What are the public services that have been implemented most successfully, relying at least in part on telecenters to reach communities? ���sB�A�o�!O�������Ni��Or)�N�n����3Hv���M����B�kvV��F�Mؕ��G���[e���cp�b. What forces in the community promote the use of public access ICTs? 4. Boase et all 2006 differentiate between core and significant ties. Are there synergies between mobile use and public access that can be better exploited in a development context? The other popular applications are browsing the net to read the news (over 50%), and to consult educational content (over 40%). (www.mic.go.kr/eng/res/res_pub_db/res_pub_sep_brd/Broadband_Internet_in_Korea_2002.pdf). How the information reaches those who are at "the bottom of the pyramid"? Trust also has a moral value: trusting people have an optimistic view of the world. Fukuyama, Francis, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, New York: Free Press 1996. How do the characteristics and consumption patterns of non instrumental use differ between public and private access points? (www.propoor-ict.net/content/view/26/48/1/2/). (www.oii.ox.ac.uk/resources/publications/RR3.pdf). le sujet : This text is about… It deals with &… It focuses on … The main topic is … (Année de publication). Countries covered: The focus is on low-income countries, with Ghana, India or Bangladesh as possibilities. The list of research questions presented here has been taken from: "Revision of Mobile Phones Probe" by Ananya Raihan. Some are difficult to implement, as is the case with increasing "freedoms" or reducing inequality. Knack, Stephen and Zak, Paul, "Building Trust: Public Policy, Interpersonal Trust, and Economic Development", Supreme Court Economic Review, 2002. Email has clear advantages ("social affordances", following Wellman 1999, Wellman et al, 2003, Hampton and Wellman 2003, Mok, Wellman and Carrasco 2008) for expanding a person's network. What categories of users use mobile facilities to access services? To avoid duplicating efforts with the Global Study, Amy Mahan Fellowship Program applicants whose topic covers similar grounds should check for updates of this probe in the following site: http://www.globalimpactstudy.org/researchdesign/methologies. 4. Among 721 cybercafé users in Bengalore, Internet browsing (92%) was found to be the most frequently used service, followed by email (72%), phone calling (52%), games (50%), and chatting (49%) (Haseloff's (2005). They also did not foresee the dramatic fall in phone service cost that has occurred since 2001, nor the impact on trust resulting from a fourfold increase in the total number of telephone subscribers that (according to ITU data) has occurred since then, or the concomitant increase in value of the parallel expansion in interpersonal communications networks. Présentation de la vidéo éditée par le CRDP de Caen, exemples de sujets, grilles pour le lycée, critères d’évaluation et pistes d’observation. Toyama, Kentaro, Karishma Kiri, Deepak Menon, Joyojeet Pal, Suneet Sethi, and Janaki Srinivasan, "PC Kiosk Trends in Rural India", Seminar on Policy Options and Models for Bridging Digital Divides, Tampere, Finland, March 13-14, 2005. endstream endobj 145 0 obj <>stream 1. Biblioredes equipped 365 libraries with additional computers and connetivity (de la Maza and Abbagliati 2004,) In all, the program trained about 30% of the country's digital literacy target. When do impacts of public access use become visible at individual and community level? The Global Impact Study has selected this topic for in-depth probe. Raiser (1999) makes a useful distinction between "ascribed trust", i.e. Exemples: r – ready, road, rr – purr, warren wr – write, wretch rh – Rhyme, Rhapsody 6) Plural /s/ : Peut signaler la forme plurielle en anglais. Adato, Michelle, Carter, Michael R., and Julian May, "Exploring Poverty Traps and Social Exclusion in South Africa Using Qualitative and Quantitative Data", Journal of Development Studies", Vol. Román, Marcela, and Guerrero, Alexis, Impact Evaluation of the "Biblioredes Abre tu Mundo" Project, September 2005. 5. One pertinent source is the telecenter community forum at www.telecentre.org. Where people do not trust one another, business and organizational transactions take longer and are costlier to complete (Fukuyama 1996, Covey 2006). (www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/cgi-bin/counter.php?url=http://chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/publications/livingnetworked/ieee1%5b1%5d.4b.PDF&f=ieee1%5b1%5d.4b&mode=1). What is the value of basic IT training and services provided at public access venues, does it lead to people getting jobs, or provide skills that better their life? For item 2 we will address a time frame of relevance to each context to capture important changes in the recent past and possible future scenarios. endstream endobj 143 0 obj <>stream ��8Y�W�����+�Խ�3t�#LJ nr@����j����U��k�K�-~6�T"Y���p�����_.rh5�x嬺m];:1k���]a��4��3K�-���4f�8���и���&ͿJ�m*��}�\E��&]��?��u�������6eJW+)�"�)�2��*r���qeKe*BJ���դl���=��x����`�[~;gԟ�rk�$pBPМ~}�A�S9�,F�@[�};1ڴ���M���0�{f�.t���7yO�r"Qh����*�Tlڳ. How does this contribute to our understanding of a realistic number for people affected by a project? The program is being expanded to cover the entire state of Kerala. Rural money lending is character based, which is feasible between people who know one another. Some overlap between the Global impact study in-depth probes and the investigations selected for an Amy Mahan Fellowship is likely, even desirable. When choosing a topic, applicants are urged to review the description of in-depth probes and their up to date status at: http://www.globalimpactstudy.org/researchdesign/methodologies, Title of study: Infomediaries: brokers of public access, Countries covered: Chile, Bangladesh and Brazil. Cherchez topic et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire Anglais pour Apprenants de Reverso. It is the way individuals feel as a result of participating in networks and receiving social support from networks. Knack and Zak (2002) have identified a number of policies that could increase generalized trust in a society. Le candidat dispose de 20 minutes de préparation. All communication mediums (face-to-face interaction, landlines, mobile phones, email, chatting) are used interchangeably; but telephone communications appears to be particularly useful in strengthening strong ties; email in building up larger networks of weaker but not inconsequential ties. For email to be an effective networking tool users need to first get their hands on a computer connected to the Internet, learn how to use it and have or be in a position to develop a network of family and friends who can also communicate using the technology. Niveau: (difficile) EXPLIQUER UN TEXTE: expressions importantes. Si je suis en salle d’examen, je me sers des éléments dont je dispose ( par exemple, du texte de compréhension écrite qui sert de support à l’expression écrite). 1. 1. 1, Issue 3, 2005. Neighbors and friends provide a valuable network on which rural dwellers depend often, but these networks of strong ties can also constrain opportunities and may not provide a way out of poverty. Among Chile's (mostly rural) telecenter users interpersonal communications is the most popular service. Conley, Timothy G., and Udry, Christopher R., "Learning about a New Technology: Pineapple in Ghana", 2005. What is the relationship between costs and benefits of providing public access to ICT? 3. englisch-hilfen.de – LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE . ; si l'auteur (ou le document) est cité dans deux notes consécutives, on écrit simplement pour la deuxième Ibid. 13. èHow effective are telecenters as public service delivery channels? What are the socio-economic characteristics of users, who access same services through multiple media, platform and venues? Zak however finds that generalized trust is mediated by the neurological emission of the neuroactive peptide, oxytocin. 42, No. Traductions en contexte de "topic" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : important topic, work on the topic, the scope of the topic, the same topic, consideration of the topic The former are "the people with whom Americans turn to discuss important matters, with whom they are in frequent contact, or from whom they seek help", Significant ties are "the people outside that ring of ‘core ties' in Americans' social networks, who are somewhat closely connected". (www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/itid.2007.3.2.21?cookieSet=1). u�*S-uU 2. Exemples de pack. Bref, vous avez besoin de connaitre et maitriser le vocabulaire du monde du business en anglais !. Chile's program is implemented in libraries distributed throughout the country, the majority situated in small towns. The information given for each probe includes the title of the research investigation to be undertaken, the country coverage planned and the research questions to be addressed in each case and the source of this information. These institutions are costly and difficult to establish in low trust settings. (www.digitaldivide.net/articles/view.php?ArticleID=59). What is the relationship between state structure and the organizational form of public access venues (are certain types of centers associated with certain types of state structure)? the process-based trust of users increases. picture below, is part of Exemple De Cv En Anglais étudiant Pdf editorial which is categorized within resume format and posted at April 23, 2019. What are the costs? Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind? You can find Exemple De Cv Professionnel En Anglais Pdf 13 Cv En Anglais Exemple Pdf guide and read the latest Exemple De Cv Professionnel En Anglais Pdf. Do public access venues started under different programs (private entrepreneurial, government) function differently? 1. )�M�����5$c�qi��~��R:X��u�%����j���{݄#C�g�o�M����&�tH�1%��׵&_��,]>��B�׶b��V�G^omE�3k��{]�-�D�M'�^�3;�8z^��:��y'�ͫ|���Ρ�>ⱹ,��Lߏ��rYޞ���1��>Q#���V'=�盭��x7�����3'zWQ@ȯ����Oukg]�M�u �ʳ��t�mm�voc}?�����s�6HI�]p\+u�ݼ�3.a'="���9��h 7. (www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/gb20080715.htm). Pour trouver un emploi aux Etats-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, en Australie ou dans tout autre pays anglophone, vous devez impérativement rédiger votre candidature en anglais. Zak (2007) defines "generalized trust" as "the probability that two randomly chosen people will trust each other in a one-time interaction". endstream endobj 147 0 obj <>stream How do telecenters compare with mobiles with respect to public service delivery? 10 hours hands on training in basic computer & Internet skills, with opportunity for free after class practice. We'll say that again: Sending and reading email is still the most frequently reported internet activity by the average internet user, despite the growth in real-time communications like IM, text, and social network site messaging. (www.itu.int/ITU-D/univ_access/seminar/buda/papers/final/f_ernberg.pdf). (www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/012s-Maza_Abbagliati.pdf), Deresiewicz, William, "The Disadvantages of an Elite Education", The American Scholar, Summer 2008. The choice of priority research questions is important. Libecap, Gary D., "Contracting for Property Rights" 15 November 1999. Compréhension de l’écrit 2. 4. What are the barriers to access (especially for marginalized populations)? �к�� Documents joints Débats en LVE Exercice d'anglais "Texte de compréhension" créé par marit64 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! Actual cost varies depending on viability of technological options. Mubarak Mishra, Shridar, John Hwang, Dick Filippini, Reza Moazzami, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian and Tom Du, "Economic Analysis of Networking Technologies for Rural Developing Regions", 2005. By end 2005 only 415 eCenters were still operating (Kiran 2007). Biblioredes is entirely funded by Government. What is the relation between public access venues and government, NGOs and other public access venues at the local level (are there programmatic ties)? ), 5. Countries covered: Bangladesh, Chile, Lithuania, Philippines. According to Ferlander 2003 and Ferlander and Timmons 2007, social capital is made up of three components: social networks, social support and trust. intégralement en anglais ou en français. )]�*�?7�n*m~_�٬s��g�6�H&U֐P��*�͔��M&����� Dutton, William H., and Helsper, Ellen J., The Internet in Britain: 2007, Oxford Internet Institute, 2007. Reply Delete. ", LIRNEasia, December 2007. Instead, people who use the Internet simply communicate more often, now using email and to lesser extent also chatting. ��7��peOך 3��� ��ۺϣ#��h"��3�Ĉy[_tj�ˢȕ��r�v�:�:�zT�����L`�(��bd��\b�xx\S鼍�������5R� Do non-instrumental uses of ICT (e.g., games, chat, entertainment activities) have impacts on the 7 development domains (employment/income, education, civic engagement, democracy, cultural preservation, and health)? Focusing on people and their information and communication behaviour (Davenport, 1009). "�y�T�M�R|���,�A�_����Heuʸ@,�A���;�n"�v�z Nancy has won thirty dollars  Present perfect 5. Zak, Paul J., "The Neuroeconomics of Trust", Ch. To avoid duplicating efforts with the Global Study, Amy Mahan Fellowship Program applicants whose topic covers similar grounds should check for updates of this probe in the following site: http://www.globalimpactstudy.org/researchdesign/methodologies, Title of study: Analysis of the life cycle of Public Access to Internet (PAI) venues located in libraries (Biblioredes). (www.neuroeconomicstudies.org/pdf/Neuroactive%20hormones%20and%20interpersonal%20trust-%20International%20Evidence.pdf). 2.He is a / an / the tallest boy in aanthe class. What are the factors behind choice of single or more than one media, platform and venues? To avoid duplicating efforts with the Global Study, Amy Mahan Fellowship Program applicants whose topic covers similar grounds should check for updates of this probe in the following site: http://www.globalimpactstudy.org/researchdesign/methodologies, Title of study: Mobile Nexus with Public Access Research Probe. What are the services (communication, information and transaction) are available through various media, platform and venues? www.informaworld.com/smpp/765117955-64668542/content~content=a741607996~db=all~order=page, www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/172/report_display.asp, www.telecentros.org.co/index.shtml?apc=h1-1--&x=605, www.econ.yale.edu/~cru2/pdf/july2005a.pdf, www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/012s-Maza_Abbagliati.pdf, www.theamericanscholar.org/su08/elite-deresiewicz.html, www.lirneasia.net/wp-content/uploads/2006/02/de%20Silva%20Tuladhar%202006%20Nepal%20final.pdf, www.oii.ox.ac.uk/resources/publications/RR3.pdf, www.oii.ox.ac.uk/research/oxis/OxIS2007_Report.pdf, www.itu.int/ITU-D/univ_access/seminar/buda/papers/final/f_ernberg.pdf, www.crdlt.stir.ac.uk/Docs/SaraFerlanderPhD.pdf, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1328057.1328105&coll=&dl=GUIDE&type=series&idx=SERIES10714&part=series&WantType=Proceedings&title=AICPS, www.stanford.edu/dept/soc/people/mgranovetter/documents/granimpacteconoutcomes_000.pdf, www.propoor-ict.net/content/view/26/48/1/2/, www.asanet.org/galleries/default-file/hamptonwellmanCC.pdf, http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/226/182, (www.iamai.in/Upload/Research/I-Cube-2007-Summary-Report-final.pdf, www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/itid.2007.4.1.19, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=304640#PaperDownload, http://research.microsoft.com/research/tem/kiosks/Kiosks%20Research.doc, www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/gb20080715.htm, www.mic.go.kr/eng/res/res_pub_db/res_pub_sep_brd/Broadband_Internet_in_Korea_2002.pdf, http://econ.arizona.edu/downloads/working_papers/anderson3s.pdf, www.pewinternet.org/report_display.asp?r=189, www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/cgi-bin/counter.php?url=http://chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/publications/has_distance_died/Has_Distance_Died_Online.pdf&f=Has_Distance_Died_Onlinea&mode=1, www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~smm/WINE_paper.pdf, www.comtechreview.org/spring-summer-2005/000321.html, www.wwwords.co.uk/rss/abstract.asp?j=elea&aid=2875, http://research.microsoft.com/workshops/ictd2007/ICTD2007_Proceedings_CD.pdf, www.e-paratodos.org/pdf/CTCsPrimerosAnos.pdf, www.e-ForAll.org/pdf/VGKChoicesChallenges_6Sep2004.pdf, www.e-forall.org/pdf/GuatemalaAccesoRural_9mayo2006.pdf, www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/itid.2007.3.2.21?cookieSet=1, www.digitaldivide.net/articles/view.php?ArticleID=59, www.biblioredes.cl/NR/rdonlyres/EF066796-154B-4380-B52D-687C080E6B2C/171194/ImpactEvaluationoftheBiblioredesAbretuMundoProject.pdf, http://geminis.dipres.cl/virlib/docs/Gestion/2005/doc21-228-200797_EPF090502072005_IF.pdf, http://infocentros.subtel.cl/coni/Descargables/Sistematizacion_Infocentros_Chile_2005.pdf, http://research.microsoft.com/research/pubs/view.aspx?type=Technical%20Report&id=881, http://research.microsoft.com/research/tem/kiosks/PC%20Kiosk%20Trends%20in%20Rural%20India.doc, www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/cgi-bin/counter.php?url=http://chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/publications/livingnetworked/ieee1%5b1%5d.4b.PDF&f=ieee1%5b1%5d.4b&mode=1, www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/cgi-bin/counter.php?url=http://chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/publications/social_affordances_of_the_internet_for_networked_individualism/social_affordances_of_the_internet_for_networked_individualism.pdf&f=SA&mode=1, www.blackwell-synergy.com/servlet/useragent?func=synergy&synergyAction=showTOC&journalCode=ecoj&volume=111&issue=470&year=&part=null&cookieSet=1, www.neuroeconomicstudies.org/pdf/Neuroactive%20hormones%20and%20interpersonal%20trust-%20International%20Evidence.pdf, www.neuroeconomicstudies.org/pdf/Rennaissance.pdf, www.neuroeconomicstudies.org/pdf/Zak%20neurobiology%20of%20trust.pdf. In Chile, computer/Internet literacy proper. (i.e. L’élève est capable de verbaliser en mots simples ce qu’il a appris/compris. Kerala training was e-awareness. How can this trust effect be nurtured and harnessed to improve telecenter program performance? L’anglais n’a cessé d’être influencé par le … Under what conditions are infomediaries most able to contribute to positive impact in terms of ‘effective use' (Gurstein, 2003) and improved info-ecologies? Tutorial 1: Minimal example; Tutorial 2: Header, footer, page break and image; Tutorial 3: Line breaks and colors; Tutorial 4: Multi-columns; Tutorial 5: Tables; Tutorial 6: Links and flowing text; Tutorial 7: Adding new fonts and encodings: Adding new fonts and encodings Trust is key to economic growth and social development (Fukuyama 1996; Knack and Keefer 1997; Raiser 1999; Zak and Knack 2001). Replies. Internet users have more significant ties than non-users. What accounts for these differences? International Institute of Information Technology, IIIT, "Information and Communication Technologies for Development: A Comparative Analysis of Impacts and Costs from India", A report prepared for the Department of Information Technology of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Infosys Technologies, July 2005. (www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/cgi-bin/counter.php?url=http://chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/publications/has_distance_died/Has_Distance_Died_Online.pdf&f=Has_Distance_Died_Onlinea&mode=1). Email etiquette is informal and tolerant of grammatical errors and modes of expression. ANGLAIS – ÉVALUATION 2 Compréhension de l’écrit et expression écrite Le sujet porte sur l’axe 6 du programme : Innovations scientifiques et responsabilité. Raven, Francis, Trust and the Internet, 10 December 2004. What are the socio-economic characteristics of users, who access services only through public access venues? Glasser et al 1999 define trust as "the commitment of resources to an activity [by an individual] where the outcome depends upon the cooperative behaviour of others" and trustworthiness as "the behaviour that increases the returns to people who trust you". L'adresse de l'expéditeur se place en haut à droite, à moins qu'il n'y ait un en-tête déjà imprimé sur la feuille de papier. Titre de la base de données [Base de données]. 2 in Renaissance in Behavioral Economics, Roger Frantz, editor. Exchange labor is common in agriculture because it makes work easier for everyone involved. Do people gain any ICT skills (ie, keyboarding skills, knowledge of OS and file structures, etc.) Traductions en contexte de "topics" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : the following topics, specific topics, topics such, topics related, main topics (www.oii.ox.ac.uk/research/oxis/OxIS2007_Report.pdf). En visitant le site vous acceptez nos Politique des cookies. Are any skills gained through non instrumental uses transferable to other (instrumental) uses of ICTs (like searching strategies, information evaluation, synthesis and summary)? E-Literacy training was the focus of the Akshaya program for 6 months starting May 2003. Le même certificat peut aussi être établi dans une autre langue, en plus de l’anglais ou du français. Anonymous September 16, 2019 at 5:10 PM. Galpaya, Saramajiva and Shamistra 2007 have nevertheless argued that mobile phones are likely to be a more effective way to provide public services. Email was used by over 90 percent of telecenter users surveyed; chatting by over 60%. "It literally feels good when someone trusts you, and that good feeling causes ost of us to be trustworthy". The Amy Mahan Research Fellowship Program to Assess the Impact of Public Access to ICTs will support original research addressing critical issues that will help assessing the impact of public access to ICTs. Is there a difference in trust building for different uses of the personal communication tools (e.g. (www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~smm/WINE_paper.pdf). �"�����+,�R� Notes La seule maladie spécifiquement visée par le Règlement sanitaire international (2005) pour laquelle la preuve de la … Sam found aan wallet on the ground. Some countries, mainly India, have tried to use telecenters as mediators in the delivery of public services. What are the differences between countries? Exemple de présentation orale AD 5 Economics EPSO EXERCICE REMARQUE IMPORTANTE : ... Pièces jointes : Summary_EC_EP_Proposal.pdf Cher/Chère (Votre nom), En premier lieu, je tiens à vous souhaiter la bienvenue au sein de notre équipe. What services are available through more than one media, platform and venues (overlap)? To what extent do the benefits of public access extend from users to non-users? ... Bonjour est il possible de recevoir les leçons en pdf merci bcp pour votre travail Mounyasbai@gmail.com . Vous trouverez également un modèle de lettre de motivation en français Is there a difference between trust induced by using the Internet or by using a mobile?). Le texte qui lui est proposé est un article récent qui traite de sujets sociaux, culturels ou politiques. This distinction is analogous to Granovetter's (2005) differentiation between "strong ties" and "strong weak ties". What are the main institutional changes that are shaping, or shaped, by development of public access to ICT (national level)? 1. There are other valuable sources of information on public access that may help in the choice of research topic. Home; Search; A-Z Topic Index; Printable Topics and Worksheets; Interactive Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises To what extent is the use of mobile devices users' first contact with new ICT?