted to increase staffing levels during the cycle, but hiring remained difficult. Deposit levels increased robustly in recent weeks. Partly reflecting increased landlord concessions, effective rents in Manhattan and Queens are reported to be down more than 20 percent from a year earlier and down 8 percent in Brooklyn. Employment and Wages However, labor conditions were strained in several parts of the District as COVID-19 cases rose and absenteeism slowed activity. The labor market has softened somewhat, with employment slipping in almost all service industries, where activity has been further constrained by a rise in COVID-19 cases, increased restrictions, and cold weather. Contacts viewed government payments as an important reason many farms had profits. Selling prices have accelerated modestly, led by fairly widespread hikes among retailers, wholesale distributors, and manufacturers. But that doesn’t mean they’re not at risk, according to James Lee, chief operating officer at the Identity Theft Resource Center. The SBA also periodically updates its dataset to remove loans canceled by lenders. Others reported labor shortages in the construction and building materials manufacturing sectors, which was intensified in some areas by reconstruction efforts following the wildfire season. But American Express didn’t acquire the part of Kabbage’s business that owned those loans. "I really can't even think of a wage increase except the mandatory (minimum wage increase) on January first," said the female owner of a Minneapolis-St. Paul restaurant. Additionally, prices for raw materials were expected to continue to outpace selling prices in the coming months, putting pressure on profit margins. A semiconductor manufacturer said that automotive customers drew down inventories to conserve cash in Q2 and demand has now increased dramatically both because they are producing more cars and because they are restocking inventories. Searches for PPP applicants that didn’t show up in state registration records yielded hundreds in 28 more states, with dense clusters in Florida, Nebraska and Virginia. Retail sales picked up, but activity in the consumer and business services sectors was mixed. Manufacturing activity has continued to increase at a robust pace since the previous report, although the rate of growth has leveled off. Recovery from the pandemic continued in the final weeks of 2020, with mixed results across sectors. The servicer is led by former Kabbage employees and its website looks very similar to Kabbage’s, but American Express says it has no affiliation. Residential real estate activity remained strong, but accounts of weak conditions in commercial real estate markets persisted. However, demand for business loans reportedly was flat. That's why we published PPP loan data. Lydia DePillis covers trade and the economy. While that may have allowed millions of businesses to keep their doors open, it has also required a massive cleanup operation on the backend. Another measure of firms' new orders and sales (which had been slightly negative) deepened – significantly for sales or revenues – indicating that declines were more widespread among firms. Retailers noted that in spite of strong activity in October and November, the recent rise in COVID-19 cases and associated uncertainty weakened sales. Auto dealers said that seasonal factors, along with low inventories, were limiting sales. Today, more than 5 weeks after closing their doors, they are struggling to stay afloat. Overall, outlooks remained marginally positive, with many contacts pointing to the COVID-19 vaccine as a particular driver of optimism. That’s why the idea of one being approved for a “potato farm” was so strange. Prices were little changed recently and were up on a year-over-year basis. Employment levels increased slightly, and wages rose modestly. "I need to survive first.". This includes publishing or syndicating our work on platforms or apps such as Apple News, Google News, etc. When the SBA changed the rules in February to make the program more generous to independent contractors, K Servicing couldn’t incorporate the new forms into its processing system. Georgia Woman Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud For Covid-relief Fraud Scheme. New orders continued to flow into staffing services firms, but their ability to fill those orders was limited by worker availability. Business contacts in the Sixth District indicated that economic activity continued to expand at a modest pace from mid-November through December. Some firms said that they were raising wages to fill open positions and to minimize turnover. Several other clients of the accounting firm, including Mancini, the Long Beach mayor, also had loans registered to their addresses. Banking and Finance Reports from commercial real estate contacts were mixed, as in the last report, and residential real estate markets remained strong. Most participants in a poll at a large transportation conference in early December expected freight pricing (excluding fuel surcharges) to increase faster than usual through early 2021. Employers in some Districts reported raising wages or offering more generous benefits, such as year-end bonuses and flexible work arrangements, to limit employee turnover. Contacts reported that the growing pandemic was adversely affecting both the demand for and supply of goods and services. One transportation firm advertised entry-level positions at more than twice the minimum wage, with benefits. It can also pose problems for pre-employment background checks, insurance applications or new identification documents like passports and driver’s licenses. With a population of more than 47.6 million people in the 2019 census, Kenya is the 29th most populous country. Hundreds of PPP loans went to fake farms in absurd places ... which flagged authorities. A Dallas Fed survey of about 50 Texas retailers showed that a nearly equal share—about 30 percent—expect revenue to decrease in the first quarter versus increase, but that by the second quarter the share expecting a decrease falls to 17 percent while the share expecting an increase grows to 53 percent. Considers the Arctic to shed light on generic questions pertaining to international cooperation as well as evaluating the prospects for international cooperation in the Arctic. Railroads reported considerable improvements in total traffic, including double-digit growth in intermodal freight and increased shipments of grain, food products, non-metallic minerals, iron and steel scrap, and waste and nonferrous scrap. Consumer sentiment in West Tennessee regarding both current economic conditions and future expectations has worsened since September. Fake farms also showed up repeatedly in the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, according to reports from local news outlets. Selling prices were flat to up slightly, with more marked increases reported in the retail and manufacturing sectors. But that CPA’s data breach didn’t account for all of the suspicious loans ProPublica found across the country. Positive expectations for modest growth over the next six months have narrowed among manufacturers but broadened among other firms. The bill includes forgiveness for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $150,000 or less if the borrower submits a simple, one-page attestation form to the lender. Contacts in construction supply noted that selling prices rose modestly and expected them to continue to do so in following months. District banking contacts reported slowing growth in loan volumes but anticipate stronger demand in coming months from new PPP loans. In April, an Ocean County, New Jersey, resident contacted ProPublica after seeing his name attached to a Kabbage loan for a nonexistent “melon farm.” To see whether it was an isolated incident, ProPublica took basic information the government released after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by ProPublica and others and compared it with state business entity registries. Reports from District contacts indicate that economic conditions have been generally unchanged since our previous report. Natural resource extraction conditions improved modestly from October to November, with seasonally adjusted coal production increasing 2%. That’s in part because traditional banks, which also take deposits, are much more heavily regulated than fintech institutions that just process loans. My black ass don’t wanna be caught tryna connect with nature after dark in no h**k ass Virginia. Restaurants and bars continued to see decreased revenue across the District. Contact Us. In the first funding round that ran out last August, Kabbage completed 297,587 loans totaling $7 billion. However, rental prices remain elevated compared with this time last year and with the national average. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system. Firms in these industries were optimistic about the future because consumers continue to shift to online transactions. Numerous manufacturing contacts noted large price increases for metals and metal products, particularly steel and aluminum. In addition to relevant developments in 2016 and the first half of 2017, this year's edition of the Review also features a special chapter on maritime transport connectivity, reflecting the prominence of physical and electronic connectivity ... Reports focused on increased vacancies in retail space but continued modest competition for warehouse space. Contacts reported that the prices of lumber and concrete have increased since the previous report. Economic activity in the Seventh District increased modestly in late November and December but remained below its pre-pandemic level. With modest increases in sales throughout 2020, this retailer had greater profits because of reduced store operating costs and smaller promotions than in recent years. Energy Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) voted against Mitch McConnell’s partisan Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) bill because it does not address the needs of West Virginia small businesses that desperately need help right now. A majority of hospitality and tourism firms in Minnesota reported negative revenue trends in December and continued pessimism for early 2021. Household demand softened as retailers, restaurants, and hotels reported weaker sales in late November and December, in large part because of rising COVID-19 cases. 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