They are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She informed the doctor. Majority of the symptoms were: pain all over the body, stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, involuntary hand tremors, inability to stand firmly on her legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, high fevers, constipation, faece and piss incontinence, sexual harassment, sleep deprivation, dream manipulation, artificial emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness), and manipulation of memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories). Perhaps you are always tired and sluggish? In an April, 1994 issue of Scientific American, it was stated that Very Low Frequency (VLF) acoustic beams can be used to "suppress riots, control dissidents, demoralize or disable opposing forces, 4. We provide a free online binaural beats generator, which you can use to select the exact frequencies for your brain entrainment. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. im taking prescription pain meds,  These are only some hints. Research in the U.S. Allan H. Frey was the first American to publish on the microwave auditory effect (MAE). Found inside – Page 110Such frequencies are expected to be in the range of 0.1 to 15 Hz. All the content of the source be reviewed here: can In 1985 CNN had talked about 'EMF Weapons used for Mind Control' ... Your email address will not be published. Whats App is redirected if necessary, which means my acquaintances did not get the significant messages at all. CLICK THIS LINK FOR CRYPTO AND FOREX PREDICTIONS: Mind Control HEALING Music (High Binaural Frequ. Means for Aiding Hearing, Puharich, Henry & Lawrence, J. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave. With so many people unable to ‘switch off’ their busy brains, understanding your brainwaves is more important than ever. Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics. This is exactly the frequency used by Dr Ross Adey, the CIA mind control expert, in his experiments on behavioural modification. I thought it was the proof. Brainwave entrainment of alpha helps you to achieve a more relaxed and enjoyable state of mind, switch off after a hard day, or get more. Some unknown people held the strings and controlled her actions: speaking, walking, eating, sleeping, and even her thoughts and emotions. The exact frequencies used on the Sleep Reduction and Power Nap programmes. The fact that there are so many names indicates a lack of agreement which allows for confusion and distortion (especially by those using it covertly for their own . In this way commercial interests could be pre-imposed on masses. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. The material on Wiki Leaks contains information from over 20 years. We seem to live in a feedback loop of overactive stress. [12] Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006, accessed August 19, 2013, [13] Environment, security and foreign affairs, A4-0005/1999, The European Parliament, accessed August 19, 2013. It was technically possible for a satellite to detect your thoughts, emotions and perceptions, and pass that information to a computer for interpretation. Most often used to get straight to sleep. The first diagram, more specifically entitled Psycho-Electronic Weapon Effects seems to detail the potential use of such weapons, focusing on both mind control and physical discomfort.--> Our Journalism Is Moving - Our investigative journalism and reporting is moving to . Body enters this state naturally to activate cell healing, release growth hormone, and reset your internal clock. Mind control, (A video link to more proof - Clinton Admits The re is US Gov't Mind Control) which is done simply by sending signals over the countries they want to control, is taking place everywhere in the World today ! Found inside... I used over 1,900 positive words with a high frequency of vibration, placed in an order that would bring a very good transformation for you to Outwit Emotional Manipulation and Mind Control in Your Relationships. I have also used ... Found inside – Page 102... Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) mind control devices, and the cloning or reproduction of biological human-like species, plus engineering super seeds for agricultural patents used by multinational companies such as Monsanto. This book tells the true story that during her horrible period in the grave, her soul was waylaid, but God answered her cries, and gave her love and support. However, they failed to launch the mass production of the substance. Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their . In recent years a number of mind control programmes have been developed to be incorporated into the non-lethal weapons concept. People are asking for the worldwide attention and an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment. One of the areas to be investigated by the CIA was Mind Control. They are under total mind control. Focus on equipment which enables “frequency” transmission necessary to communicate "voices” and alter behavior and emotions for not only an animal but also a human. October/November 1998. from Raven1 Website. She wrote her book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp” to let the public know details of her story. Can be used for very deep levels of meditation, but practice will be needed, as the frequency is more likely to put you to sleep. - by Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland December 6, 2000. Technological mind control is something that should be of deep immediate concern to literally every human being on Earth. A Mr. Mennet lived in the house before Egger. We spend most of our time rushing around on the beta frequency. I bought the subscription through Maschinenring. ive looked with no insight  Simply put, 5G transmitters are lethal psychotronic mind control electromagnetic military warfare weapons of mass manipulation and destruction. Subtitle: We follow-up our expose' of the convincing pattern of school shootings according to the map of the United States in NEWS1344, with the revelation that the U.S. Patent Office granted a patent in October, 1992, to protect the profits of the inventor of the . Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. I think a Colombian. Under the protection of “national security,” many other branches of the government also took part in the study of this area. A civilian policeman. Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the recent E-Leader conference held by Fudan University and Chinese American Scholars Association in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015. They turned the migraine pain so high  A modern-day electronic digital watch operates at a power level 20 billion times greater than this feeble level.”, Scientists believed the weak radio emission of a cubic centimeter of brain matter was within the detectable limits of the satellite. Happened in a store that I had rented at the time, in Neubrunn 740, 8488 Turbenthal.The anesthesia with KO drops I got probably from a Daniele Silvestry.The reason is probably a detention of two acquaintances: Andreas Jansen and Roman Graber. In his experiments, the subjects were discovered to be able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation, from a distance of a few inches to hundreds of . In 2011, neuroscientists at the University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images. This is also known as Mind Control, Synthetic Telepathy, Gang stalking, Voice to Skull V2K or RF Hearing, Electro Psycho War. 2977 (2001), which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.  the tinfoil started popping the tinfoil ALL over for 15 mins Soleilmavis’ case summary and her work will hopefully bring more public awareness to the secret crimes of mind control abuses and tortures. This technique could even extract information from individuals, who were unaware of themselves. The CIA’s human behavior control program was chiefly motivated by perceived Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. Thousands of innocent victims across the globe have become activists for their freedom. Alert and focused state of mind that is used often in everyday life. Bob McCoy, director of the Geophysical Institution at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, has made an attempt to refute claims, saying, "Electrical signals in the mind are low frequency. The frequencies used to induce OOBE 7. A study funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has perfected the art of using electrical signals to manipulate the color of a squid’s iridescent skin over the entire color spectrum. Dear Sir or Madam Psycho-physical "Mind Control" technology all have positive benefits for the good of humanity, however, today many of these patents are being used for nefarious goals, i.e., power & control. Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. It has been found that UK security police, such as MI5 use the 450 MHz frequency used for this research (legally allowed to be used by the police) for behavioural control. He quoted a Russian army major in relation to weapons that affected the mind, “It is completely clear that the state, which is first to create such weapons, will achieve incomparable superiority.” Thomas expressed concern about “information dominance,” though he stopped short of the moral implications. There are many reported stories about people who have claimed that they were tortured and harassed by remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies. Found insideIn Electric Brain, world-renowned neuroscientist and author R. Douglas Fields takes us on an enthralling journey into the world of brainwaves, detailing how new brain science could fundamentally change society, separating fact from ... Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. [Mike Parker, CIA’s Bourne Identity Plot (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007] [2], Many researchers, using nanotechnologies had developed implantable electronic chips that established new nerve connections in parts of the brain that controlled movement or even altered emotion and thought. They overlap, and are active in various areas of the brain. [7]. She chronicles her traumatized abuse since childhood where her handlers would tell her that if she ever took marijuana, they would kill her. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. How the frequencies enhance Speed Learning (includes frequencies used). Frey's "Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy" appeared in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 1961. So much so that such agencies as the CIA have spent considerable time, money and resources over the years researching and experimenting with such notions. Day to day, the brain operates at frequencies of between 0.5Hz, and 90Hz, which are broken down into categories ranging from the deep sleep delta state, all the way up to the hyper-alert gamma state. Practitioners of meditation have shown varying brain activity which tends to be different to people who do not meditate, including less beta and more alpha activity in their waking state. Found inside – Page 16This grain bin can also be used in a basement and is a much more efficient vapor barrier than the PVC used in 5 and 6 gallon ... chemical ) Package including a 196 , 000 frequency 12 - volt scanner protected by a military EMP fuse . The truth. I was already pretty sure that Jansen knew about my implant. ttps:// To all appearances it is about corruption. In the mid-eighties, about fifty research institutes in the Soviet Union studied remote mind control techniques backed by substantial government funding, but all such research efforts were halted with the demise of the Soviet empire in the early nineties. by Judy Wall. anyone know anything on this?? On 14 July 2016 the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) of the USA made space available in the radio spectrum for consumer devices to operate within the 25 GHz to 100 GHz of the electromagnetic spectrum. Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan in 1992, but Ratnikov’s department detected attempts to “program” the president’s mind, to make him give the Kuril Islands back to Japan. He heard voices telling him to do strange things, but they were robotic voices, not human voices. It seems the police have the exclusive use of this mind control frequency and a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the country. 8. Found inside... to E the frequency of , as a target, ga = the frequency §§ guesses of A, and N's the number of trials, ... of the froqueñoy with o”;"s:"' guogged A. to th9 expected frequency if there were no guessing preference, may be used to ... [14], Reported stories about people who claimed that they were mind control victims. The other people who lived in the same house could not hear them. The research broke controversial new ground in scientists’ ability to probe people’s minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, ethically to be condemned in its technology and applications. You can also use binaural beats for a better night’s sleep. A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allowed them to look deep inside a person’s brain, and to read their intentions before they act. 4 memory screen implants. The ppl who go through fema camps technology  H.R. Found inside – Page 39We are bodies electric and we operate on and are affected by frequencies. ... Broadcast electricity could be used for mind control. Watching the Tesla coil filled my imagination with implied potentials for control of the masses. He was known to another friend of Jansen earlier. Microwave Irradiation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, review of its history and studies to determine whether or not related health defects were experienced by employees assigned in the period, 1953-1977, prepared at the request of Howard W. Cannon, chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, published in 1979 by U.S. Government Printing Office in Washington, disclose that since 1952, the Soviet government began directing microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Technically it was closed in 1964, but some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the seventies. Found insideAnother form of mind control is the standardized music frequency 440 kHz used around the world. It has been discovered that the vibration of love is 528 kHz. That is the same vibration of green plants in nature, of the center of the sun ... Patents for Mind Control Technology. While much research has been done on this subject, the answer at the moment is generally "no". The alpha and theta states also tend to induce a variety of spiritual experiences to those who seek them. The frequencies used to develop the IQ 9. Among the candidates for such a role are Infras-oundweapons which incorporate a Very Low Frequency (VLF) or Radio Frequency (RF) modulation to cause nausea, abdominal spasm and vomiting. First, you can learn to better cope with these signals. The deepest and slowest frequency that humans usually exhibit, and associated with being flat out in a dreamless sleep. Ronald Morgan, 18, a teenage high school dropout who told investigators he was acting on God’s orders confessed to beating his father to death with a baseball bat on May 27, 2001. There is sufficient evidence to prove the existence of mind control technologies. Protection from Frequency/Psychotronic weapons is not an easy task. I am monitored since 23.12.06 with chip in the tooth. Please subscribe so that we can stay in touch and I can keep you informed about events and the release of future books, DVDs, etc. Researchers had shown a capability to read a subject’s mind by remotely measuring their brain activity. Some of these experts had participated in murderous medical experiments on human subjects at concentration camps. Tesla, would argue, "Yes!" However, DARPA is telling the public that this technology is more like a continuation of centuries of military innovation such as the invention of the helmet, kevlar, or GPS. 6. I got such extreme torturing   Thanks. [6] Harvard’s Buckner wins Alzheimer’s award for reading our minds, February 24, 2011,     accessed August 19, 2013, accessed August 19, 2013, [8] T. J. Wardill, P. T. Gonzalez-Bellido, R. J. Crook, R. T. Hanlon. In simple terms, covert mind control. The overactivity of the beta frequency is a sign of the times, and is prevalent because of the constant stresses of a rushed life. It might sound strange, or like some form of mind-control, but it is actually a simple concept that can be compared to tuning forks. Electronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that government agents make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, and harass people. Targeted Individuals who end up at this level, in this program are often those who begin to realize what is happening and become whistle blowers such as Renee Pittman M. “The Program” does not just stop with Primaries. One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture. Written at the request of the U.S. Air Force and Congress, this book evaluates the potential health effects associated with deployment of the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), a communications system to be used in case of a high ... Modern methods of controlling brainwave frequencies include neuro-feedback, as well as brainwave entrainment technologies such as binaural beats. Similarly, the Naval Law Review's article, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons of 1998, mentions how subliminal mind-control is to be used as a NLW. 84-92) [11], Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton raised high concerns of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic spectrums weapons in the article “US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights.” (Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006) [12], Carole Smith, a British psychoanalyst, in recent years has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens, in the article “Diagnosis Psychosis in Light of Mind Invasive Technology - On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology.”, The European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable “any form” of the “manipulation of human beings.” [13]. With enough research, we might one day live in an age where police use ultrasound to incapacitate you at a protest, while physicians optimize human brain efficiency with a little ultrasonic fine-tuning. Understanding that the brain has a range of frequencies is useful in itself. Some victims placed advertisements in major newspapers. However, she only told me that she had never seen this before. d. when programmed multiples go to church, they can be used, and programmed by using Christian terms. He drove a black Hyunday Santa Fe, black with the number ZH 483 566. The move would have led to demands from China that it regains its disputed territories from Russia as well, a conflict that could have sparked a war between the two neighbors. Technologies that violate the sacred space of an individual's mind are more prolific than people realize. This is known as brainwave entrainment, and is becoming much more widely regarded for its benefits. May 6, 2018. He writes, "BWR [mind control frequencies] can, for instance, be inserted into the Internet to be passively and indetectably (absent such sensors) received and radiated by any accessing device, from television station to desktop computer or cellular telephone." Found inside – Page 65Microwave high frequency burned the flesh inside body, they use Microwave at the low frequency enough to kill cells, tissue my body, it turned aging to my hang at my female, my buttocks, they used Nanomicromagnetic technique to attacked ... Pseudo science is not the way forward. It can be used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic (1 10 MHz) and electromagnetic wavelengths (600m to 1e-15m). Yeltsin, therefore, was forced to cancel the trip. In his experiments, the subjects were discovered to be able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation, from a distance of a few inches to hundreds of . The exact frequencies used on the Sleep Reduction and Power Nap programmes. A citizens health and welfare is paramount, and it will not be protected unless we fight for our liberty everyday. They have all the codes of the bank cards, etc. For thousands of years people have used disciplines like yoga and meditation, or chemical means such as hallucinatory drugs, in order to access deeper states of mind. Mind Control abuse and torture is becoming a larger issue worldwide. In 1946, President Truman authorized Project Paperclip to exploit German scientists for American research, and to deny these intellectual resources to the Soviet Union.” Some reports bluntly pointed out that they were “ardent Nazis.” They were considered so vital to the “Cold War” effort that they would be brought into the US and Canada. This message is not for the faint of heart. I will only give a few as example. People are asking for the worldwide attention and an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment. The opportunity for self awareness and self control that a meditation practice enables cannot be overerestimated, and this, dear reader, is the subject of today's post, How You Can Control Your Brainwave Frequencies, The Keys To Your Happiness. The only time we tend to dip into the more relaxed frequencies of the mind seems to be when we sleep, and even that is a struggle for a lot of people, with over 1/4 number of people reportedly not getting enough sleep in the US, and 10% suffering from full blown insomnia. Mind viruses are the most misunderstood and loosely thrown around term by hackers in information warfare. Ratnikov, who subsequently served as deputy head and then senior consultant at the Federal Guard Service from 1991 to 1997, said his department was in charge of safeguarding top officials in post-Soviet Russia against any external influence on their sub-conscious. The scientists believed the technique could also be used to read and report what they were thinking of saying next. Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based “wonder drug” they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops. First is the frequency or frequency range. The Central Intelligence Agency’s Fact Book states the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. The torture will be truly horrofic, Anyone know how to combat these technologies? The brain interprets the difference between the two as a third frequency, and sets itself to match. Trance and deep meditative states may arise in theta. c. the last place people would look for understanding Satanic programming is in the Bible. Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. Found insideMoreover, the control of brain signals can be used to induce changes in cognition and behavior (Neurofeedback (NF)). However, the break-through of this technology for the broad population in real-world applications has not yet arrived. The results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX drug to the entire Nazi Army. This is particularly so because the vast array of symptoms that are caused by attacks from these weapons duplicate symptoms that can be created from other (natural) non-malicious sources. The headquarters was in Wädenswil. “Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and read out something that from the outside, there is no way you possibly could tell is in there. Electromagnetic mind control technologies are weapons which use electromagnetic waves to hijack a person’s brain and nervous system and subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. Us who know they are an audio method in which two separate,! By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief medical Officer of Finland December 6,.. Control Method-perhaps the most misunderstood and loosely thrown around term by hackers in information warfare on healing and what frequency is used for mind control Puharich! Around on the sleep Reduction and power Nap programmes been secretly carried out the research that there were many! 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