I caught this young one on the electric box scratching an itch with the sparklies in the background. etc. I am still in a little bit of shock thinking about what happened on April 28, which I already discussed earlier in the blog. Tom and Audrey together in the scraggly stick tree during a very stormy Friday the Thirteenth. Thanks very much! I asked him about the types of bands that are used (metal vs. color) and here was his answer: “The Bird Banding Lab authorizes the use of auxiliary bands (anodized color bands) only for specific research projects. The study revealed a strong association between ingestion of two locally produced acetaminophen liquid products (Afebril and Valodon) and illness. I have made it a tradition to treat all of the experts who help with our ospreys to homemade muffins. Audrey 3 was almost always on the camera pole perch, and spent very little time in the nest. Due to the change in the field of vision and different size lens, the poles had to be moved further apart from each other. We watched the nest carefully to ascertain if Audrey was receiving enough to eat so she wouldn’t leave the nest unattended, as visions of last spring’s melancholy events were still fresh in our heads. With the poles in, we were open for business, osprey business that is. Diethylene glycol (DEG) is an organic compound with the formula (HOCH2CH2)2O. Sessions last for one hour. This photo doesn’t do them justice, as it is focused on the osprey and not the water, but here is a little inkling of the sparklies. A very wet Audrey on our new purple martin house, Same photo from above, but now you know about the new purple martin house. Most ethylene glycol antifreeze contains a few percent diethylene glycol, present as an byproduct of ethylene glycol production. The platform pole ready to make the trip out to its new home. The order of events in my 2021 blogs has gotten a little cattywampus. This photo was taken just after sunrise, not the best lighting but a cool photo nonetheless. Are male bigfin reef squid the best cephalopod fathers? Tom decides to see what all of the fuss was about and comes down to the nest. the easiest way to backup and share your files with everyone. On April 29, with another bad storm looming the following day, Tom had an encounter in the straggly stick tree with the dastardly crows, whose numbers seemed to be mounting in the area. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. COM was happy with a new project, and with Phil and Dean’s help, we are the proud owners of a beautiful new purple martin house. Tom and Audrey practicing social distancing in the scraggly stick tree during the stay at home order in Maryland, Tom and Audrey not practicing social distancing during the stay at home order in Maryland. If the rightful author of the photo comes forward, I will definitely give you credit in the next blog! The toothpaste was labeled as “Manufactured in South Africa” and contained misspellings like "isclinically", "SOUTH AFRLCA" and "South African Dental Assoxiation". I haven’t figured out or mastered the changes, so I am apologizing in advance for the wonky formatting and horribly labelled photos. Once again, I cannot pick a favorite, so it’s up to you to choose yours from this group. Such a bucolic scene for our ospreys, after living through crazy town earlier this season and the unhappy events of the 2020 season. They also arrested 12 people in connection with the incident. When he appeared on the cover of Life Magazine during the run of his movie, Thunderball, I decided I would wallpaper my room with said covers. Study of the Russian painter and 'inventor' of Abstract Art, Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) and the European artists who formed the 'Blaue Reiter' group from 1911 onwards Time will tell whether our beloved Audrey II will grace us with her presence back at the nest, or a soon-to-be beloved Audrey III will take her place. It is a 20 foot long, 2 inch galvanized water pipe. The LD50 for small mammals has been tested at between 2 and 25 g/kg, less toxic than its relative ethylene glycol, but still capable of causing toxicity in humans. [47], During June 2011, the number of confirmed deaths according to the official list rose to 219 victims [48], In May 2007, a Panamanian named Eduardo Arias discovered a 59-cent toothpaste that was labeled containing DEG. The next photo is one of my absolute favorite photos out of all the osprey photos I have taken in the last nine years. This being the second incident involving counterfeit glycerine, it prompted the Nigerian National Agency for Food And Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to adopt zero tolerance for counterfeits. Flying right overhead as I was twirling around to attempt a photo. You can hear him scratching around when he is on either one of his nighttime roosts. The agency also identified urinary DEG as a biomarker for DEG exposures. More recently and since we have had a dedicated camera pole, that pole is mounted on our dock to allow viewing of the tundra swans, other waterfowl and the vistas that grace the Chesapeake in the winter. I posted a little tutorial on how to tell Tom and Audrey apart, and did not give credit to the creator of one of the photos which adeptly pointed out some of their differences. [16][17][18] This episode was the impetus for the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. However, sometimes you have to take what you can get. This is the camera pole last season before COM modified it with the spiffy new perch on top. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is (with apologizes to the old time 1976 Alka-Seltzer commercial)!! [70] The investigation revealed that DEG had been used as a coolant for the brewery equipment, in what should have been a closed circuit, but an undetected leak in the system contaminated some batches of beer. Almost immediately, that osprey was attacked by another one, and another frantic aerial battle ensued. It is believed to be the third egg that had been laid, which leaves us with eggs #1 and #2. I will leave you not with sunrise photos, but with two photos from the Full Pink Super Moon last week. [62][63], The Nigerian government traced the diethylene glycol to an unlicensed chemical dealer in Lagos, who sold it to a local pharmaceutical manufacturer. You should be able to tell the difference in the quality of the images. As soon as I walked in, I received a text from our beloved Poppy, telling me that something was bothering Audrey 3, and she kept leaving the nest. Breaking science and technology news from around the world. Crazy Osprey Man, Mrs. Crazy Osprey Man and Osprey Girl. Can you identify the osprey? In the past, we have noticed that when Tom was having trouble with his catch, he had snagged a fish that was too large to handle gracefully. For the first time, much to my delight, we actually had purple martins. The second and more immediate problem when there are no adult ospreys in the nest is predators. One chilly day a couple of weeks ago, COM trudged out to the junction box while on the phone with the Explore gurus, and attempted to regain the sound. So the mystery of where Audrey 2 has been all this time remains just that, a mystery. Before the storm really got cranked up, I managed to take some video of what was going on at the secret location. Who could have ever predicted where we are today? When I sat down to go through the photos I have taken since the last blog, I quickly realized that I had way too many to publish in one sitting. The Visiting Lady has not been seen since. Here is the result of that fortunate deposit. It will eventually break, and that event has the potential of being rather odiferous. If you are enjoying the osprey camera and blog, please consider a donation to the Chesapeake Conservancy so they are able to continue supporting programs such as this one. Audrey II is at least 14 years old, and would be reaching near the end of the average life span for an osprey. Audrey’s repast did not go unnoticed by the neighborhood turkey vultures. A couple of minutes later, an osprey landed on the camera pole perch, which had become Audrey 3’s favorite spot. There are a multitude of platforms and other man made nesting sites available in our immediate area, so VL and her Tom impersonator have probably set up housekeeping nearby. While Craig was up in the nest, he removed the unhatched egg with great care. No luck in our endeavors until our friend Phil from the Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage told us about installing a purple martin house over the water, which did the trick. Archie and Lil Bit spent some time honing their flying skills, which also encompassed landing skills. Tom realizes he is not going to be able to fly with his catch, and starts stroking his wings and heading for shore, Side view of Tom swimming to shore. There is a trash pump in the kayak which will be used to jet in the poles. In addition to eagles, there are many Great Blue Herons in the area. Lead CDC investigator Dr. Katherine O'Brien conducted a case-control investigation, looking for potential clues to the epidemic. I will try to do better next time. I AM NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW AND DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH WHAT I HAVE ALREADY REWRITTEN, AS I HAVE STAYED UP UNTIL ALMOST 6:00 A.M. To add to the intrigue, they did the osprey deed (if you have to ask, you don’t need to know). It was assumed that DEG was used as a substitute of propylene glycol, and this incident encouraged the Nigerian government to develop pharmaceutical quality control guidelines. In osprey hierarchy, Tom has to eat first, as he provides sustenance to his family. Sometimes stay-at-home orders turn out okay, especially when you get to witness something special. 86-13. Sessions last for one hour. First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. Found insideEd : Brooklyn College and City University of New York, Revised edition, Includesnew texts, introduction, biography, overview. "This book is utterly indispensable to an understanding of Matisse, and therefore of early modernism as well. We tried for years to attract purple martins to our yard. I would expect our viewer numbers will rise significantly in the near future. P. 145. The pandemic was running rampant, our ospreys were once again without little ones and our country was torn apart. The features I use to tell Tom and Audrey apart are the differences in the amount of black/white under their eyes, and the buff patch on the back of Tom’s head. The factory of the medication manufacturer, Pharval, was subsequently investigated by Dr. Joel Selanikio (also of CDC, and an Epidemic Intelligence Service classmate of Katherine O'Brien). An unmitigated tragedy", "Epidemic of pediatric deaths from acute renal failure caused by diethylene glycol poisoning. As neither Tom or Audrey had a dark necklace, this lovely bird was new to us. Smart reporting tool could combat fake news on encrypted chat apps, Don't miss: The Climate Coup looks at the finance of climate change, Health check for London zoo animals as annual weigh-in gets underway, Watch a one-legged robot hop about as researchers try to knock it over. Hopefully the weather will hold out, and we won’t experience the marauding, nefarious, dastardly crows of last spring. Last Wednesday, 4/28/2021, I was at work. Definitely not Audrey. She had to leave the nest for sustenance and protection from the weather. undertale last breath sans phase 3 right light eye. Local or International? Tonging by hand for oysters on a cold, foggy winter day. and goodies were put away, and I sat down at my computer to get some work done. Over the years, I have determined that sometimes you are good, sometimes you are lucky, and sometimes good and lucky come together. The death rate of this mysterious illness was nearly 50%, when hospital management decided to isolate all the patients with the illness in a large room and doctors could compare notes and theories. We can only hope she has found a new mate, and is enjoying her life on the Chesapeake Bay. That’s a lot of wind! But the lack of fish and the harsh weather conditions have caused Audrey to leave the nest, both to catch fish and to protect herself from the elements. Depending on the conditions, varying amounts of DEG and related glycols are produced. She managed to capture one obligatory poop shot for the season, albeit one nanosecond too late. To add insult to injury, as I continued to take photos of Craig and COM returning CJ and her new bling back to the nest, I ran out of space on my camera to take any more photos. Now that Tom is back, I hope to have many lovely photos of our recently-arrived ospreys. It’s not always calm and pretty at the secret location. The first one is just after the moon rose in the east, but the sun had not set at the time. For those of you who witnessed the event as it happened, or were able to catch a glimpse on the reruns, I think you will agree with the title I have selected for the blog. So everything seems back to normal for now. Knowing Tom’s nest making skills would probably kick in shortly after he had a rest and some chow, I immediately went out to put some sticks in the back yard. Welcome back to Season 9 of The Crazy Osprey Family’s partnership with the Chesapeake Conservancy. Tom spends a substantial amount of time on the boat lift and the swim ladder on the dock at the same neighbor’s house where Audrey likes the tree. Can hear him scratching around when he is hoping his bloody mess won t. This minor inconvenience, a teething mixture tainted with diethylene glycol ( DEG ) is an organic compound with eggs. I started my last blog he also likes to sit on the nest is.! 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