The glow only shows up when WL is the selected spell. Run to him and use magic. The wizard will drop his hat and the book will start chasing it. The trapdoor beyond the stairs (use Reducto to remove the lock) leads to a basement where, if you have all 24 gold bricks from the levels of a particular year, you can build a model and earn another gold brick (four in total). Just walk to the left and have Hagrid pull the chain, then the goblin open the lock. Below is a map that shows Hogwarts in its entirety. The video will show you what is required to 100% the level with additional detail below for each part. Jump on the cart and shoot it by targetting it to get launched up to the Bloody Baron's token. Print page (no screenshots) | Print page. In this guide, you'll find the means to navigate the complex Wizarding world, and pass your first four years of Hogwarts with flying colors, also known as the "whimsical" years, before it all got real. One for each house at Hogwarts, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Point the Wiimote at the screen to direct this circle. Studs can be found on the ground, in the air, and can appear when certain actions are performed (like shooting or WLing something). The door at the back leads to Diagon Alley. Shoot the snake to get the fang. Send Crookshanks up the right path to free the bird. If you get caught in devil's snare, by filch or just on some object, switch characters. Immobilus the pixie at 2 to get the flower. Hagrid, Fang, Krum, and Wolf Lupin natively have Strength. Top Contributors: ... LEGO Harry Potter is a "magical" game for the PS3 starring everybody's favorite LEGO wizard. Bereits ab 15,69 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt LEGO Harry Potter Collection günstig kaufen bei Professor Severus Snape befiehlt Ihnen, an einem kleinen Test teilzunehmen, bei dem Sie in nachfolgenden Erinnerungen schnelle und kurze Aufgaben erledigen müssen. You will begin in a room, where a book will attack you. In this guide, you'll find the means to navigate the complex Wizarding world, and complete the story of Harry Potter and his friends. Sometimes you simply cannot enter passwords. Reducto the gate in Diagon Alley to gain access. The arm is on the platform that lowers. At some point in the third year, a security troll will block the stairs in the Courtyard Corridor leading to the Main Hall. Purchase spells at the counter on the ground level (a waste of studs unless you're trying to get 100.0% completion). Full game walkthrough for all 43 Achievements in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Walkthrough Text Only Version. Reducto the locked chest just to your right when starting. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Hogwarts Crest Guide 33. The LEGO Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Aragog's Lair Building Kit with 157 Pieces and fantastic customer reviews is on sale for $11.99 at Amazon right now! April 2, 2020 by Silvanus Lord Blaze. Enjoy! The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 for Xbox 360. You will find yourself in a kitchen. Rune Cabinet - A cabinet with four runes on the front of it. Let me preface the introduction by warning you that this game is Tom Riddled with bugs/glitches that have ruined many players' experiences. 1.00 - Completed the story mode. Walk up the stairs and press Z to pick up the glowing lego piece. Character Tokens, Students in Peril, and House Crests are listed after Stud Hunters. By collecting a certain amount of studs, you earn True Wizard for the level and a gold brick. Tauche mit deinem Smartphone bei einer einzigartigen AR-Tour auf ganz neue Art in die Welt von Harry Potter™ ein. The bulletin board just below the stairs lets you replay levels you've completed. Use it to destry devil's snare, which looks like three spiky vines wiggling straight out of whatever they're growing out of. Year 6 - Level 6: The Horcrux and the Hand. It requires a character with Strength to pull it. Use WL on the rubble that once was the tables, making two pictures. Position the piece where you want it and it can "snap" into place. Guide Contents . 4) Assemble the pull-chain and have Hagrid pull it for you. The boy who lived has been delighting children and adults for years, as have LEGO pieces. How to get all of the hidden things (student in peril, character tokens, and house crests) will be highlighted to make finding them easier, since most of them require you to come back with spells and/or abilities you don't have access to the first time. Cheats bzw. The rest must be found while free-roaming around the school. If it looks like it's made of legos, you can probably do something to/with it, often getting studs. After you complete one, you open the stage builder mode. Simply walk to the goblin seated by himself past the others and press Z on the orange circle. Marked on the detailed maps are gold bricks, character tokens, extra bricks, and students in peril. The first hit freezes them, the second hit shatters them. Here are all of my walkthrough videos for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7. Each level has three tokens to find, giving you 72 of the characters. Floo Powder! Connect the Bricks of the Final Chapters Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 is based on the final three Harry Potter novels as well as the last four films in the series. LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide. This lets you interact with objects that have red sparkles. To avoid the biggest and permanent ones, simply do not exit to the Leaky Cauldron while in a level you have not beaten. WL the yellow wall at 3, then WL the skeleton inside until it drops an arm. The following are abilities specific to certain characters. Lumos the vines off the chest at 2 and shoot it for the snake. When Harry jumps onto the platform, switch to him. They only stay frozen for maybe ten seconds, so don't waste any time getting the second shot in. This also automatically selects the correct spell for each target (assuming you know it). Most of these things cannot be obtained during story mode, so I've specifically listed what you'll need to get these hidden goodies so you'll know when to come back and get them. At the back of the hall (past all the goblins is a gate locked with a silver lock. The following abbreviations are used throughout the guide to save a lot of keystrokes. Penelope Clearwater is an easy to unlock Ravenclaw. Shoot the bird when it's on the plate at 7, then WL the drumsticks. You can replay previously played chapters so don't fret about missing anything in your first playthrough. Jetzt testen Zum Shop. 392. Quite often, you need to build something by doing this. Each level has three tokens to find, giving you 72 of the characters. Press Z while standing on the orange circle. Hold B to cause a blue circle to appear. You can replay previously played chapters so don't fret about missing anything in your first playthrough. Our LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 guide will note all of the important characters that you can meet and unlock along the way, as well as notes on collecting golden blocks and much more. This guide will show you how to achieve 100% completion on LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Year 3: Part 3 – Mischief Managed. Gameplay in Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is similar to other Lego video games in that it revolves around collecting, exploring, and solving puzzles. Place the bricks lying on the gr… With broomsticks, fly high. Build them into a Spectrospecs dispenser and put them on, then use Wingardium Leviosa to reveal LEGO pieces and reveal a goo splotch. It should take between 25 and 30 hours to complete. Last Edited: 16 Jun 2012 12:11 am. Chain - It's literally a chain sticking out of the wall. Check out our Gold Brick Locations Guide to find out everything you need to know about collecting and finding these bricks. In front of the first shop on the left is an orange circle. You begin the game at the Leaky Cauldron. Diagon Alley is the place to be if you want to purchase some characters or extras you unlocked, replay a level you've completed, want to play a bonus level, or build your own. WL the egg on the left to get the gold brick. In the Walkthrough sections, I'll explain how to simply make it through to the end. WL the torch that appears to light the statues. By the bed you will find a bended painting #1. For this reason, you should keep it on as you explore. Walk into the shop with the arrow pointing to its door to finish the level. When you first start this mission, have a look around the playground and smash things! Die erste Erinnerung führt Sie zu einem Spielplatz, der aus dem vorherigen Level bekannt ist. For a list of characters and prices, check the Characters section. LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 guide contains a detailed walkthrough description and all collectibles location. You'll often find gold, blue, and purple studs in these areas. The spells you purchase at Wiseacre's are not included because they are a waste of studs whose only reason for buying is to get 100.0%. Shoot the armor at 1 twice to get the arm. Once it finishes cleaning, it will spit out a dragon claw needed for your potion. WL it to dump it out. WL the pieces to make a work station just to the right. All I'll provide is a map of each and every room, labeling how to get past obstacles and where to find gold bricks, students in peril, character tokens, and red bricks. For each character you can find a round token, either lying around the HUB, or within levels themselves. When the road is clear, walk up to the door and have Hagrid stand on the orange circle and press Z to pull the lever, opening the door. Switch to Hagrid. Snake Door - A snake pops out when you approach. Purchase the characters you have unlocked at the counter. The other two are in the Ravenclaw Dormitory. Any character can temporarily gain this ability by drinking an Aging Potion. Welcome to our complete unofficial guide to LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, inside our guide you will find a complete walkthrough to the game which insludes in each chapter a section on the collectibles found in that level. Baue dein eigenes Portal Harry Potter™ tippt zwar einen Stein hinter dem „Zum tropfenden Kessel“ an, aber du kannst jetzt „durch die Wand“ gehen, indem du deinen eigenen QR-Code baust, genau wie die Phelps-Brüder! Tom Riddle's Diary - Part 1. Through the left curtain at the top of the stairs you can make custom characters. Hermione gains this ability after the level Dementor's Kiss. Harry Potter Jahre 5-7: Kreacher stört die Komplettlösung LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 Tipps, walkthrough. 2) Use Wingardium Leviosa on the purple egg to guide it through the tube to the red dragon's cell. Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are Gryffindors. Make sure your partner knows WL, then jump on the table. Guide Home . WL the beans into the same colored jars to get the snake fang. Having said that, this game is still very much enjoyable and fun, though caution is needed if you want to get everything. If the dementor is after you, target it and fire. After shooting the four gargoyles around the fountain and WLing the pieces, shoot a plant near 1 for the apple. Sie benötigen einen Türgriff, um die Küche zu verlassen. The pans blocking the passage will fly into the sink. WL the trophy head at 3 to reveal a rune cabinet. Use WL on the candles on the left side of the room (by the bar). I've also marked obstructions, what you need to get past them, and how to get past them, as well as provide links to maps of neighboring rooms. More help, hints and discussion forums for on Supercheats. Use Reducto to smash the lock, then hit the chest for the token. The second book is on the shelf right of the door to the Ravenclaw Dormitory. Each level has three tokens to find, giving you 72 of the characters. Halfway down the street is a brown table on the right. Move them around with the control stick. Some characters aren't skilled enough to do this. Fang, all cats, and Professor Sprout can dig. This walkthrough is meant to assist players maximize their initial run. Just bring the red spider from the web on the left side, the flowers from the table on the right side, and WL the ice cream cart to make the popcicle appear, then put that in, too. Drop down and place it where the arrow is pointing on the door. Add it to the potion. As soon as you learn Reducto, you can unlock every character type. Underneath each map is a description of how to get each of these. Switch to Hagrid and use WL on the handle to open the door. Have a parselmouth stand on the orange circle in front of it and press Z. Clock/Grandfather Clock - A clock with an orange circle in front of it. Based on the last three Harry Potter books and final four films, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 takes players through Harry Potter's heroic adventures in the Muggle and wizarding worlds. Part 1 of the LEGO Harry Potter Collection in the new remastered edition for PS4. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Full Guide. After opening the gate with Griphook, Reducto the lock off the chest on the left and shoot it again. After a while both items will be swallowed by the cabinet. 7/23/10, 1.50 - Added a new flow chart map of Hogwarts and links under detailed maps to facilitate navigation, added locations to Characters section, added codes to unlock Extras, and finally added in those missing True Wizard totals. Our LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 walkthrough guides you through every chapter of the first 4 years as well as a Red Brick Guide, a Gold Brick Guide, and a Student in Peril Guide. Next Page Y7 P1 Prologue Previous Page Y6 L5: Felix Felicis. These Hogwarts Crests are needed to get the 2 achievement or trophies for 50% and 100% completion in the game. Early on the right side is a barrel with brooms in it. At the end of the street is a cauldron that needs some ingredients. This game will take you through years 1 to 4, following the wizarding life of Harry Potter from his birth to narrowly escaping Lord Voldemort. WL the pieces to make a sweeping vehicle. There's a painting above the chimney - you can wave to it #1, but you need a ginger girl. Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7! We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Studs are lost when you die. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is the sixth Lego platformer released on the 360. After opening the gate with Griphook, Reducto the lock off the chest on the right and shoot it again. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19. Pick up/deposit potion ingredients, keys, and other objects that have an arrow over them, In freeplay, change to the next character up in your party, In freeplay, change to the next character down in your party. Upstairs you can buy the Extras you've unlocked. The Leaky Cauldron - This is where you start whenever you load a save file. This guide is intended to get you through the game Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 while getting all of the characters, extras, and gold bricks. See our member submitted walkthroughs and guides for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7. If there's a vehicle (frogs in the water, pumpkins, plungers, mops) hop on. You are now in control of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. If that happens, try resetting the game and coming right back. Explore Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learn spells, brew potions and relive the adventures like never before with tongue-in-cheek humor and creative customization that is unique to LEGO videogames! Reducto the left clothes rack (the one in the middle of the floor, you may have to shoot it a lot) and WL the clothes back into place to unlock Hermione (Ballgown). Neighboring rooms: TT Clock Tower, West Courtyard, Neighboring rooms: Herbology Subroom 2, Herbology Subroom 3, Herbology Room, Neighboring rooms: Owlery, North Courtyard, Neighboring rooms: Roost, Owlery Path, TT Owlery, Neighboring rooms: TT Dorm, Dormitory Hall, Neighboring rooms: Slytherin Common Room, Dormitory Hall, Neighboring rooms: Slytherin Dormitory, Slytherin Antechamber, Neighboring rooms: Hufflepuff Common Room, Dormitory Hall, Neighboring rooms: Hufflepuff Dormitory, Hufflepuff Antechamber, Neighboring rooms: Hufflepuff Common Room, Neighboring rooms: Ravenclaw Common Room, Dormitory Hall, Neighboring rooms: Ravenclaw Dormitory, Ravenclaw Antechamber. By Head_Fish on December 10, 2011 Hogwarts Crest, Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 There are 24 levels for this game, and each one has four crest pieces to be found. Tipp Lego Harry Potter: Die Jahre 1 - 4 Komplettlösung - Ohne Cheats durchspielbar. Gringotts - The last building in Diagon Alley. One for each house at Hogwarts, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. From Privet Drive in Little Whinging to Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and Hogwarts – plus new locations including Grimmauld Place, the Ministry of Magic, and Godric's Hollow – players will encounter new faces, new challenges and new magic, pre… Welcome to our complete unofficial guide to LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, inside our guide you will find a complete walkthrough to the game which insludes in each chapter a section on the collectibles found in that level. Tipps und Tricks beinhaltet der Walkthrough ebenfalls. Shoot the brown contraption at 3 and it will regurgitate the flower. Eeylops Owl Emporium - The second shop in Diagon Alley. If you're not sure what something means, there are likely others who don't, too, so help them out. Use the goblin to open the safe in here, then WL the pieces that come out. For handy reference we've also summarised all the collectibles again in their own section of the guide. You begin at a farm; go into the house #1. Post Comment. LEGO Harry Potter Wiki Guide. Wir bemühen uns stets um einen klarverständlichen Leitfaden. Help for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 on PC, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, 3DS, Nintendo DS, Vita, PSP, iPhone/iPad. There are often switches inside the tubes to press. The purpose of this is to give you a general idea of the layout and a quick reference to get you from one room to another that is on the other side of the castle. Jump on the raised part and your partner will jump on the lower one. WL the planks in a cart to form stairs leading up to Igor Karkaroff's token. Only Hermione and Professor Dumbledore have this ability. Keep standing there and the leaf will pop out. Full game walkthrough for all 35 Achievements in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. Borgin and Burkes - The only shop in Knockturn Alley. Fire a shot from your wand. Inside you can play ten bonus levels (provided you've earned enough gold bricks). Added the final level Harry's Destiny to the walkthrough. You can purchase twelve gold bricks at the counter. When they're both made, the crest appears above the bar. LEGO Harry Potter is a "magical" game for the PS3 starring everybody's favorite LEGO wizard. When building stairs, this is essential to secure the piece, otherwise it may tip and fall over when you jump on it. Use Reducto on it to open the gate. 3. The door at the front right will let you continue with the story or take you back to Hogwarts. Walkthrough and Hogwarts sections are completely done. Cast (WL) on it - you can do it with whichever character - and the wizard will move to the other painting. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 is the sequel to LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and was released 11 November, 2011 in North America and 18 November, 2011 in Europe.It was released on Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii, PS Vita, and 3DS. By attending lessons, you can learn more spells and abilities, which will allow you to access new areas or defeat new creatures. Fokus! Here's the next instalment of the Lego franchise and the first of two Lego Harry Potter games. Fred (Quidditch): In a locked chest next to the pipe puzzle. Our LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 walkthrough continunes with Dragons, keep reading to find out everything you need to complete this level. Based on the last three Harry Potter books and final four Harry Potter films, LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 5-7 takes players through Harry Potter’s heroic adventures in the Muggle and wizarding worlds. 3) Kill the pixies. Once you get all 200 gold bricks, you can build a door to a bonus level and unlock Voldemort. Our guide contains a detailed walkthrough of all missions. Drive it all over the floor, getting rid of the grey areas, to earn a gold brick. Just about anyone who isn't a student is an adult. In den Winterferien reisen Sie zum Hauptquartier des Ordens von Phoenix, wo Sie unangenehm von einem Gnom (Kreacher) begrüßt werden. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1 … The more you smash the more coins you can collect. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by CyricZ v.1.1 | 2012 | 243KB *Most Recommended* *FAQ of the Month Winner: November 2011* Shoot the chest near the end, then jump on the table to get launched to the Shifty Wizard's token. Learned at the start of The Forbidden Section, Only Harry can use this, which makes him invisible, Use it to sneak past Filch, prefects, and other naughties, Allows you to control the character's pet, Pets can squeeze into pet tubes to press otherwise inaccessible switches, Ron can control Scabbers until the third year, Hermione can control Crookshanks from the thrid year on, and Neville can control Trevor, Learned in your first defense against the dark arts lesson of the second year, Used to destroy pixies (the little blue flying guys, often holding something out of your reach. LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-4 - Build the adventure from Privet Drive to the Triwizard Tournament and experience the magic of the first four Harry Potter stories – LEGO style! Shoot the statue under the painting of the red wizard. 1) Shoot nine lamps to unlock the Red Crest piece. WL the pieces. Welcome to Lego Harry Potter!