Acupuncture doesn’t work, Prison’s Imperceptible Line Between Safety and Human Rights, Further Understanding Adult Bereavement After Childhood Loss, Integrating Physical and Mental Health Services and Mental Health Awareness to Reduce Mental Health Stigma, Challenges in Treating Prolonged Grief in Children, Sleep disturbances as predictors of prolonged exposure therapy effectiveness among veterans with PTSD, How Meal Support Therapy Significantly Creates a Strong Road to Recovery for Anorexia Nervosa, Honest Imagery Creates an Outlet for Emotional Expression, How Grief Affects Children into Adulthood, Increasing Depression Among Youth and Adolescents, Problems With The Pharmaceutical Industry. You can promote your work if it is blogs, mental illness/mental health podcasts and topics, your books, podcasts, and really anything you want, but the central part will be your mental illness story. You heard it here first. The Effect of News on Your Mental Health. When teenagers see the fantasy that photoshopping creates, they often find themselves wanting to look like thatContinue reading “How Meal Support Therapy Significantly Creates a Strong Road to Recovery for Anorexia Nervosa”, Preventing Social Media Addiction Over the years, social media has become the most common form of communication among teens. After seeing everyone dig through the archives and pull out photos of their 10-year younger self, I thought I’d take on the challenge, but with a slight difference… Do current events bring you down? Prisoners suffer from one of the highest rates of depression when compared to other populations. For instance, we bring flowers and cards to those who’ve experienced an injury or have been diagnosed with a disease, while those with diagnosed mental disorders often keep it a secret from society to avoid discrimination for themselves and their family. Why does acupuncture work? Many things can contribute to us having bad mental health days such as stress, financial issues or family problems. There are negative consequences that relate to body dissatisfaction and eating concerns from the use of social media platforms. Exercise has been shown to reduce both stress and depression along with many other problems (Paolucci, Loukov, Bowdish, & Heisz, 2018; Schuch, et al., 2015; Boone & Brausch, 2016). Search for: Search. my blogs. In fact, people with mental illnessContinue reading “Can the Mental Health Stigma be Eliminated?”, Eating disorders are problematic when it comes to body dissatisfaction and affects many adolescent girls to build a fantasy of a certain body image. In doing so, we expose ourselves to the consequences and different possible outcomes these new advancements bring. These blog posts are records of the ongoing dialogues defining this collaborative research project. Are doctors doing everything they can do to ensure their patients receive the best treatment for them, are they taking advantage of all opportunities? To some, eating disorders are associated to people who don’t like what they see in the mirror. Sarah (aka The Pocket Poet) is an award-winning poet and writing for wellbeing enthusiast based in Wiltshire. Prisons are doing the job they were intended by having a punitive approach, rather than a rehabilitative approachContinue reading “Prison’s Imperceptible Line Between Safety and Human Rights”, Mental health has grown to be common in recent decades, but are researchers taking advantage of technology to find the most effective way to treat mental illness? People (especially young women) who do not present features of those attributes are often seen and defined by stigma. How do we know how much sleep is enough and what will happen if we do not get enough sleep? The effects of grief based on such as age, condition of mental health prior to death, and the relationships with the lost loved one. Although there is a general understanding of mental health and what it entails, there is a stigma surrounding mental health treatment. Posted on October 23, 2016 October 23, 2016 by astigmafreezone Posted in Anxiety, Bipolar, BPD, Depression, Dissociative Disorders, Eating Disorders, Mental Health, OCD, October 2016, Overthinking, Panic Attacks, PTSD Tagged Mental Health, October 2016. She has been working with OCD for 8 years. Unexpected or traumatic deaths also affect children the most. To give you a brief update on my life since my last blog post, I have: Graduated and am now officially a qualified counsellor (yippee!) The use of exerciseContinue reading “Could Exercise be a Treatment for All”, To understand the benefits that can come from treating patients using Music Therapy, it’s important to understand the theory of music. Finding out what self-care techniques and treatments are the best is key for a good recovery. WhenContinue reading “Problems With The Pharmaceutical Industry”, Mental illness has invaded society and developed into an epidemic affecting millions of people nation-wide. A global issue in contemporary society is the Mental Health Stigma (MHS). al., 2013 & Li, et. Many studies have also utilized the attachment theory to further understandContinue reading “Parental Incarceration and Childhood Bereavement”, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder. Not everyone has a mental illness. Mental health and physical health are often categorized as completely separate things. Following a difficult time at University and a destructive relationship, she started to experience crippling anxiety with regards to dog faeces. Posts about Mental Health written by jyotisingh. Can the Mental Health Stigma be Eliminated? I started my clinical year last week and I’m going to be honest with you-I have scarcely felt so overwhelmed. Studies have looked for possible causes of depression, ranging from social media to a lack of sleep, regardless the definitive answer for the cause of depression remains missing. How to look after your Emotional Wellbeing – Excellent tips from a fellow colleague. Welcome to my personal blog about mental health. al., 2014). The abundance of studies done show just how promising it is. Music evokes a response in our brain. Many adults in society know that death is a part of life and that everyone at some point in their lifeContinue reading “The Effects of Grief on Children”, The increasing rates of depression among young people highlight a clear problem. For instance, we bring flowers and cards to those who’ve experienced an injury or have been diagnosed with a disease, while those with diagnosed mental disorders often keep it a secret from society to avoid discrimination for themselves and their family. Willow Project's Blog Mental health, counselling, self-care, mindfulness, personal experiences, and much more! Social media has many unwanted effects on the mind andContinue reading “The Psychological Perspective on Social Media Use”, Music generates a response in the human brain, whether that is happy, sad, or angry and is considered to be the language of feeling. See Saw Margery Daw does mental health need a new master? Follow The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog on Traditional Communication: Silencing the Self-Expression of Men and Women in Prison, Normalizing Different Grieving Processes in Children and Adults, Better Understanding Adult Bereavement After Childhood Death. The Boarder Between Eating Disorders and Parental Influence: Does it Really Correlate? The focus on dealing with stigma is due to the fact that many consider the stigma of having depression or mental health problems to be the main reason for not seeking treatment. Those addicted, not only to social media itself, but other things involving it. Posts about Mental Health written by bloggervue. Mental HealthPolicySportsArt and MusicEducation Check out some popular pieces Popular Posts More Posts As a child begins to grow and starts their educational journey the drawing slowly stops if “talent” isContinue reading “Honest Imagery Creates an Outlet for Emotional Expression”, Post-traumatic stress disorder has been known for increasing the risk of chronic health issues such as anxiety, hypertension, eating disorder, and more importantly, suicide ideation. Are you new to blogging, and do you want step-by-step guidance on how to publish and grow your blog? Social mediaContinue reading “Negative Impacts of Social Media”, As social media is used more and more each day, it can have a negative affect on a individual’s psychological state. Grief and the grieving process have been studied for decades as a whole, but mainly in adults which is why experts are seeing such differencesContinue reading “Childhood Grief: Theories, Treatments, and Challenges”, It has been proven that when children experience the death of a parent at a young age, they may experience problems with depression, anxiety, and they may also have a higher risk of mortality ( Nickerson, et. PTSD is a serious psychological condition after experiencing or witnessing traumatic events such as violence,Continue reading “Is There a Relation Between PTSD and Eating Disorders?”, The increase in depression has left treatment facilities unprepared and undermanned. Accompanying this epidemic, a Mental Health Stigma (MHS) prevents people that are struggling with mental disorders from seeking treatment. … Continue reading Running for my Life, If you enjoy reading about my life enough you will have already read my last post on how my big adult life has been very up and down… (sneaky link for those of you who haven’t…) Anyway, one of the main things that has happened has been that my OCD has become so loud that … Continue reading My Experience with a Psychiatrist, Long time no see… And what better way to jump back into the blogging world than with a title of a Ronan Keating song?! Making mental health everyone's concern. blogs/websites I like. November 20, 2016 November 20, 2016 Paul Cartone, Psychotherapist, Life and Sports Performance Coach Medicaid-Medicare fraud, mental health, mental health counselor Preface: About Paul Cartone is in response to a terrible time I went through in my life. A Very Short History Of BFMH: In 2012, my A Canvas Of The Minds co-founder and dear friend Lulu had a spectacular idea. Music theory is the study of practices and possibilities of music, whether that be playing the piano or singing. Everyone has mental health. … Continue reading Guest Blog Post: Lucy, Becca has had OCD since early childhood, including Pure O, POCD, ROCD, compulsive checking and most recently, contamination OCD with the latter being the most disabling. There is a dire need for mental health professionals across the globe; psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and mental health experts are all desperately needed to help our society cope with the emotional and personal stress that is so prevalent in today’s competitive atmosphere. Alice Sainsbury is an Australian writer and development producer who has been living in London for the past five years. It’s our time to stand up and show that mental health is just as important as any other health! Toronto, Ontario, Canada About Blog The Trauma and Mental Health Report is a weekly online magazine on trauma and mental health, published out of York University in Toronto, Canada. Yes, it’s true. You can add links inContinue reading “How to Submit Posts”, “The Ideal Body Image and Beauty That Social Media Makes the World To Be”, “Stigmas Are More Than Stares and Whispers”, “Fantasy: An Escape from Reality and a Trigger to Aggression”, “The Psychological Perspective on Social Media Use”, “Link Between Music Therapy and Cognitive Neuroscience”, “Childhood Grief: Theories, Treatments, and Challenges”, “Parental Incarceration and Childhood Bereavement”, “Is There a Relation Between PTSD and Eating Disorders?”, “Traditional Communication: Silencing the Self-Expression of Men and Women in Prison”, “Normalizing Different Grieving Processes in Children and Adults”, “Better Understanding Adult Bereavement After Childhood Death”, “The Boarder Between Eating Disorders and Parental Influence: Does it Really Correlate?”, “Why does acupuncture work? If these types of self-recorded outings and outbursts were commonly indicative of mental illness, with over 450 million people suffering from mental illness worldwide according to the World Health Organization (5), there would be drastically more people causing scenes like this all over the globe. Below is the list of the Top Mental Health Blogs you can check out. bipolar disorder identity mental health mental health advocacy mental health blogs personal recovery Liebster Award December 22, 2017 December 22, 2017 Posted in Uncategorized 4 Comments The one key difference that sets all theContinue reading “Different Forms of Loss”, Society has marked its new trend to define attributes to what is seen to be normal to people in order to create a social identity. Mental illness is caused by traumatic events, childhood abuse or any other factor that relates to the childhood era that has developed into a mental illness because of it. Other and myself know that coming from an asian background and dealing with mental health issues can be hard in some cases.… I began my journey as a “crazy” person when I was first diagnosed with major depressive disorder in 2007. We all know that exercise has been proven to be good for your mental health. Our Doctor tells us to do it. If it was as easy as hiring more mental health professionals the problem would mostContinue reading “The Rural Dilemma”, It is estimated that one in twenty children/adolescents in the United States will experience the death of a parent before the age of eighteen, which highly impacts how grief is coped with, especially in childhood. It has become a bigContinue reading “Preventing Social Media Addiction”, Artistic ability is a phrase that often incites fear among those who acknowledge art as a weakness. In prior years there has been extensive researchContinue reading “How Grief Affects Children into Adulthood”, The Problems Involved with Social Media With today’s technology and power, anyone can be famous. The emergence of mental health tracker apps, mental health journal apps, mental health monitoring apps, and more, has spiked the discussion further. Social Media’s Affect on Sleep Young adults from ages 19-32 spend a lot of time on technology and social media. Dan Pogioli Content creator and aspiring digital marketer from Atlanta, Georgia. Photo Sharing apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat have created an expectation of what life should look like. Society has also created a certain stigma around mental illness that causes others to not get the help that they need, worsening their condition. We can find articles on various situations as well as mental disorders. This year, she brought her second one-woman cabaret, Sometimes I Adult, to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Is There a Relation Between PTSD and Eating Disorders? I was a mental health patient and now I’m training to be a mental health nurse, to give some context to this blog post, here’s a whistle stop tour of my journey: rewind to 2009: I was 12, my mental health was deteriorating, I had begun self-harming, was extremely angry and my parents took me to the GP. When it hears music, it activates the rightContinue reading “Foundation of Music Therapy”, When considering bereavement in children there are many different ways a child can lose a parent. Theories of bodyContinue reading “The Fantasy Created by Photoshopping”, As the mental health of at-risk populations continues to escalate, the investigation fails to get to the root of the issue. Also, if these blogs inspire you to start your own blog on mental health, we have a quick blogging tutorial at the end of the article. Create a successful blog with our brand new course The Blog. Successfully(ish) lived with a boy Had … Continue reading Life is a Rollercoaster. Miserably, the veterans appear to be losing this battle. These are important andContinue reading “Setbacks Facing Music Therapy”, After a child suffers the loss of a parent they can experience mental health problems well into their adult years. It doesn’t take long for a craze to take off on the internet does it? Welcome to Mental Health @ Home! The discrediting of someone’s identity, behavior, or status has detrimental effects on their mental and overall physical health. Young children will draw on anything, such as walls, chairs, computer, or paper, and continue to do it without hesitation. Many experts state that they see and evaluate many similar griefContinue reading “Challenges in Treating Prolonged Grief in Children”, Today, there is an ongoing battle behind the scenes between veterans and their PTSD. An estimated 1 in 13 people will likely experience PTSD in their life, according to Hull (2020). According to McMillen (2016), 3.1 million people tried acupuncture in 2007 to relive discomfort in fibromyalgia and lower back pain, a millionContinue reading “Why does acupuncture work? It’s in the news. Ideate, draft, revise, and edit as a Word document. Blogs on mental health give us relevant content and resources. I’m Ashley L. Peterson, creator of this blog and author of the titles published by MH@H Books. Grief and the grieving process has been studied for decades, and there has since been set a guidlines of what the grieving process looks like in theContinue reading “Normalizing Different Grieving Processes in Children and Adults”, When the loss of a parent occurs early in a child’s life, there is no exact way to predict how this traumatic event will affect the mental health of the child into their adulthood. Although social media does have its positive impacts, the media has been shown to affect us more negatively, for example, an individual’s stress levels. A very significant recent finding in research is that they have found that studying the side effects in the brain when listening to music puts an emphasis on the importance ofContinue reading “Link Between Music Therapy and Cognitive Neuroscience”, From parents to mental health professionals, adults often overlook the mental health of children, especially during times of grief, which can cause many serious mental illnesses later on in life. This site is dedicated to mental health blogs associated with the “It’s Okay to not be Okay” Facebook/Instagram page. Since starting this mental health blog in 2014, my mental health has drastically improved for a few reasons: I felt that if I was going to write a blog about mental health, I wanted it to be more positive and helpful rather than just write a journal about how bad things were going, so I’ve worked on my own mental health … Posts about mental health written by joelblogsblog. Among Asian Americans,Continue reading “Genetic vs Social”, In traditional medicine, especially Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been practiced for over three thousand years, and about ten million acupuncture therapy treatments are applied every year in the United States (Hao, Mittelman, 2014). At four times higher than the general population, prisoners suffer from the highest suicideContinue reading “Fantasy: An Escape from Reality and a Trigger to Aggression”, Negative Impacts of Social Media Social media has become the easiest way to communicate among teenagers. January 18, 2021; 3…..And getting through lockdown with a baby January 16, 2021; Top 10 things no-one tells you about going to Uni in a Global Pandemic….. I will share my experience of mental health and suicide, the personal impact and the struggle with a poor work culture and an inadequate health and welfare system. It can happen at any age and it is a normal response to abnormal circumstances. Hole Ousia The whole being: bridges cultures of science & arts; Mental Health Cop about the venn diagram of policing, mental health and criminal justice; Mind Hacks psychology and neuroscience news and comment; Omphalos films “no immediate separation into ‘two cultures‘: science and humanities” PTSD currently effects about 2 out of every 10 veterans and treatments are not a one size fits all, nor are they always effective (Howley, 2019). In fact, some call their situation with technology an addiction. In blog post “The Problems Involved with Social Media”, Sophie Leoffler, expans on how technologys power consumes society. 98 Bolton Road • Atherton • Greater Manchester • M46 9JY 01942 679300 • • World Sleep Day March 2021 By Blog Post Coming Soon. I worked as a a mental health nurse for 15 years, and am a former pharmacist. Social media engagement, particularly with adolescent girls, is high. If you research the effects of exercise on a condition or problem, you will most likely find a study that has been done on it. Although there have been a few studies thatContinue reading “Further Understanding Adult Bereavement After Childhood Loss”, Mental illness has become a prevalent issue that affects millions of people in contemporary society. Thinking and writing occurs in dialogue. At-risk Populations Infiltrated by Fantasies. A slow runner, but a runner nonetheless. It covers topics like the causes and consequences of trauma; treatment, prevention, and implications of trauma and other mental illnesses for society at large. Acupuncture doesn’t work”, “Prison’s Imperceptible Line Between Safety and Human Rights”, “Further Understanding Adult Bereavement After Childhood Loss”, “Integrating Physical and Mental Health Services and Mental Health Awareness to Reduce Mental Health Stigma”, “Challenges in Treating Prolonged Grief in Children”, “Sleep disturbances as predictors of prolonged exposure therapy effectiveness among veterans with PTSD”, “How Meal Support Therapy Significantly Creates a Strong Road to Recovery for Anorexia Nervosa”, “Honest Imagery Creates an Outlet for Emotional Expression”, “How Grief Affects Children into Adulthood”, “The Problems Involved with Social Media”, “Increasing Depression Among Youth and Adolescents”, “Problems With The Pharmaceutical Industry”, “Can the Mental Health Stigma be Eliminated?”, “At-risk Populations Infiltrated by Fantasies”, The Ideal Body Image and Beauty That Social Media Makes the World To Be, Stigmas Are More Than Stares and Whispers, Fantasy: An Escape from Reality and a Trigger to Aggression, The Psychological Perspective on Social Media Use, Link Between Music Therapy and Cognitive Neuroscience, Childhood Grief: Theories, Treatments, and Challenges, Parental Incarceration and Childhood Bereavement. Becoming “viral” or “famous” has become an obsessionContinue reading “The Problems Involved with Social Media”, The death of a loved one is never easy even for adults who know how to cope with grief, but children and adolescents don’t always react the same to grief as an adult would. It is as easy as it has ever been and teens are definitely taking advantage of that. Let’s just dig right in. Some children may grieve the loss of a parent after being abandoned, separated by the state or for other reasons, a parent who is incarcerated, and the passing of a parent. As myself and others, I come from an asian background. With all the advances that have been made in science and technology, the research should also continue to advance in finding the mostContinue reading “Medicialization”, Social Media: The Right Approach As social media evolves, we as humans are always excited to try the next best thing. Posts about Mental Health Blogs written by anthromichelle. We have helped millions of blogs get up and running, we know what works, and we want you to to know everything we know. She has lived with various mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and OCD for as long as she can remember and has always used writing as a therapeutic tool to promote self-awareness and self-expression. Right. According to Evan Asano, author of How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media,  teens can spend up to 9 hours on social media, and the number is constantly increasing. On her blog, she writes about her experiences of dating and relationships, from a Psychological perspective. In fact, suicide attempts is the tenth leading cause death in America (Harris, Matteo, Herman, & Hamblen, J. You can also find a full list of each author’s posts on their about page. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Hire Writers For Your Psychology and Mental Health Blogs. Her work has been performed at The Bunker Theatre (London), The Kings Head Theatre (London), The Royal Exchange Studio (Manchester) as well as having had two critically acclaimed runs at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Many researches have stated things, such as the loss of a parent can have a large impact on the way childrenContinue reading “Better Understanding Adult Bereavement After Childhood Death”, The rate of eating disorders has changed drastically over the years. Using Images in WordPress Blogs September 20, 2020 February 19, 2021 ashleyleia Using images in WordPress can be tricky and quirky sometimes, especially in the block editor. In society today, women are judge against high standards on whatContinue reading “The Ideal Body Image and Beauty That Social Media Makes the World To Be”, Erving Goffman defines stigma as “attribute that is deeply discrediting” (1963). On 30th October 2020 By Selena Jackson In Promoted Post Leave a comment. More specifically, the fear that she would go … Continue reading Guest Blog Post: Becca, Over this past month, I have had a lot of changes to adjust to which, although are super exciting, has caused me stress and anxiety. How has this come about and how can it be fixed? I found myself interested in an official blogging project to raise awareness for mental health education. In recent years there has been a larger focus on how the loss of a parent affects children, but many did not look past childhood and adolescence. The question at hand is whether or not it is controllable, and if humans are capable ofContinue reading “Social Media: The Right Approach”, To fully deal with the problem of depression, it is important to first deal with the stigma of having depression. 1 Comment Anxiety Is Like… Here you can read about my personal experiences with mental health issues, substance abuse, relationship trouble and my ever-lasting fight to get help from the NHS. One major issue being argued today isContinue reading “Sleep disturbances as predictors of prolonged exposure therapy effectiveness among veterans with PTSD”, Teenagers on technology look up to important influencers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and more. is excited to announce our newest offering: a course just for beginning bloggers where you’ll learn everything you need to know about blogging from the most trusted experts in the industry. It is highlighted more in the rural areas and people that depend on Medicaid/Medicare for their healthcare. It is possible to recover from mental health problems and many people do. The decade ending 2020 has among other things, brought into limelight the fact as to how mental health in today’s time is one of the most important aspects to be looked after to ensure one’s optimum physical, mental and emotional well-being. Get in touch Topics I cover As someone with many interests, I don't shy away from branching into new realms. As well as this, I’ve moved out of my family home and in with … Continue reading Is There Such a Thing as ‘No Reason’? According to Minesh, in general, adults need around 7 to 9 hours to sleep in general andContinue reading “Brain Basic: Understanding Sleep”, Although fantasy provides a safe way to communicate about mental health, it also poses as an escape from reality. Please take some time to read …. Having friends and family there to support you and be there along your journey is the best kind of support you could ask for. While there is more to the perspectives on justice, it is agreeable that some people are a danger to society and crime rates need to downtrend. Focusing on the following four areas can help you balance your emotions, as well as manage any symptoms of anxiety. But as I’ve been grappling with this, I’ve asked myself: is it my diagnoses of OCD and anxiety playing a part here or is it just a “normal” response to … Continue reading Life Changes & Update, Guest Blog Post: Sarah (AKA The Pocket Poet), Follow Me, Myself & Mental Health on
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