I don't want a month-by-month account of what this year will bring. This spread is suitable for all skill levels but if you are new to the Tarot then take your time with each card. Don't forget to journal your readings and to check back in on the year ahead reading to . Found inside – Page 203Six Months Spread at a Glance The Six Months Spread ( see page 204 ) is suitable for those who would like to know about the coming half year ahead . This simple Tarot Spread for the Week Tutorial will show you how to use 9 cards to plan and get ready for the week ahead. It is an easy Tarot spread with few cards so that even a beginner can interpret it. You can use this pairing to create all sorts of timeline spreads. Required fields are marked *. Month Ahead Tarot Reading. Month Ahead Tarot Spread. Astrological Spreads. For this spread I am using the "This" Month Ahead spread designed by me. Often I will analyze each card individually then I will look for repeating themes. The question asked for each of these positions is…. My friend Angela Doran is an amazing photographer and she captured a bit of the process. Maybe because this past month … Time to stay up late, drink something fizzy, and dive deep into an intuitive exploration of the energies and soul work coming at ya in 2018. This spread is a predictive spread that is very commonly used as a bit of a preview of the year ahead. The Birthday Tarot Spread. 2. However that's not actually what Tarot cards have to do with. Beautiful undated one-month daily planner for daily card readings combined with a daily schedule sheet that offers spaces to organize priorities, a to-do list, and a space for daily self-care, gratitude, crystals, and essential oils. What must be released for me to achieve it. The astrological tarot spread uses 12 cards placing one card in each position around the circle like a clock. As you can see on my graphic, you lay out the cards, one for each month, clockwise in a circle. The positions are as follows: 1- Our current energy/the energy we enter the month with2- Goal or obstacle. Here's a Tarot spread that I created to help us take a look at the coming month. May 30, 2020 August 7, 2020 Missy. Month Ahead Tarot Reading. I will pull a tarot card for the overall … Take a breath and turn over all the cards. . Year Ahead Tarot Spread. Unsubscribe at any time. A 9 Card Spread covering the month ahead. If you decide to focus a reading in a particular direction don't expect every card to have that focus. I'll be working with my annual guide along with pulling a six month Solar - Lunar spread. This month has a bunch of pentacles and wands. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. So there are my three alternatives to year ahead tarot spreads! I accept others as they are. If you want to see this Tarot spread in action, check out my 2014 Tarot . May is a hopeful month, bursting with new life … Created by Angie Green, best selling author and the creator of The Simple Tarot Deck, this book is designed to be used quickly each day to guide your regular tarot practice. You can't buy your own item. Next 3 Months Tarot Reading. The "Next 3 Months" tarot spread takes a look at what is coming your way in the next three months. A 5 card spread to help you plan for the month ahead. For a lot of us, a "Tarot card reading" means a woman in flowing bathrobes, leaning over a little table in a candlelit room, predicting approaching doom. Year ahead tarot spread + crystals for 2020. Each month's card is an energy that you will experience in some way. The Spread. I do love a diffuse, winding tarot reading, but one of my favorite facets of this . I won't dive into the specifics here but we'll leave it at I needed to learn how to live with myself and love myself again. I recreate the card on my monthly overview page in my moon themed bullet journal, and then review how my month went at the end of the month to see if the card made an impact at all. I love doing a Tarot spread for the month ahead. The way that you lay this out will vary on the month that you're reading for first. What new thing/energy I need to embrace to achieve it. I like to keep the spreads simple when I make them. Yes we have the retrogrades & mo. Tarot can help untangle crazy situations, foresee issues to come or reassure you about anything on your mind. returning to its message to re-center. She invites us to turn inwards, learn to listen to our guiding voices, develop our talents and ignore the voices of self-doubt. Use this spread to cultivate your vision for the months ahead and get a jump start on what lies ahead. While I love sinking into some dream time with planners and tarot cards, I find that the … Found insideAstrology, numerology, tarot, and palmistry have been used for centuries to divine events to come. The Beginner's Guide to Divination will teach you to practice the mystical arts of divination and predict the future yourself. I wasn't going to share this tarot spread as I created it solely for my own personal practice but you guys always surprise me by liking the spreads I'm not expecting you to like so I figured why not share :). Found inside – Page 86TWELVE-MONTH SPREAD One of my favorite ways to work with the tarot is to do a twelve-month card spread for the year ahead. Every year I do this, my tarot ... This is an example of our Tarot Love Card reading: Love 12 months ahead. In this spread I will take a look at the upcoming month. I never thought I would enjoy or feel creative enough to create Tarot spreads. If you choose the latter, do some kind of purification of yourself and the ritual/sacred space you will be working in first. But one thing Tarot is also great for is simple … Here's a quick spread for looking at the month ahead, that covers most areas of one's … It’s also an integral part of the Wheel of the Year spread. I sat down and laid out my year ahead spread using the Inner Hue Lumina Tarot deck. Maybe because this past month has felt a bit rocky or maybe we can blame the stars, but either way, I felt like doing a spread to see what was in store next month. Card number eight shows you where you'll find support and encouragement. Month Ahead Spread Tarot Spreads. Don't be tempted to rush it. This is another nifty little spread to help you plan for what’s ahead. To Book: … I am happy. Found insideOffers techniques for giving more interesting and accurate tarot readings, as well as instructions for creating and using numerous different spreads for specific purposes, and for modifying classic spreads for more individualized results. 3. rosebmystics@gmail.com. I also intuitively selected crystals from Illuminate Your Vibe to go along with each card. You'll receive FREE access to the video tutorial series to show you how to make the most out of the Biddy Tarot Planner! There was an error submitting your subscription. Here's a quick look at the New Year ahead using twelve cards for each of the twelve months coming up: Pull twelve cards from your deck … I don't normally pull tarot spreads for the month ahead. Naturally, I did a tarot spread (and a full moon ritual but that's a diffe Nov 1, 2019 - Many tarot lovers enjoy doing month ahead spreads. A tarot reading, of course! With the year ahead tarot spread, I am reminding myself of this shared human experience and the themes of life that we all go through on a monthly basis. A New Year's Tarot Spread. My actions align with my values. The Wheel of the Year Tarot ushers us through the four seasons—a passage of time marked by hope, abundance, reflection, and rebirth—and reminds us of our indelible connection to the earth. It looks at what you can expect and prepare for in the key areas of your life (love, career, health and spirituality or personal development) and provides you a point of . This Yearly Tarot Spread covers your monthly themes … Found insideahead. This spread is based on the astrological year rather than the calendar ... from the card that represents the month you are actually in at the moment. Beautiful undated one-month daily planner for daily card readings combined with a daily schedule sheet that offers spaces to organize priorities, a to-do list, and a space for daily self-care, gratitude, crystals, and essential oils. You can do this tarot spread to establish what to expect each month. Click Here For Free Tarot Card Reading How Tarot Cards Work. If you use the spreads I make I'd love for … But one thing Tarot is also great for is simple spreads and general guidance. Learn more about the Tarot card spreads for . Found inside – Page 270She lays out twelve cards — one for each month of the coming year — and asserts ... The latter approach inspired the Looking Ahead spread in this chapter . This reading comes with a full written pdf of each month + a 30 minute video/phone call with me to go over any questions you have about any of the cards. Found inside – Page 176horoscope. spread. 10 11 9 5 8 7 6 12 4 3 1 13 Card one represents the current month the thirteenth card will give you an overview of the year ahead. I enter each situation with loving kindness, compassion & an open heart chakra. This is both more obvious and more important in this shorter timeline, than in the Wheel of the Year spread. Week Ahead Tarot Spread. Okay, but really, I actually love beginnings even if they overwhelm the shit out of me. For a number of us, a "Tarot card reading" suggests a woman in streaming bathrobes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit space, predicting approaching doom. Found insideBut through the Wheel of Life spread, I'm entering into a process of inquiry. ... month to gear up as needed to meet the challenges or opportunities ahead. Trusting our JOY: A Tarot Spread for JULY. The Month Ahead Tarot Spread, also called the "Let's Talk About You" tarot spread, is the one I use to determine what the Collective (that's you) needs to focus on each month for success. Happy Tuesday lovelies, and blesséd New Years! Focus on the current or coming month and choose 3 cards, one for each of these subjects, in order to get the wisdom and guidance our free monthly tarot reading is . Theme for the month. Found inside – Page 74Discover the Mysteries of the Future with Tarot Bill Anderton. The Astrological Spread The Seven - Card Horseshoe Spread 1 2 Eventually , ... Card 2 represents the querent's circumstances two months ahead . 1.Simple Tarot Card Spreads. It's a great way to start fresh & get a sense for what's to come in the upcoming … My Month Ahead reading (a form of General reading) looks at—you guessed it!—the upcoming month, whether that's based on the current calendar month (starting on the 1st), four weeks of time (from some other date), the astrological season, or a lunar cycle.It's full of advice and warnings about what is likely to be relevant to the querent, not necessarily about the exact details of one . Look to this card to discover what you're bringing to the month, what you've been through, and your general mindset. Remember in this Tarot spread to look for cause and effect. cartomancy, divination, failure, inspiration, resilience, self awareness, spiritual, strength, tarot, tarot reading, tarot spread, ancestry, family, healing, past life, root, root chakra, spiritual, tarot, tarot healing, tarot reading, tarot spread. Whoa! 4. I mean, who even has time for that?! If yes, perhaps other people will have a strong influence on my month ahead. For example, I did my reading in October. Week 1. So, if you do the spread on a Wednesday, the weeks will start on a Wednesday and end on a Tuesday. There are plenty of spreads out there which suggest ways to look forwards, such as those 12-card spreads with one for every month ahead. Each set represents a full week from the day you do the spread. Tarot Tip: Numbers in Tarot 56 Write a comment. Card # 13 - The general theme in your love life for the coming 12 months. Are they all court cards? Found insideThe Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads helps you answer your life questions instantly, while showing you how to read your cards and create your own layouts. Month Ahead Your Month Ahead: June | Free Tarot Reading. Get five free Tarot spreads that will kick-start your Tarot learning and get you reading like a pro in no time. First, lay out all nine cards face down. This spread assigns one card per month. Perform life-changing magic with nothing more than your favorite Tarot deck. Tarot and Magic, the third book in Llewellyn's Special Topics in Tarot series of advanced and specialized Tarot techniques, shows you how. January 4, 2021. It gives me a sense of what is ahead and some areas to focus. Found inside – Page 137The Month Ahead Here's how to view the influences over the next four weeks. Lay two cards per week, side by side as shown below, plus a Significator card ... Your details were sent successfully! This Week Ahead Tarot Spread can also be used daily, and works very well with runes as well. Found inside – Page 46Then it's time to do a Tarot reading for myself for the year ahead. It's a spread that covers each of the next twelve months. It only needs one card per ... Free Reading Tarot Cards 12 Months Ahead can be hard to find on the internet. October is the 10th month of the year. Find out with this FREE yearly Tarot reading spread. Created by Angie Green, best selling author and the creator of The Simple Tarot Deck, this book is designed to be used quickly each day to guide your regular tarot practice. Also, since I'm sharing this tarot spread anyways... when I created this tarot spread I also wrote down some affirmations on pieces of paper and put them around my home (ex. The Simple Tarot Card Spreads are the ones where you learn more about the cards, about the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Year Ahead Tarot Spread. I included a few optional cards related to various aspects of life beneath the reading itself. This spread to be particularly helpful for setting goals, looking for opportunities, seeing what is ahead and more. See more ideas about tarot spreads, tarot, tarot card spreads. Note: Please use the look inside feature to get an idea of the interior before purchasing. InsightfulNights. It's a great way to start fresh & get a sense for what's to come in the upcoming month. I am whole. Be aware of this card as you read the other cards in the spread. This is where your efforts will pay off and where you'll truly shine. Dec 23, 2020 - Explore Amalie Berlin's board "Tarot Spreads -- Month Ahead", followed by 140 people on Pinterest. We never send spam. Year Ahead Tarot Spread - 12 Months. Month ahead tarot spread. Articles for the New Year Your 2022 Astrology. However, there are times that we need those deeper readings and the zodiac tarot spread is a fantastic option. At this time of year, we feel the promise of life, of growth, of our own ability to reinvent ourselves and to . Month Ahead Tarot Reading. How might it get in the way of their energies? Learning to work with the cards helps you to envision that future and break away mental blocks. If you clicked on my Instagram bio link for the printables, go here. Last month we looked at what 2021 had in store for us (click here to see the 2021 Tarot Reading. The card for January is always at the top and the card for July is at the bottom. Tarot Card spreads for beginners is how you can see it. It's made an appearance in quite a few of my past weekly bullet journal spreads, and I often post my draw to my Instagram story on Sundays after my . I usually use tarot and oracle cards, drawing an oracle card for the central theme, and then 1 . Remember also, that you can have an issue that takes up most of your time or energy during three out of four weeks, but in one week something amazing or upsetting can happen that can totally take your attention off what was happening. This is followed by card seven, energy to embrace wholeheartedly. Don't get caught off guard! Take a look at all our readings about work, career, love and spiriual guidance. It's all about using your passion and strength to bring forth the… Continue reading Your Month Ahead: June | Free Tarot Reading Many tarot lovers enjoy doing month ahead spreads. The Month Ahead Tarot spread (and the Three Months Ahead, and Six, and Nine…) are all based around this pairing of cards. 7-Card Year-Ahead Tarot Spread Positions Position 1: Your Sunset Card Lessons from the previous year. Take a moment to focus your energy, noticing if you're drawn to any particular position of the spread. Newsletter Sign Up. Next you'll turn over the fourth card. This could be with a group of people, within a partnership, or through an activity. Found inside – Page 162An alternative way to use this spread is to assign one month to each card , starting with the month ahead . It is a particularly good spread to use for the ... New Years Day is one of my favorite times to do a Tarot reading (along with Halloween and my birthday). This layout is designed to provide an overview of the next 12 months. Personally, I believe no one knows the future. November 25, 2020 by mpsmaster. PS: If you’re looking for more Tarot Spreads, check out Tarot Tricks: Astrology Edition. The Month Ahead Tarot spread (and the Three Months Ahead, and Six, and Nine…) are all based around this pairing of cards. June is looking to be a good month. This zodiac tarot spread or astrological tarot spread is such a great tarot spread for those who want to get a deeper understanding of themselves. This is the central obstacle to overcome and refer to a bad habit to break, a favorite distraction, or more. I have a love-hate relationship with year ahead tarot spreads. Click Here For Free Tarot Card Reading How Tarot Cards Work. The Month Ahead Tarot Spread, also called the "Let's Talk About You" tarot spread, is the one I use to determine what the Collective (that's you) needs to focus on … Year Ahead Spread: 2020. ): My mind, body, spirit is the epitome of good health. 5 out of 5 stars. New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread. (65) $12.46 FREE shipping. Card 1 holds the message for January, Card 2 holds the message for February, Card 3 holds the message for March, etc. Feel free to use the ones listed as inspiration for your own readings depending on what is relevant in your life. The 12-Month Tarot Spread. As January 1st approaches, some readers like to pull a theme card for the year ahead and a card (or cards) for each month. Let us break it down, month by month. In the Month Ahead Tarot spread, you pull four sets of this pairing. ;) I don't normally pull tarot spreads for the month ahead. F or those learning how to read Tarot, it is also a great learning tool as it is a simple and easy Tarot spread that you can practice with. Found inside – Page 26As you shuffle , concentrate on your desire to look into the year ahead . ... Thirteen Moons Spread As a variation of the Twelve - Month Spread , you can ... Found inside – Page 36olo IP 0000000000000000 THE THREE - RUNE SPREAD One of the easiest spreads uses three runes . ... or wish to look at the year ahead , laying out the runes like the numbers on a clock gives you twelve months of the year . Looking into the world of tarot can provide you insight at any time of your year to prepare for the months ahead. Utilize the wisdom of tarot so you can create new goals and perspectives, and also foresee obstacles in your path. The 12 month tarot spread only shows you the most probable development of the year ahead, only if your remain the same and nothing changes in your life. February 12, 2020. Shedding Tarot Spread 68 Write a comment. Annual and 12 Months Ahead are other names by which this spread is known. The Tarot Spreads for Future identifies the issues that can influence your year to come, month by month. See more ideas about tarot spreads, tarot … I really enjoy using this spread because it is super straight forward. (3) Oracle Card Messages. Not even the tarot. Once you've taken in the whole picture, turn your attention to the first card. Every month, I take a full day out of my business to review the previous month and then start planning for the month ahead. This first card in the spread looks at what you've … 1. I approached this spread with the intent of creating focus and clarity. Success! Today, I'm formally introducing a spread which may—if you follow the blog or my Instagram—look a little familiar. Dec 23, 2020 - Explore Amalie Berlin's board "Tarot Spreads -- Month Ahead", followed by 140 people on Pinterest. Join 6000 other seekers today! Although I've made a month ahead spread in the past, it isn't a tarot spread I gravitate toward anymore so I wanted to do a revamped version that was Here, these nine cards use the wisdom of tarot to illustrate the major events and themes of your month. This 3-card spread will give you a sneak peak as to what energy is headed your way (in the next 30-days), giving you a great overview of your life! I accept myself as I am. This tarot spread creates a roadmap for the month ahead. I created this little spread as a way to do a quick inventory and planning session for the month ahead. Here is my favorite tarot spread to do for a yearly forecast. Card 13 expresses the message for the year and repeated themes you will experience. Sign Up. Tarot can help untangle crazy situations, foresee issues to come or reassure you about anything on your mind. / Twist the Leaf. Free Reading Tarot Cards 12 Months Ahead can be hard to find on the internet. Option 1. Time to Blossom: A Tarot Spread for the Month of May. A combination of all three! The more we can bow to and honor those old programs within us, the more fully we will be able to open to more delight. 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