Also, only systems and stations that actually have prices on EDDB can be selected! Posted by 1 minute ago. Jump to any station or search by many properties. This should not have a big impact, since a Powerplay was broken and got fixed multiple times. What's next? special user group with more permissions can be assigned on request. Please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord Anchorage in that system. get in touch with me (username themroc). And in time, everything will get in order. prevents deadlocks in some trading configurations. Also, shipyard messages for planetary Instead you can find all changes on the. easier understand EDDB here are some FAQs for starters: EDDB is a website which tries to act as a database of all the data available in the game. You can find me in the QuakeNet Total supply of ~ 11.000 t. Thuot Hub, in the Tihtipihin system (3,33 ly away) is buying painite for 792.077 cr/t, with a total demand of 1656t. Mission problems? A lot of price updates right now. The currently selected trade is drawn in orange. ... 8300cr p/tonne profit trade route. but to rather find default images that match the body roughly. This Until then - good luck in finding profitable routes. This can inevitably lead Attractions on EDDB. Dangerous. here) the 3rd party developer community will have an awesome opportunity Unknown stations coming from EDDN are being created automatically. There are many client programs, offering different kinds of functionality. However, one simple to use client is EDMC, so I recommend this one for starters. quality, attractions can be updated with two different access levels. Don't hesitate to contact us! longer I waited, the more difficult it would become to rework the associated source code to make Knowing that, back to eddb. Punch in your laden jump range as the max, search. Help. Under this section you will find Same goes for allegiance and government. Vote. Search & Find - all about bodies! My next step will be the nightly JSON dump for The Single Finder may find specific hops which give a better profit, but the selling station might not offer good buying opportunities, which lets you get less profit in the end. Great route for beginner traders with not alot of … There is no regular data dump from Frontier. Complete rewrite of the EDDN parser. Jump to any system or search by many properties. Browse the universe! all "things" which you cannot dock to, but which are worth a visit. Stuff I wish I'd remember now :). That's fixed now too. Extensive Exploration feature for your voyage into the stars. Nov 1, 2018 @ 10:44am Check the trade route tool on this site. And of course I had to take that opportunity and enhance EDDB. universe. If you encounter any problems regarding legibility or contrast, please do not hesitate to You can read more on the API page. If you just want to know what is best and be told, then just use a tool like and use the trade route finder. The basic idea is that players Please weaken your filter and try to enable the fuzzy mode. cleaned as much as possible. Close. I'm pleased to announce that EDDB has (finally) been updated for the new 3.3 update. It had to be complete in terms of data information. Last edited by [128thAR]Mark Abrams; … If you feel like something's missing, feel free to contact me. it multi-theme capable. Sometimes though, the algorithm hits a dead end or finds some low profit hops. the API page for more information. Selected in-game route … eddb trade route help. In that case you should enable the fuzzy mode. IRC Settlements were completely moved from the station section to the new attraction section. Single Route Finder for Elite: Dangerous - Find the best trade route! Filter bodies and find materials or resource sites. Enter a system and station to view the most profitable trade routes. Every normal user And the waiting was worth it! It was just not possible to keep faction and state information up 2 date. Although it took This program computes trade routes (de facto, circuits) for Elite Dangerous. Attractions - Settlements, Installations, Abandoned Bases, Shipwrecks and 14-03-15: It's been a while. Trade Along The Way! for the station Eudaemon That said, EDDB is able to hold information for every kind of body in the ED galaxy. the best! to unexpected bugs. I expect to get the parsing back within a week. Trade route Details: Carrier Lazuli will be orbiting the main star in the Trianguli sector BV-X A1-0, with a selling order for Painite at 715.960 cr/t. I decided to keep those untouched and only added the factions to the system without the implications described earlier. contact me. here, A new marker reflects planetary stations throughout EDDB Right now the system state and station state are not in sync with the system faction state of the controlling faction. The bottom slider outlines the individual trades for the selected route. Max Hop Distance should be at least 40ly. different data sources were imported initially. Discord Server to With the release of Horizons, a lot has been done in order to make The problem (yes, of course, we got one...): The whole faction data quality on EDDB is utterly bad. The Loop Finder gives you exactly Elite: Dangerous is a space adventure, trading, and combat simulation video game developed and published by Frontier Developments. Set your Target System and the Router Finder tries to give you trade opportunities along the way. planetary stations and are tagged as those. Rings are not being visualized Bored from being set on the same route? If by any chance the player loses their ship - whether to pirates or simply a docking accident - the cargo is not insured. those updates immediately. bodies. outfitting and shipyard is still offline. Find your stations that sell the ship and the modules you want. Dangerous. Wanna trade from A to B? If you select a target system, the route finder will try to approach that target. I hope you enjoy the new features. If the finder gets stuck, try to increase the Max Hop Distance! though, so it was worth it. Loop Route Finder for Elite: Dangerous - Find the best trade route! © EDDB 2021 - A site about systems, bodies, stations, commodities, materials and trade routes in Elite: Dangerous.Elite: Dangerous. the Systems or Missing a feature? I wish all commanders out there a fantastic 2020 o7. (Web Client) Find a commodity in your station or system with a very low buy price. 15-03-15: The JSON dump has been updated. log,, The goal was never to get I believe that goal has been achieved. The data which can be found on EDDB is 100% community generated. In contrast, attractions cannot currently be created or updated automatically and must be the place and as of now we have no way to automatically update landing permissions for Carriers. Find another station with a high sell price for that commodity. Filter by Allegiance, Power Faction, Station Precense and many more. At the moment these can be Looking for Settlements, Installations, Abandoned Bases, Shipwrecks or Beacons? Short answer: Use a program like EDMC while playing the game, and everytime you visit a system or a station, EDDB is being updated with the latest data. Check With the upcoming release of Elite: Dangerous 2.2 and the introduction of the journal (find out more about it commodities, materials and trade routes in Elite: Say it comes back with 4255 credits per ton profit. Eventually, the Multi Hop Finder will give you a way better total profit than the Single Hop Finder. Instead of exhaustively searching all possible routes, as TradeDangerous does, EliteTraderous creates trade routes at random, then keeps the best ones. "EDDB is a site about systems, stations, commodities and trade routes in Elite: Dangerous." A dark mode was by far the most requested feature for EDDB. The playtime are also unrealistic, a 6 hop trade route rarely goes bellow 30m and there's a high enough chance of getting interdicted. Many little fixes I forgot to keep track of. Last but not least, thanks to CMDR Nexolek for the You could just fly around aimlessly and land wherever you like when you find something, but the best way is to use the Multi-Hop Trade Route generator over on EDDB can start with more than 5000 bodies. EDDBs route finder is possibly outdated. In this video I show how to use the new in-game trading tools. It is more a guessing system which works like this: A very good station is where you sell high and buy low. what you need! Drag a slider or click the map to select a different route or trade. Traders are well-advised to keep some cash in reserve. Update: This has been kindly submitted. (or another application supporting the journal and EDDN) every player will be able to update more data on EDDB automatically without If you look for a best trade from where you are, use the Single Hop Trade Finder! I tried to start the feature with as many initial attractions as possible. Also, a high enough profit margin means that the station is farther from the main star (so that not so many traders use it), which also adds at least 2 … It takes a different approach than most existing tools by estimating trade time and maximizing profit/hour. And now it is finally here. inherited by their controlled systems and stations. Those are likely This includes (compact) stars, planets, belts and rings. All other systems and stations which the faction control, inherit these too. I need help understanding something. Hint: If you're logged in, your settings are saved! need a raw Journal file dump of an FsdJump event for the system Rohini and of a Docking event really long, I hope you enjoy it. Due to the possibility of wrong price data, you should ignore. I've just started trading on PS4 and I'm using to plan out some decent routes, but have found that the commodities it indicates are sometime not even for sale in the station, even for 4 day old information. This includes body information on detailed scan, black market prices on illegal commodity sale, or faction information on system arrival or station docking. Journal changes. All in all the development of the whole feature took much longer than expected. As of now, EDDB has a Multi Hop Trade Route Finder! EDDB has a very nice web interface to edit star systems and stations data. I tend to The stations.json file is very big (70+ Mb) so downloading it will take time (a few minutes sometimes). Update: This has been kindly submitted. This tool lets you profitably space truck through the The way factions work on EDDB has been reworked from scratch. Also, only systems and stations that actually have prices on EDDB can be selected! you use the files, please change your import script accordingly! options. Set your Target System and the Router Finder tries to give you trade opportunities along the way. I have updated this video! And the Update: This has been fixed! EDDB has been prepared for all the 2.4 changes. You can join our I'm sure I did more within the last month. Every website which supports EDDN gets If Trade Advisor shows best profitable commodities between your position and destination station. Please visit The Epic Store giveaway draws many new players to the game and I welcome all of you to take part in this epic space adventure! values in variables and generalizing structures) and that took some time. With the great help of CMDR Wolzan, the author of or on the EDCD Max Hop Distance should be at least 40ly. Thanks! What are the benefits of only buying the ammount given versus buying all my slots of it(100)? if you experience any unexpected behavior. You want to know what percentage greater is, for example, 12 minutes over 10 (two jump route vs 1 jump route). © EDDB 2021 - A site about systems, bodies, stations, Every type got its own data set. Read more here! Read more! In EDDB, theres a number of commodities I should buy from the station, say 21 tons. However, some stuff needs further investigation. In general EDDB tries to help finding stuff which players are looking for. great inspiration and especially his element material base data. This allows better error detection and cleaner data Hello Commanders, today I'm launching my latest project: eddb - Elite: Dangerous Database It's a site about systems, stations, commodities and trade routes in Elite: Dangerous. It adds some randomness in the calculation, which may or may not increase your total profit. Beacons! No hops could be found or we hit a dead end. Adding all new commodities, ships and ship modules. As When I started developing EDDB 5 years ago, I had not prepared the site for multi-themes. What you see on EDDB can be updated on ROSS. It's 20% in this example. Giving back - relies on contributions of station data from users in order to keep its trade information up to date in the dynamic universe of Elite : Dangerous. the, A new sortable column has been added to the result table of Adding all new allegiance and government types. I'm very happy with the current solution Trade Scout finds most profitable two-way routes. This might change at a later point though. © EDDB 2021 - A site about systems, bodies, stations, All we can do now is wait Your location will only count as reference. stations get rejected. import. To make it channel #eddb Prices were all over EDDB as ready as possible for the new content. The version is now v3. The arrival of Fleet Carriers brought about some necessary changes on EDDB. This is for you! The currently selected route is shown in green. You want the best profit possible? This route finder is not actually calculating all possible route combinations. refactor certain parts of the source code when I notice something. The official introduction of the detailed distribution of materials on bodies made the logging almost obsolete. 14-04-15: Added the distance to star filter to the single route finder. Find a market selling a rare commodity near to your current star system. ship you wanna buy! EDDB welcomes all new players to Elite: Dangerous! The most popular tool to submit said data is Jonathan Harris' Elite :Dangerous Market Connector . Elite Trade Net provides a user interface and fast trade route algorithm for EDDN/EDDB trade data. No matter where or what? If the finder gets stuck, try to increase the Max Hop Distance! Wanna know more about the internals? PS: Overall I pushed 50 commits and changed or created 212 files with 10677 Finding such a station gives me no information about the next hop. It is very inlikely that it ends directly in the system you wanna go. Trade Route Planner to create individual trade routes. How can you help keeping the data on EDDB up to date? don't hesitate to contact me (@themroc) on our. More specifically we He supplied very high quality data from his site. Search & Find - find your faction and discover all about their systems and stations. logged on to ROSS may only update certain properties such as the controlling faction. Market data updates (commodity prices) are taken instantly from EDDN to allow single and multi-hop trade route searches. The commodity data is being updated from EDDN. API Update! use an EDDN client while playing the game and for instance if the player docks on a station, the latest station information is being transmitted to the EDDN network. Long answer: Not only EDDB but most of the Elite community websites are connected to a realtime data network called EDDN. All trading helper have Fleet Carriers disabled by default. lot of bodies have been imported already. Systems, stations, commodity prices, outfitting or shipyard information - all this information is 100% coming from the actual player base. 05-02-15: A lot of data cleanup! Over the past months I was working on the goal to make bodies of ED a part of EDDB too. 100% via EDDN. here and I simply don't know what's more up2date. The Single Route Finder gets you the best profit with a lot of filter of internal stuff changed, errors could happen. This leads to EDMC or other apps not working for not working anymore. Help. Find a station selling or buying a Commodity for Elite: Dangerous! The nightly dump schema has been updated. It took far longer than I anticipated. Thanks! Only after the first change on ROSS or via EDDN will stuff be updated. For now the EDDN body parsing has been disabled. The station filter in all trading helper have planetary stations enabled by default. Find the best, most profitable commodities to trade with our Trade Route Planner. a result, all stations are now dockable by definition. that! On EDDB factions can be searched with the, The material logger history has been purged. Trade Route Calculator for Elite Dangerous, in the style of TradeDangerous, but stochastic. And it had to offer the search & find This includes system renames, new modules and additions and 532 deletions. The system data is based on EDSM. Adapting EDDB to the new faction behavior: Factions now have multiple states which get The length of each trade arc estimates the undock + travel + dock + trade time. Allegiance, government and state of a system or a station are now being auto-updated by specifically setting the controlling faction and its state at a system. Factions are a seperate entity now and can be updated on. Discord Server. experience like commodities, materials and trade routes in Elite: Unfortunately Frontiers API for prices, Therefore: If you found a bug or have suggestions for improvement, This Loop Route Finder finds the best roundtrips (A -> B -> A) accross the universe. Since a lot © EDDB 2021 - A site about systems, bodies, stations, commodities, materials and trade routes in Elite: Dangerous.Elite: Dangerous. a 100% exact image system, Eudaemon manually managed on ROSS. But first I need a little break :). This is an opportunity since only now we are able to keep track of factions and their state and system/station presence throughout the universe. A jQuery update broke a selector which lead to the commodity price development chart yet, but I'm sure I will find a way for this soon. Find another commodity in that station which is very cheap again. Unfortunately, with this update it is not possible to add material data to rings anymore, only bodies and belts are supported now. This allows it to return acceptable results more quickly, but the route you get may not be the best one. The complete EDDN backlog has been reapplied properly and all the data has been Also, I wanna look into a way to import Captains Log bodies. Only with his help I was able to offer the huge amount of body images. Trade Along The Way! Routes are customized to match your ship, loadout, and starting station. the, Two new properties have been added to the nightly. To avoid that manual maintenance of the data records leads to a deterioration of the data The settings and properties of Please be patient. When pressing the Fetch data from EDDB button, data will be downloaded from the website. Piloting a spaceship, the player explores a realistic 1:1 scale open world galaxy based on the real Milky Way, with the gameplay being open-ended. Anchorage, EDDN message A big thanks goes to CMDR Ian Baristan. Stations Finder. -. I hope that this strategy will lead to the least errors. here, Sort by different properties like the distance to your location. Then the Commodity Finder is In practice this means that with EDMC Post in the forum if you have any questions or run into any issues. Browse commodities, compare and sort by numbers and go into detail to find out who sells or buys #3 [128thAR]Mark Abrams. Can't find a station that sells you that stuff? Browse the universe! Filter by Allegiance, Star Distance, Landing Pad and many more. Found a bug? eddb trade route help. Elite Dangerous : Trade Route Planner Tool - Welcome Commander. Before this update, it worked like this: With this update almost everything has changed: So much about the internals. A complete refactoring of the SCSS was necessary (moving all color You can even find the A Elite Galaxy Online, using ROSS. Find out the most profitable trade options from your chosen station. Three new station facilities have been added and can be used as a filter in the. Instead the route will most likely stop pretty close to your target. here, It is recommended to have a Max Hop Distance of at least 40ly to ensure a successful result. The possibility to edit stations on ROSS has been deactivated, since this data is updated I am very pleased to present you the new section For this reason prudent traders will never spend more than 50% or 60% of their credits on any one cargo. Trade Assistant. for Frontier to fix their API. Elite Dangerous : Trading Rare Commodities. But chances are very good that it works out. to programmatically know what's going on in the game. settlements, installations, abandoned bases, shipwrecks and beacons.
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