The corporation Tesch & Stabenow (in short Testa) was a market leader in pest control chemicals between 1924 and 1945 in Germany east of the Elbe. It was primarily a pest control company specializing in fumigation of commercial properties such as the warehouses and freighters in the Port of Hamburg. The gas was manufactured by another firm, Tesch and Stabenow had the exclusive agency for the supply of the gas east of the River Elbe, but the Zyklon B itself went directly from the manufacturers to the customer. Es fand zunächst Kieselgur Verwendung, dieser Träger wurde später durch ein hochporöses Gipsprodukt (Erco) ersetzt.

Zyklon-B pellets as used in the gas chambers in Auschwitz Methodology To put what might seem a trivial matter to rest, a request in writing was presented to the authorities at the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum requesting that a small number of pellets of Zyklon-B be made available for research purposes. Tesch & Stabenow did not actually produce Zyklon B or other gases widely used for disinfection. Tesch supplied two tons a month, and Degesch three quarters of a ton. The profit realized by Tesch und Stabenow from the sale of Zyklon B to the combined Auschwitz Complex was RM4,500 in 1942 and RM5,000 in 1943 (Table III). Together with Gerhard Peters and Walter Heerdt, he invented the insecticide Zyklon B. Two German firms, Tesch/Stabenow and Degesch, produced Cyclone B gas after they acquired the patent from Farben. Testa distributed Zyklon B, a pesticide consisting of inert adsorbents saturated with hydrogen cyanide, a volatile liquid extremely toxic to animals and humans. 2 The active lethal ingredient in the product is hydrogen cyanide, which is deadly to warm-blooded animals in very low concentrations, and to insects in considerably higher concentrations. Zyklon-B was used as a delousing agent, before its effectiveness for mass executions was discovered at the Auschwitz main camp in September 1941. Zwischen 1941 und 1944 wurde es im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz in … The chief gas involved was Zyklon B, a highly dangerous poison gas, 99 per cent, of which was, prussic acid. He was the owner of Tesch & Stabenow (called Testa), a pest control company he co-founded in 1924 with Paul Stabenow in Hamburg, Germany. Zyklon-B was a commercial rodenticide and pesticide in common use before World War II. It could also choose to pick the product up directly from the manufacturer in Dessau, per truck. For legitimate use as a pesticide, Zyklon B included a warning odorant as not everyone can smell cyanide or recognize its faint almond-like odor. Die Firma Tesch & Stabenow (kurz Testa genannt) war branchenführendes Unternehmen bei der Schädlingsbekämpfung.. Sie belieferte neben anderen das KZ Auschwitz mit dem Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel Zyklon B, das zur massenhaften Tötung von Menschen erstmals Ende des Jahres 1941 im Stammlager eingesetzt wurde. the inert carrier substance) was collected and returned to the Dessau Plant, where it was recycled. Es hatte das Monopol für den Vertrieb von Zyklon B in weiten Gebieten östlich der Elbe. Zyklon B war der Handelsname für ein Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel mit dem Wirkstoff Blausäure.

Ein dritter Träger waren Zellstoffscheiben, sogenannte Discoids.
Tesch & Stabenow, auch unter dem Akronym Testa bekannt, war ein branchenführendes deutsches Unternehmen zur Entwesung. It did not manufacture Zyklon B nor the other chemicals it used in its fumigation service, but purchased them from the … The firms that produced the gas already had extensive experience in fumigation. Außerdem wurde ein chemischer Stabilisator hinzugefügt, der dadurch, dass er schneller als die Blausäure ausgaste un…
'Spent Zyklon' (i.e. Zyklon B bestand aus flüssiger Blausäure, die in der Produktion auf saugfähige Trägermaterialien aufgetropft wurde. In all likelihood, empty cans were also reused. Vor 80 Jahren begann die Hamburger Firma Tesch & Stabenow, das Giftgas Zyklon B nach Auschwitz zu liefern. The directors of both companies were brought to trial. It sold primarily its pest-exterminating services and know-how. The firms that produced the gas already had extensive experience in fumigation. A subsidiary of the chemical company Degesch, with the …

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