Copyright © 2001 - 2021, James A. Gels, all rights reserved. X5 switches with X4 on O5's roll to basket. 1. X4 defends post O4. The 2-1-2 match-up zone faces a 3-out, 2-in offensive set. X2 sags off on weakside and picks up cutter O3. Defender X3, takes first player to right of X1. Bill Self: Kansas. X2 pressures ball handler O2 When behind late in the game, trapping becomes a necessity. The guards, X1 and X2, cover everything above the free throw line. However, since the match-up zone uses rules, the 1-4 alignment does not pose a problem. X1 drops to elbow while X2 pressures the ball handler. X1 drops to elblow while X2 pressures the ball handler. Weakside wing defender X3 denies O3's flash into post, interchanging positions with X5. You can create your own match-up rules so long as your players all understand and know the coverage patterns. X1 drops to elbow while X2 pressures the ball handler. 1. 3-2 Match Up Zone Defense for Middle School Basketball This matchup zone covers all areas of the perimeter and it prevents dribble penetration. Alternately (diagram I), when O2 passes to O1, X4 drops inside. X3 pressures ball handler while X5 denies low post O5. Zone DefenseEach defender is assigned a particular area of the floorand makes adjustments relative to the position of the ball. Basic match-up rules apply. A more simple option is to have just one rule: once the initial match-ups are done (on that particular possession) and you have affected the offense's basic set, everyone plays man-to-man pressure defense, using the concepts of on-ball, deny, helpside, etc. Defenders X1 and X3 sags off on weakside while X4 pressures ball handler. Constant ball pressure forces more steals, kills more time off the shot clock for teams to get good looks at the basket and keeps the offense off kilter. If it’s a winning defense, use it! What Is The Definition Of Match-Up Zone Defense In Basketball? A match-up zone is a passive defense reacting to offensive movement and allowing perimeter ball movement. X5 denies O5's flash into middle. X3 pressures the ball handler while X5 takes O3 flashing into high post. X1 and X3 sag off while X4 matches up on baseline. However, these match-up assignments may be adjusted to a team's specific player personnel. Look at Diagrams G and H below. X5 denies post pass, X1 drops to elbow Trapping can be used as a strategic maneuver to catch the opponent off guard, such as after a timeout or on a free throw. Make the zone M2M – Make the match-up play M2M and run your normal offense. You see in the diagram how your defensive players match up with the offense. tape record adj. This is the basic alignment of the 3-2. Ballside post defender X5 disrupts O5's post roll becoming baseline defender interchanging roles with X4. X1 and X3 sag off while X2 pressures ballhander 02. Basic match-up rules apply. X4 denies O4's flash into post. denial postion on weakside cutter O3 rank team conf. As a result, offensive alignments never split defenders, overloads are easier to defend, and opponents have a tendency to get confused. Defenders X4 and X5 interchange positions. Weakside defender X3 goes with O4, interchanging positions with X4. X3 pressures ball handler O3 Now let's look at some defensive sets and how to match-up. X1 denies point's basket cut, switches with X4 and then pops back out to elbow. X2 becomes point dropping to elbow. X3 assumes baseline role. Defender X2 takes first player to left of X1. Features & Benefits Run the 1-2-2 match-up zone against multiple types of offenses! X4 switches with X2 and assumes a pass DIAGRAM 1: 2-3 Match-up zone defense vs. 1-2-2 offense. It is commonly referred to as a "combination" defense, as it combines certain aspects of man-to-man defense and zone defense. X4 switches to cutter O1 while X5 denies post passes. X1 and X3 sags off while X2 pressures the ball handler. Weakside post X4 switches to post O5. Here your 2-1-2 match-up faces a 1-3-1 offense. One of the biggest advantages of the match-up zone is that it can dictate offensive alignment. Light pressure in the backcourt from one of the guards slows down the offen… Defender X5 stays with O5 and becomes the baseline defender, taking the second player to the left of point X1. X4 sags off on weakside wing and X5 denies post passes. The coverage pattern is identical to that in Diagram A, except that X5 drops down to the low block and picks up O5. Défense match-up 1.2.2 : permet de neutraliser les tirs extérieurs ; Défense match-up 2.3 : permet de protéger la zone restrictive et neutraliser le jeu intérieur. X5 denies post passes. Defender X5, takes the center or if there is no post, takes baseline player on right side of X1. X2 drops to a weakside help position on post O4 while X1 pops back out to elbow. The 1-1-3 uses an aggressive 2 guard trap to get the ball out of there. X2 sags off on weakside and switches with X4 X2 assumes a helpside position on O4. Since the 1-4 alignment pulls the defense away from the basket and opens up the baseline for back cuts making it a good counter measure against pressure defense. Defender X4 goes with cutter. The match-up zone resembles what we used to call a "switching man-to-man", where defenders switch freely with one another, so that your defensive big men stay down low and your quick guards are on the perimeter. The drill focuses on transition defense starting as a 3-on-2 half-court situation. Defender X5 takes baseline player on right side (no post). Defenders X1 and X2 sag off. In the event that you want to keep a big post X5 in the post area, the point defender X1 switches with the weakside post defender X4 who has sagged off. X5 in turn switches with X4 and defends O4 in low post. X1 drops to elbow while X3 pressures the ball handler. X1 drops to elbow and X4 assumes a weakside help position on O4. X1 switches with X4 and pops back out. Defender X3 switches with X5 on weakside wing O3's baseline cut becoming the baseline defender. Defender X2 switches with X4 on weakside wing O2's baseline cut. In matching up to the 1-4 alignment, according to rule, X5 will match up with the post to right of point. Defender X3 switches with X5 on O3's weakside cut. For teams which use a shot clock and which have different offenses against zone and man-to-man, you make them waste a lot of time by switching defenses as soon as they get reset into their offense. In the event that you want to keep a big post X5 in the post area, the ballside post defender X5 switches with the weakside post defender X4. Also, it may affect the offense's basic set and get them out of their usual comfortable set. Defender X4 becomes the high post defender. However, it does result in players having to play multiple positions within the match-up zone. Weakside wing X2 switches to O4. However, in most cases, against a two guard alignment, by playing a straight 2-3 zone on the first defensive position, it will force the offense into a one guard offensive alignment. Quote: "A good zone looks like a man-to-man, and a good man-to-man looks like a zone." Defender X5 stays with O5 assuming baseline role. Both of these defenders can try to deny the pass to the wing and help when the ball gets to the post player at the elbow. Basic match-up rules apply. X3 pressures ball handler. DIAGRAM 5: 1-2-2 match-up zone vs. 2-1-2 offense. So you may be able to put them into something they are less comfortable with. Most recently, in the last 2-3 years, Pitino has developed a match-up zone defense in the half-court that many of you are familiar with. It’s much more than that. Match-up zone defense is a type of defense used in the game of basketball. Advantages of a 2-3 Zone Defense. X4 pressures ball handler O4 Three guards --- two at opposing wing positions and one at the top of the key. Defender X2, takes first player to left of X1. Defender X5 goes with cutter O5 becoming baseline defender interchanging roles with X4. However, it can be supplement with agressive traps. All basic match-up rules apply. DIAGRAM 2: 2-3 match-up zone vs. 1-2-2 offense (with assignments). X4 remains baseline defender. X5 in turn switches with X4. Sagged off X4 switches with X2 on O2's flash cut to middle. Defender X1 takes player on right side with or without ball (two guard front). Who cares about bravery, or whatever? We talk about "not letting the roof cave in" which helps our players visualize keeping the ball above the zone and not allowing interior penetration. The Match-up zone defense combines both person-to-person and zone coverage. X3 pressures ball handler, X5 switches to O4 breaking up to high post. Defender X3 takes first player to right of X1, Defender X4 takes second player to left of X1, Defender X2 takes first player to left of X1, Defender X4 takes second player to right of X1. Weakside wing defender X4 goes with O4. Overload 2 - This is a variation of the Overload zone play to help you get more easy buckets. X2 drops down to O4 while X1 pops back out to elbow. As in any aggressive man-to-man defense, pressure the ball at all times, front the low post, deny the passing lanes, and give help on inside penetration. If X2 (or X3) gets beaten by the back-cut, then X4 (or X5) must recognize this and pick up the cutter, while X2 (or X3) slides over to pick up the post player (O4 or O5) that was vacated by the switch. You must have a plan for defending these offensive cuts. X1 drops to elbow, X2 sags off on weakside denial postion on weakside cutter O2 However, on certain cuts, defenders can stay with cutters and just interchange roles (asignments) instead of switching. Show a 1-3-1 match-up zone set with X5 in the middle. In diagram A, X1 picks up the guard to his right and X2 gets the other guard. Matching ZoneEach player is assigned a particular floor area and makes adjustments relative bothto the position of the ball and to the … We also don't want players overextending outside the perimeter creating g… An advantage of the match-up defense is that it may confuse the opponent in trying to figure out what defense you are playing. So you could have X4 pick up the cutter O2 and go with him/her out to the opposite corner, while X2 then takes O4. X3 pressures the ball handler while X5 takes O4 flashing into high post. Generally, X1 will be the point guard, X2 the shooting guard, X3 the small forward, X4 the power forward and X5 the post player. X2 pressures ball handler and X3 sags off to O4 on weakside. In Diagram H, a more threatening situation exists with the cutter moving ball-side. X3 sags off and switches with baseline defender X4 This makes defending certain cuts much easier and can be very confusing to the offense. This quick hitting alignment makes it difficult for the traditional zone defenses to match up. Your two forward/center players will generally be at the two block positions. Its weakness is it is vulnerable to good outside shooting, with open areas on the wings, point and high post. X1 and X3 sag off and X2 pressures ball handler. 1-3-1 match-up zone vs 2-1-2 offense (diagram C). We often use the phrase "Protect the House"with this defense as the 3-2 looks very similar to that shape. Defender X4, baseline defender, takes second player to the right or left or X1 according to the opponents offensive alignment. When X3, X4 and X5 are physically similar, they can simply interchange positions rather than switching. X2 pressures ball handler. X5 denies post passes. X3 pressures ball handler while X5 defends low post O5. The on-ball defender closes-out and plays tight like in man-to-man. The 2-3 zone defense is the most commonly used zone defense. It's ultimate success is dependent on smart, knowledgable players and communication. X2 sags off on weakside and X3 pressures ball handler. This is a defense that is game-proven, road tested, and has been successful for over 30 years at the highest levels of the game. Interchanging positions affords easier match ups and can be very confusing to the offense. X3 pressures the ball handler. The third thing that match-up zones will struggle with is help-side rebounding. X3 pressures ball handler. X1 denies O1's basket cut, switching with weakside defender X5. The offense has a great position advantage against the defense. DIAGRAM 4: 1-3-1 match-up zone vs. 2-1-2 offense. X1 and X2 sags off while X4 pressures the ball handler. Basic match-up rules apply. A match up zone is based on rules, which can differ from coach to coach. Zone defense is a type of defense, used in team sports, which is the alternative to man-to-man defense; instead of each player guarding a corresponding player on the other team, each defensive player is given an area (a zone) to cover.. A zone defense can be used in many sports where defensive players guard players on the other team. By using either the 1-3-1 or 1-2-2 set, you may be able to force the offense out of their usual 1-3-1, or 3-out, 2-in offense and into a 2-1-2 or 4-out set. By using the 1-3-1 set, you may be able to force the offense out of their usual 1-3-1, or 3-out, 2-in offense and into a 2-guard offense. The 3-2 zone defense is a disruptive half-court zone that forces the opposition out of their regular offensive structure and set plays. X4 picks up the opposite corner (O4) and X5 moves up to defend the high post (O5). However you do it, you must have a plan and rules for these cuts, and drill them thoroughly so everyone understands what to do. The match-up zone defends basket cuts by switching with a weakside defender. X2 and X4 sags off on weakside while X3 pressures ball handler. X5 switches and takes O4 The 2-3 zone defense is by far the most common zone in basketball and is more than likely the specific formation that will come to a coaches mind when they hear the term ‘zone’ relating to basketball. 2. The post players, X3, X4, and X5 cover everything below the free throw line and are X4 switches with X3 and assumes a pass The defender, guarding the cutter, denies the cutter for three steps before switching with the weakside defender. X4 stays with O4 assuming post position. The basic match-up rules can easily be extended into full and half court with trapping being applied any time the ball enters a primary trap zone (corner). X2 denies O2's basket cut, interchanging positions with X4. X1 switches with X3 on O1's weakside cut. If you want to force the opponent into a one guard front alignment, then show a two guard zone the first possession, and then apply match-up rules. You will learn how to teach your players to effectively guard out-of-bounds-under plays. X5 denies post pass, X4 sagged off on weakside switches to O5 1-2-2 match-up zone vs 2-1-2 offense (diagram D). X1 drops to elbow. Defending cutters out of a 2-3 offensive alignment are a little more complicated than a one guard alignment in that it entails interchanging positions rather than switching. X4 pressures ball handler O4 and X5 denies post passes. Refer to Diagram B. The main reason for this is that the 3-2 zone hard denies the wings from the top of the key and forces the opposition to initiate offense with a skip pass to the corner or to play through the mid-range. If you show a 1-3-1 or a 1-2-2 match-up zone, the offense may change to a 2-1-2, or 2-3 set. Exemple de la défense match-up 1.2.2 Au départ, la zone réservée est défendue par la dernière ligne défensive (défenseurs 4 et 5), Weakside wing defender X2 denies O2's flash into middle. X5 has the middle. X1 maintains elbow position ready to pop out to O3 X3 drops down to get the player in the corner and X4 gets the opposite corner. X3 denies O3's cut and swithching with weakside defender X2. Defender X1, takes the point with or without the ball. X2 pressures ball handler. X1 denies O1's initial basket cut, switching with weakside defender X4. X1 and X2 sags off while X3 pressures the ball handler. The Match-up zone defense combines both person-to-person and zone principles. Defenders X1 and X2 sag off. Basic match-up rules apply. X5 denies post passes. Zone defense gets a bad rap. 1-1-3 Match Up Zone John Adam, Head Boys Coach, Lutheran High School, Parker, Colorado Set Up and Movements Initial Set Up There are 2 different coverage areas in this defensive system. X2 pressures the ball handler. X1 denies O1's initial basket cut and switches with ballside post X5. Unlike most zone defenses that require players to cover a specific area, the matchup zone stresses tight man-to-man cover in those areas. When X4 and X5 are similar type players, instead of switching defenders X4 and X5 change roles. Cutting – Hubie Brown used to say, “Leave an area and replace,” meaning cut into an open area and then fill the spot vacated by the cutter. X4 sagged off, switches with X1 and assumes a pass denial position on cutter O1. Free shipping for many products! Evans shares his considerable experience using this zone defense in one of the most in-depth match-up zone videos you will find. PayPal verified and trusted by coaches worldwide since 2001. The first advantage of the match-up zone defense is that it is a flexible defense. Now X2 has O4 and X4 has O2. I think that you will love the “Cutter’s Offense” versus match-up zone defense. Second, the match-up zone defense is extremely difficult to attack. Some match up zones look more like a typical zone, where others look closer to a man to man defense. DIAGRAM 3: 2-3 match-up zone vs. 1-3-1 offense. Defenders X1 and X2 sag off. Defender X5 stays with O5 assuming baseline role. How are you going to defend these cuts? X5 denies post passes. Overload - Very simple zone play that is effective against all zone defenses. Weakside post X5 switches over to post O4. X5 denies post passes. Ballside defender X4 disrupts O4's basket roll. Post, Point & Weakside Post Switch (Left). X5 denies post passes. The Match-up zone defense combines both person-to-person and zone principles.The true match-up zone is unique in that it utilizes a series of defensive rules.In a Match Up zone, offensive alignments never split defenders, overloads are easier to defend, and opponents have a tendency to get confused.Success is dependent on smart, knowledgable players and communication. X1 takes the point (O1), and X2 gets the right wing player (O2), while X3 comes out to pick up the left wing (O3). Post, Point & Weakside Post Switch (Right). X1 drops to elbow while X3 pressures the ball handler. | Rules | Application | Cutters | 1-3-1 Cuts | 2-3 cuts | 1-2-2 cuts | 1-4 cuts | Traps |. margin (rank) offense (rank) defense (rank) pace (rank) sos (rank) 1: kansas: big12: 899: 0-1: 14.76 (1) 116.49 (1) 96.04 (3) 72.19 (45) 22 (1) We can adjust this defense to a number of alignments to where we can either defend against an even-guard front zone offense or against an odd-guard front zone defense. Post X5, sagged off on weakside switches with X3 contesting O3's flash cut. The 1-4 offensive alignment takes advantage of two agile post players who can shoot from the outside. X3 stays with O3 assuming post position. Defenders X1 and X2 sags off while X3 pressures the ball handler. X1 picks up the guard to his right and X2 gets the other guard. X5 denies post passes. X2 stays with O2 on weakside cut assuming baseline position. Rule 1. If opponents would use just a stationary overload or 1-3-1 alignment to attack zones, the match-up would be easy. The zone away from the ball resembles man-to-man "helpside" defense. With the match-up, you can show a 2-1-2 formation, which may force the offense to go with a 1-3-1 or a 3-out, 2-in set. X1 drops to elbow while X3 pressures the ball handler. Defender X2 becomes point and drops to elbow while X4 pressures the ball handler. Aggressive, active, and adaptable. Longtime Division 1 assistant coach Silvey Dominguez has finally shared his insights and knowledge on the match-up zone that have created some of the stingiest and most feared defensive teams in the country. If you want to force a two guard offensive alignment, show a 1-2-2 or 1-3-1 zone the first possession and then switch to match-up zone rules. Defender X1 stays with O1 on weakside cut assuming baseline role. Matching up vs the 1-4 stack offense (diagram E), X2 plays the gap between O2 and O4, and X3 plays the gap between O3 and O5. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Winning Ways Basketball Ser. As the wing is the last player on the strong side, 3, the strong side wing is guarding him. It might be easiest to have X2 stay with O2 man-to-man all the way to the ball-side corner. X3 assumes a sagged off position on X5. X5 defends post O5. X3 sags off on weakside while X4 pressures the ball handler. Pitino favors a 2-3 matchup zone, but it’s not the kind of zone defense you’ll see at a CYO game on Sunday. X4 denies low post O4. Defender X5 and X4 switch. X2 switches with X4 on O2's weakside cut. X5 becomes baseline defender. Although most zones eventually end up in a match up, the true match-up zone is unique in that it utilizes a series of defensive rules. X5 denies post passes. Bill Self hasn’t always been known as a zone coach, but for what he’s gotten out … Unlike in typical zone defenses, your players will constantly be able to cover the ball with rotations rather than getting confused with two players on the ball in a bump situation. Double - Great zone play that can be executed against a 2-3 zone, a 3-2 zone, and even a 1-3-1 zone defense. X1 and X2 sags off on while X3 pressures the ball handler. The match-up zone defense is disguised as to try to confuse the offense. X5 switches with weakside defender X3 on O5's roll to basket. All the defense is on one side of the floor once the ball is below the free throw line.