Drizzle with 1 tbsp rapeseed oil, a squeeze of lemon juice and a grinding of pepper, and gently toss together. Read More…. 2. Preheat the oven to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas mark 6. Bake for 15-20 minutes, then put under a hot grill for 2-3 minutes until golden and bubbling. * % Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. There should be just enough heat in the pan to warm and slightly soften the mozzarella. This is one of my favorite ways to eat eggplant. If not  CLICK here to download a copy of my FREE 4 Week Easy Dinners Meal Plan today! Another delicious dinner idea that’s really easy peasy:) #CookBlogShare, My kids complained about the exact same thing yesterday…”We always have pasta, it’s so boring” My husband had to point out that a) that wasn’t even remotely true and b) having a food blogger for a mother meant they probably had a way more varied diet than any of their friends! olive oil, for brushing. I sometimes add a red pepper for a bit more veg. Instead of frying the aubergines, I reduced the fat by brushing the slices with a mixture of rapeseed oil (instead of olive oil) and lemon juice, and then baking them. If you should be lucky enough to have some leftovers (or you make extras specifically), this Aubergine and Mozzarella Pasta can be reheated in the oven and turned into a pasta bake – reheat in a baking dish covered with foil at 180C / 160C fan / gas mark 4 / 350F for 20-30 minutes. I may be persuaded to give this a go with said aubergine! I’m sure he’ll happily tuck in to this though: so many wonderful flavors going on! Stir-fry until the aubergine is nicely browned, (you may need to add a splash more oil), then turn down the heat and add the crushed garlic and fry for 1 more minute. Measure the 2 tbsp of oil into a small bowl. This delicious Aubergine and Mozzarella Pasta can be enjoyed on it’s own as a quick and simple midweek dinner or it can be enjoyed with a side salad and some garlic bread for a more substantial meal. And thanks especially for the 5 stars I totally agree about the balsamic and love the idea of adding red pepper! Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Spread a little of the tomato sauce in the bottom of a shallow ovenproof dish (about 25 x 20 x 5cm). J'ai trouvé cette idée sur Facebook. Tip in the cans of tomatoes, stir to break them up, then mix in the purée, pepper and a pinch of salt. Its made by layering the aubergine with an Italian tomato sauce and then topping with sliced tomatoes, breadcrumbs and blobs of mozzarella. I forgot to put in the balsamic but it still worked out great , So pleased you liked it Maryam! Mix the lemon juice into the measured oil. Season with pepper and scatter over the Parmesan. I love the little ones, and also the stripy ones, but I very rarely see them in the shops Hope you like this if you try it! That sounds very exciting!! -When grilled eggplant is cool, layer the rounds with … Finissez par une couche de gruyère râpé. Wipe a large aubergine, or two small ones, remove and discard the stalks then slice into rounds, roughly a centimetre thick. Toss the beans with a 70g pack of rocket and a handful of basil leaves. Measure the 2 tbsp of oil into a small bowl. Thai Red Tofu and Sweet Potato Curry (Vegan), One Pot Harissa Chicken and Butternut Squash Pilaf. Trickle two thirds of the basil oil over the aubergines, scatter with a little sea salt and place under the grill. Eb , Your email address will not be published. ), 1 cup of Ragu tomato and basil pasta sauce, 6.5 oz of mozzarella cheese (For me this was 8 slices out of 10, all 10 slices would have been 8 oz), and almost a whole medium eggplant… Thanks Michelle – hahaha, you should do what I do for the kids and cut the aubergine up nice and small and make sure there’s plenty of mozzarella Eb x, I love simple pasta dishes like this one, my kids have even started complaining I make too much pasta, but it’s so versatile and you know this better than anyone else! Get my 4 Week Easy Dinners Meal Plan plus ready-made shopping lists... Oh my goodness, this looks so delicious! Drain the pasta and tip it into the sauce, stirring thoroughly to coat the pasta in the sauce. Alternatively it also goes well with Sauvignon Blanc. I’m Eb – a professional blogger, busy mum and passionate foodie and it is my mission in life to make cooking EASIER and MORE DELICIOUS! You may want to add a drop or two of the pasta cooking water to make the sauce looser. Put a the olive oil in the base of a wide, deep pan. Turn the heat down and leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes with the lid off, stirring occasionally. This Aubergine and Mozzarella Pasta is a dish I have been making my family for years. Have you got your hands on a copy of my meal plan yet? I made this lighter by roasting the eggplant in the oven instead, using reduced fat mozzarella … J’ai fait confire les tomates au four et c’est vraiment délicieux ! Badigeonnez-les avec 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive et posez-les sur une plaque allant au four.Faites-les rôtir 20 minutes dans un four à … Turn the slices over, give the remaining oil and lemon mixture a good stir as it will have separated, and brush it over again. I think the balsamic vinegar uptakes this simple dish to another level. Lightly brush some large non-stick baking sheets with olive oil and arrange the aubergine slices in a single layer on each. Finally, add the basil leaves and mozzarella and stir again. This recipe is an absolute favourite with my kids who love the soft, warm, stringy mozzarella and will happily eat their way through moundfuls of aubergine and tomatoey pasta in order to be allowed some more mozzarella! . Aubergine à la mozzarella au four – Ingrédients : 1 aubergine,1 mozzarella,1 tomate rouge,1 tomate verte,2 c. à soupe de curry Bake in preheated oven until eggplant is just tender, about 40 minutes. Bake for about 20 mins, or until the cheese is golden and the juices are bubbling. Used all mozzarella instead of a mix of ricotta and mozzarella? Brush just a little of … Learn how your comment data is processed. easy, delicious, stress-free, family food, All Recipes Easy Midweek Meal Ideas Main Courses Vegetarian & Vegan. Lay the aubergine slices snugly in a single layer on the baking sheets, brush the tops with half the oil and lemon, season with pepper and bake for 20 mins. Turn the heat up high and add the aubergine. 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped. Hi and welcome to Easy Peasy Foodie! Voir plus d'idées sur le thème recettes de cuisine, cuisine et boissons, recette de plat. Meanwhile, heat the remaining 1 tsp oil in a medium saucepan. #CookBlogShare, Oooh – 3 different types?? Sweat the onion on a low heat until it is translucent, but not brown - about 5 minutes. Enfournez pendant 20 min vos lasagnes aux aubergines. Bake … Remove eggplant from the grill and let it cool to room temperature. Répétez cette opération en utilisant le deuxième lot d'aubergines. And now it’s easier to make, we can have it more often – hooray! Required fields are marked *. 1 lemon, grated zest only. Thanks so much for sharing with #CookOnceEatTwice x, Thanks Corina…yes it’s definitely one of those recipes where you are tempted to eat just a little bit too much Eb x, I rarely eat aubergine but saw three THREE different types in Waitrose when I was helping my gran do her shopping the other day (she can afford Waitrose!) A delicious homemade tomato pasta sauce, perfectly cooked aubergines and salty, stretchy, gooey strings of Mozzarella make this simple Aubergine and Mozzarella Pasta recipe a real family favourite. Recipe from Good Food magazine, September 2015. Eb x, It looks delicious! Au fond de votre plat, disposez une partie des aubergines. Choose the type of message you'd like to post, Magazine subscription – 5 issues for only £5. 1. Ready in under 30 minutes it’s perfect for busy weeknights! Aw, thanks so much for this lovely feedback, Helen! Meanwhile you can chop the other veggies. c'est une grand histoire d'amour. It actually started off life as a Jamie Oliver recipe (from Jamie’s Dinners.) This delicious Aubergine and Mozzarella Pasta can be enjoyed on it’s own as a quick and simple midweek dinner or it can be enjoyed with a side salad and some garlic bread for a more … Get 40% off a case of mixed Argentinian wines! Heat the grill, place the aubergine slices in a single layer on a baking sheet. Gratin d'aubergines à la Mozzarella | Le Blog cuisine de Samar Total fat would rise by 2.4g, while saturated fat would rise by 1.7g and salt by 0.2g per serving. Or why not subscribe to my blog and get delicious, stress free recipes straight to your inbox every week? Nutrition information is approximate and meant as a guideline only. Still, I’d rather have two little foodies always wanting something new and different that kids who just wanted the same old, same old every day! Ready in under 30 minutes it's perfect for busy weeknights! Garnish … Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Brush just a little of it onto 2 large, non- stick baking sheets (if you only have 1 tray, bake the aubergines in batches). Recettes d'aubergines à la mozzarella : les recettes les mieux notées proposées par les internautes et approuvées par les chefs de 750g. Simply delicious and so easy. For a rich and satisfying meal, full of flavour and packed full veg, the aubergine parmigiana is a clear winner. Ainsi, elles n'absorberont pas l'huile. Simmer uncovered for about 10-12 mins until thickened and saucy, then stir in the oregano. Gently stuff crevices of eggplants with mozzarella and Parmesan. Start by laying a third of the aubergine slices widthways across the dish, spread over a third of the remaining sauce and put half the ricotta on top in small spoonfuls, then half the mozzarella. Recette Aubergines à la mozzarella : découvrez les ingrédients, ustensiles et étapes de préparation Season with pepper and bake for 10-15 mins more or until softened. Yum! Scatter over half the torn basil and season well with pepper. Easy Aubergine Parmigiana. Delicious and fresh! Blitz 15g of basil leaves and stalks with eight tablespoons of olive oil to a vivid green dressing in a blender or food processor. Traditionally eggplant parmesan is breaded and fried before baking. Eb . Lightly cook 150g fine green beans in a small pan of boiling water for 3-4 mins, then run under cold water. The calories would increase by 28 kcals. I love aubergine, but my hubster takes some convincing. Étapes. 18 sept. 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "Aubergine mozzarella" de Elisabeth Geuenich sur Pinterest. Preheat the oven to 230°C (210°C fan) mark 8. Ça faisait plusieurs étés que je voulais tester la pizza d’aubergine, tomate et mozzarella et c’est la recette de 3 fois par jour qui me l’a remise en tête. Ingredients. Coupez la mozzarella en petits dés, pelez et hachez l’ail. Serves 4-6 (main course/side dish) 1.5kg aubergines Fine salt 2 tbsp olive oil 3 cloves of garlic, crushed 800g good tinned tomatoes 150ml red wine Pinch of sugar 1/2 tsp dried oregano Oil, to … Non seulement ce plat par couches est un régal mais il est lié à mille … A delicious homemade tomato pasta sauce, perfectly cooked aubergines and salty, stretchy, gooey strings of Mozzarella make this simple Aubergine and Mozzarella Pasta recipe a real family favourite. Over time I’ve tweaked it a bit to simplify the ingredients a bit and make it easier to make, but it’s no less yummy! Une belle assiette qui cale bien, hi!!!! Add the tin of chopped tomatoes, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and some salt and pepper, then bring to the boil. Your email address will not be published. 1 mugful of fresh flat leaf parsley. Leave the a… 4 Quand les aubergines sont cuites, les disposer sur du papier absorbant. Repeat the layering of aubergine slices, tomato sauce, ricotta, mozzarella and basil, and finish with the final aubergine slices, the sliced tomatoes and the last of the sauce. If you prefer red, try a Montepulciano d’Abbruzzo or a simple Chianti. En fait, les aubergines … We've baked the aubergines and used creamy ricotta in this healthy version of Parmigiana di melanzane - far lower in fat and calories than the original. Grill the rounds for about 8 minutes on each side or until very tender. L'ultra-light Délice ultra-light de champignons Aubergine alla parmigiana Parmigiana Béchamel ultra light Pâte à crêpes ultra ultra simple Pasta alla bottarga Carciofi alla romana (artichaut à la romaine) Melanzane à la parmagiana (aubergines à la tomate et à la mozzarella) Ratatouille ultra light If you serve the Parmigiana with this salad, you can count the meal as having 3 of your 5-a-day. I didn’t salt the aubergines. Thanks so much for letting me know – always makes me happy to hear my recipes are being made and enjoyed. Recouvrez ce tapis d'aubergine par une couche du coulis de tomate puis posez quelques tranches de mozzarella par dessus. Gently unwrap, and let cool slightly, about 10 minutes. Add the chopped red onion and put the lid on. Facultatif : passer les aubergines préalablement dans le blanc d'oeuf battu. 2 large aubergines, sliced 1cm/½in thick. To cut fat and salt further, I replaced some of the mozzarella with ricotta and reduced the amount of Parmesan. 1 Coupez les aubergines en 2, dans le sens de la longueur. Eb x, This was delicious! Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Exclusive offer from Good Food Deals: This has to be right at the top of my easypeasy favourite recipes. Instructions. I’d happily eat my way through a big plateful of this and the same with the leftovers the next day! Put a wire rack on a baking sheet. you can use a white one, but I prefer red in this recipe, you could make this with any shape, but I like it best with penne. Slice each Ingrédients: 1 aubergine Mozzarella Menthe fraîche (facultatif) Comté fruité râpé (facultatif) Pesto vert Huile d'olive extra vierge 2 gousses d'ail 1/4 ci... Quiche aubergine, courgette, mozza, lardons (8 votes), … Kids, eh? Parmigiana d'aubergines version légère La parmigiana d'aubergines et notre famille (et les italiens !) 5 Dans un plat à gratin, disposer une couche d'aubergines, recouvrir d'un peu de sauce tomate et de Mozzarella … Préchauffez le four à th 7 (210°). Add the onion and garlic and fry for 3-4 mins, stirring often, until the onion is softened and starting to brown. It goes brilliantly with crisp, dry Italian whites such as Pinot Grigio, Soave or Verdicchio.